Where do you turn when you've tried many Fibromyalgia medications?
I’ve been prescribed many things and tried so much for my pain which is unbearable. Can anyone share what works for them best?
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Oh absolutely 👍 definitely need rest..I’ve been wanting to try acupuncture but I darent, I’m scared of needles, is it the same sensation as having a flu jab? Or not at all?..thanks
Yes I have fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and pots. Syndrome so it’s like a guessing game sometimes
I to have multiple health issues and I truly don't think Doctors fully understand a lot of things especially pain they can't see often times but it's still there! I am thinking about changing doctors, yes I will have to start all over again should I stick with the doctor I will or should I check out others?
I go through this once a year or so. I don’t feel heard so I start looking at other doctors but then the stress of having to go through my full history feels overwhelming and I end up just sticking with the doctor I already go to. Good luck with whatever you decide!
Massage helps with the pain. It's hard to massage ones self so having a partner who can do it is important. After massage you might feel bruised so then you need to rest and heal. I also avoid eating high histamine foods and eat a low inflammatory diet when I have a flare up. I read a book on Fibro called the Fibro Manual by Ginevra Lipton, MD which has loads of recommendations. Mild exercise. Figuring out how to get restorative sleep is important. I haven't used sleeping pills but Indica Marijuan Gummies taken before bed seems to help me sleep better when needed, Most of the pain comes in my case from extremely tight muscles and trigger points. So if you can massage them out, you may start to feel better and move more easily. I have tried some of the things she mentions in the book and it really helped me. I've found some massage therapists that were also helpful and understood how to do myofascial massage. Eating extremely healthy nutrient dense foods and avoiding seed oils, and in my case gluten and dairy also seems to help. I also take lots of supplements each day.
Had myself tested at Quest Diagnostics (I ordered as allowed, without a physician). ANA was negative and the PFAS result was a test for 9 Chemicals. The over all score (summation) was 3.64 in the Intermediate Range. The literature states "potential risk of adverse health effects". They have a free physician consultation by phone. He told me I had a low score compared to others and especially at me age. Oh, well. I just received my water filtration system to at least clean up the water.
@machone Yes you can find a new doctor but it’s a real hassle. Are you seeing an internal medicine doctor or a rheumatologist? How long have you been with your current doctor? You could ask to be referred to a pain clinic or pain specialist .
Is there a reason that you don’t just find a new doctor?
@c101 Do you currently have a doctor? Are you dealing with any issues? You really need a doctor who can look at the lab results AND talk with you and exam you.
Is there a reason why you don’t have a doctor?
I have been seeing doctors for the last 58 years and they are of NOOOO Help! Multiple tests (blood draws, CATs, MRIs, Cystos, IV Pyelograms, and on and on. Once, they put me in an MRI Chamber with IV Dye even though I told them it would make me nauseous. They did not give me the emergency button and I was face down in the machine. I kept yelling for help and doing everything I could to keep from vomiting. They finally noticed and took me out. When I asked why they had not given me the button -- they said "Well, patients just push it and we have to stop the test." Unbelievable. They wanted to try again and I refused.
I do have a VA doc for an inhaler and psoriasis med. Just saw a podiatrist for a leg brace. That is about it.
My experience is that the docs just want to pass you a pill (script always) which I am highly reactive to (pg and half drug reactions). Where I live, the Rheumatologists and Neurologists will not even allow Fibro patients to make an appointment. The docs are not interested in natural substances. I am in to self help. I will say all this with one exception: Surgeons are Great! They see a problem and actually fix it - Shoulder replacement and breast abscess that was killing me.
I do have a book on the shelf, written by a surgeon: "How to leave the hospital alive".
I think it is an "easy out" for the doctors to play the old "it must be a mental health problem" game. It is because they don't know what to do and it makes them feel better to give it a label (diagnosis). That leaves us with seeking help wherever we can find it. The Theraworx has worked well for the last two months with the exception of one awful morning. Right leg seizing and begging God to make it stop.
I have found that when I start the mild cramping (hands, back, under the ribcage) during the day, it is time to drink a tall glass of Gatorlyte (Rapid Rehydration) Electrolyte Beverage (higher electrolytes than Gatorade). I really think it is the replenishment of Potassium that is helping. This is sweetened with Stevia (which should be safe). It is only 60 calories for the 20 fl oz bottle. It has 10% Calcium, 8% Potassium, 25% Magnesium, and 45% Chloride. The reason I think it is the potassium is because when I went to the ER for the tight chest, they only found low potassium. I have been taking daily magnesium so I feel that rules out that one. This product can be found at some Walmart Stores as a 4 bottle purchase. It is expensive. I have usually seen it for sale in single bottles which is pretty expensive.
I do feel that the muscles are more relaxed after this drink.