Does anyone have any experience with MEIBO (PF) drops for dry eyes?

Posted by trishaanderson @trishaanderson, Jan 11 6:33am

I've tried many suggestions from several ophthalmologists for my dry eyes, which started after Cataract surgery.
My current ophthalmologist at Mayo Clinic has suggested Meibo drops. She sent the Rx to BlinkRX, and with my insurance, it's $627!

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So sorry you got dry eye after cataract surgery. Did they say why? I’m facing that now and I already have dry eye.

I experienced the same thing with a Meibo prescription, but my ophthalmologist is with Duke. I was hopeful this new drop would prove effective, but my out of pocket was over $600 too. . I may give it another try with my new insurance coverage and see how much it is now. No way I can afford that.

I feel very defeated with my eye treatments. The nightly ointment and daily gel and drops are so expensive and arevall nonprescription, so it’s out of pocket. I feel it’s very unfair. I also have Salzman’s nodules, which is aggravated by dry eye.


I was diagnosed with low tension mild glaucoma. My opthamologist asked if I could use eyedrops because he did not like to do surgery. Very unwittingly I said I could use drops based on having used them 3 times in 12 years for eye infections. I was prescribed Lantanaprost for nightly use and quickly had burning, stinging and constant eye pain which l reported to my opthamologist. I was told to use it PF eyedrops for relief. It didn't resolve pain. I was then prescribed Timolol while on daily Metoprolol and ended up in the ER because my blood pressure dropped in half and I went into bradycardia. The next move was to put me on Prednisolone with the idea that it could possibly lift my eye pressure slightly as well as my heartrate. And it did indeed increase my eye pressure by 50% and l went into Aflutter (after a successful PFA in April). I was told to gradually taper down with the steroids which l did until it was unbearable and l simply stopped. I felt like a lab rat and now suffer from medically induced glaucoma eyedrops. Now l am scheduled for SLT and am scared to death bc I have thin corneas. Can someone please tell me if they have had SLT with preexisting thin corneas and if this is a safe route to take.


Oh, I forgot to include medically induced dry eye with my comment. That combined with trigeminal nerve damage from a failed root canal 6 and a half years ago has clipped my wings. Please help.


So sorry Gracie71, I’m not familiar with those conditions. I can inly imagine your pain. Sending best wishes and healing thoughts your way.


Wow! That’s expensive! I’m starting to get worried now as I have Meibo through BlinkRx . This will be my third refill, I didn’t hear anything from them yet. I got my first bottle and second refill with 0 copay.


I use Refresh Optive Mega 3 vials on a daily basis, Cequa prescription twice a day and Miebo twice a day. Using all 3 helps my eyes feel normal. I had 2 insurance coverages and didn't pay much for Miebo but recently my 2nd insurance was deactivated through Husband's work. Go to mfg website and apply for a discount card


Wow! That’s expensive! I’m starting to get worried now as I have Meibo through BlinkRx . This will be my third refill, I didn’t hear anything from them yet. I got my first bottle and second refill with 0 copay.

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I’ll try that route. Thanks.


I use Refresh Optive Mega 3 vials on a daily basis, Cequa prescription twice a day and Miebo twice a day. Using all 3 helps my eyes feel normal. I had 2 insurance coverages and didn't pay much for Miebo but recently my 2nd insurance was deactivated through Husband's work. Go to mfg website and apply for a discount card

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So you don’t use ointment at bedtime?


So you don’t use ointment at bedtime?

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I should but I don't. I need to find a good one. I do use warm compresses once a day for 4 minutes.


There are also punctual plugs. I've used silicone and collagen type. I prefer the collagen plugs.

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