24 female with angina symptoms, resting tachycardia. Doctor says im fi

Posted by veryanguishedmel @veryanguishedmel, Jan 9 2:31am

i come to you in utter desperation. I am 24 years old, female, dont smoke, dont do drugs (besides clonazepam, since a panic attack i had 2 weeks ago derived from the symptoms ill describe next), dont drink, not overweight (SLIGHTLy high LDL, ten units over desired), mostly sedentary (only takes dog on short walks) 20° scoliosis.

So. On december 13 i had a burning chest pain in the left side of my chest: the er took no ecg (they werent equipped enough) but said it was anxiety.
I do an ecg, nothing. The pain continues but i think eh, must be reflux. On december 16 i start getting resting tachycardias (110-120).
I go to the er. No ecg. They say im fine, its anxiety. I get a panic attack one day, i cant breathe. I go to the er. They give me clonazepam and knock me out. When i wake up i can breathe and my heart rate feels normal. For almost a day. They prescript clonazepam drops that make me sleep but dont calm me down.
The tachycardia goes on and on. Maybe stops when im asleep. But has been coming and going all these days, along with a pain in my neck and jaw, that also made my face tingle. ER doctor, again, says its anxiety. Take meloxicam.
Meloxicam does nothing. I change pillows.
Chest pain is more centered now, radiates to the left side like a burning sensation; and sometimes it just feels like opression.

I go see a cardiologist. Hes super humane, does a resting ecg that shows im fine, does an echocardiogram and sees nothing wrong, only a "brighter" spot that he says is normal after an infection and that disappears on its own. Blood count shows LDL is 10 units over desired, lymphocites are slightly high too. Thyroid test shows in fine. The pain in my chest is so scary and i also feel a crushing sensation from my back, i do another ecg but not in the moment, hours later. Its fine.
I do a stress test with no imaging, everything is fine.
But the symptoms are back, i get palpitations in rest, and then the pain in my chest and back feel sharper, and im breathless. I can still move and talk, but i need to breathe between each word.
After 5 minutes the pain lowers. Its still there, but less sharp.
The doctor has already discharged me. He really believes this is anxiety but ive experienced anxiety before and it wasnt like this physicially. I dont know what to do. I dont know!! Im so desperate, i feel like im gonna die undiagnosed any moment. This is horrible. Of course im anxious but that isnt all there is to this. What else can i do?

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Thank you so much for your insight. I think my cardiologist is very experienced, but ill bring this up to him to.
My diet was horrible. Last year i spent so much money on mcdonalds, precisely 😭
But surprisingly my blood pressure is normal, often low. And im in my ideal weight. Im currently on a diet to lower my
abnormal LDL.
Im starting psychiatric medication, i was admitted? A a public hospital. They said theyd send me to wherever hospital i needed i case anxiety wss a misdiagnosis.
I just ..
I just hope ill be alright during the "test" time of the medication.

May i ask, how were you diagnosed ohcom? Were all your tests clear initially? Or did they find any abnormalities since the first ecg? Thank you

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Hi. When I was around 39 years old, my father died which lead me to have a heart attack (All I had was brutal pain on my back. My fiance by then (now she is my wife) pushed me to go to a hospital the next day. I was eating unhealthy fried chicken (McDonald's of course with my delicious french fries and my diet coke). The testing was a heart nuclear test (they inject intra venous radiosotope fluid so they can see inside my heart). The cardiologyst found a huge scar on the back of my heart (heart damage) caused by the heart attack. I never knew a heart attack can be only very strong pain on my back (no problem on my chest or left arm at all). After doing echo cardiogram to confirm he told me I have very very mild oHOCOM. Because it was mild all I had was a beta blocker low dosage enough to keep me ok for the next 10 years. After I got Covid 19 in Nov. 2023 the oHOCOM became uncontrolable for I had angina and chest pain. Now I am on Camzyos 5 mg (my insurance covers every month $8,660 cost of that medicine, Colorado United Healtcare Doctors Plan from Rocky Mountain). In summary, damage was found in my heart from the very first test. I notice this condition got worst when I am stressed and not taking walks and not eating healthy. I do NOT eat McDonalds or any unhealthy food anymore which helps a lot to control the chest pain that is not showing on me anymore after I started Camzyos 5 mg. (requires periodic echo cardiograms to adjust its dosage). Any other question, please ask me and I will be happy to answer. God bless you and I hope you get better soon.


Oh and i dont think you can find a doctor for me 🙁 i live in mexico

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The Mayo Clinic has an office with Representatives in Mexico to help you:

Help in scheduling appointments
General orientation to Mayo Clinic
Travel and lodging recommendations
Follow-up on previous visits to Mayo Clinic (medical reports, billing, insurance) and coordination of future visits
This office does not provide medical care.
The Mayo clinic is the best one in the entire world.

Also here is a list of great Cardiologists in Tijuana, Baja California (Mejico) with great experience. See here:
Any other question, please let me know.


He didnt mention troponin. I could always pay for a test but the doctor at the psych hospital said that it wouldnt work unless i took it right after an episode.
I could be missing out on scoliosis too. Im so scared. I dont know what to do next. Well, ill take psychiatric medication to see if thats the problem. I dont think it is but its always worth a shot

Couldnt holter monitor also find out any arrhythmias?

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A Holter monitor will show a proper ECG if the leads are properly in place and all the leads necessary have been applied. Sometimes they detach, whether while sleeping or exercising, especially if you sweat a lot...which I do, and it was a mess. Even though some leads detached on my first Holter (I have since worn one at least three times), they told me they had enough to determine what was going on.

Note that I was asked to take in a normal day, including any exercise to see if the monitor would pick up something in any one of the typical daily circumstances. So, this was during a hard bicycle ride where I was getting my heart rate up to 150 and higher.

All that to say, yes, the Holter should....'should'... detect any arrythmia if one takes place while you are connected to the device. It should be worn for a minimum of 12 hours. All of mine were issued mid-afternoon, and I was to turn it off, remove the leads, package it up with packaging provided, and return it to the hospital or issuing lab by about noon the next day, They need ot sterilize them, insert new batteries, and be ready for new patients who have been asked to come mid-afternoon.

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