Pacemaker size

Posted by mllgroom @mllgroom, Jan 11 9:14am

My rn told me I had the largest device they make, pacemaker with defib, and would take 8-12 weeks to stop swelling.
My question is will it really go away then.?
My pacemaker installed Dec 27 and I,ve never had a problem before or since.

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Having had a ICD/Pacemaker since 2006 and on my 3rd device I can pass on my personal experience.

In Mayo's Pacemaker treatment rooms they show all the present ICDs, pacmakers and ICD/Pacemakers from all the companies. They differ in size per their function and device maker. Mine is quite large to the sizes I see but I have both the ICD and Pacemaker made by Boston Scientifif.

Swelling indicates inflammation. That is quite normal to have and will take some time to go away. Everyones time frame for swelling to go away will be different for all. Try to keep the area free of pressure and limit your arm movements to the instructions given to you by your medical team.

You have a foreign body in your body and the body will react to it. What my EP says is eventually the body will ecapsulate the device and the swelling and information will go down if not completely away. But remember you have a device below your skin or muscle so some rise will be there but it is the device and encapsulation not swellling after time.

How much you will experience in reduction depends on how much skin you have where device went in, size or your device, and if like mine was implanted below my chest muscle not below my skin.

The device is always going to be there so some elevation is going to be there but if you did not see my scars you probably would not know I had a ICD/pacemaker. Again though mine is below my chest muscle. Some of my friends have those below skin and I can see a slight rise in skin.

I was told by my EP that I probably would not get used to having it for about a year. He was right. I completely forget I have one until I raise my left arm above my head or my wife wants to lay her head on my chest.


The swelling really does go away but you will always feel the ICD while making certain motions with your arms in particular. It takes about a year to encapsulate and about 3 years or more to get used to sleeping on your side where it sits.


Appreciate your comments

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