Afib Questions: Is it too late to have an Ablation?
I have had Afib for 5 years. Is it too late to have that Ablation operation. I am a male 67 years old.
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I have had Afib for 5 years. Is it too late to have that Ablation operation. I am a male 67 years old.
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Hi and thanks for your question. I had the heat procedure. I have had only a very few afib's after the procedure. My blood pressure has been very stable with very few high readings. I try very hard to be very aware of what my heart is doing and will stop doing anything if I feel like my heart rate is increasing. The afib's that I have had were all minor and only lasted less than 5 minutes. I feel blessed with my procedure and how well it went.
OK. Thanx.
It matters as all those reading your very clear report will be wondering as I was.
Very successful until now it seems.
cheri JOY. (Tuckie)
I loved your post op story. Maybe you did not mean to be funny, but it was hilarious., I got a good laugh which was my medicine for the day. Glad all went well.
I make it a point to try to make my medical staff laugh at least once before they work on me. It keeps things on an even level and helps to reduce the stress of having a procedure.
Thanks for the reply. It took me a lot of years to decide to get the procedure done. I guess I was a little afraid of undergoing a heart procedure. I did find there is very little good information about the actual procedure on the internet and I am one that wants to know all I can before doing any medical procedure. That is why I wrote my report the way I did.....try to give others some insight into what will happen to them during the procedure..
Happy to hear that your ablation went well. Is your A-fib under control?
My last ablation was 7 years ago and I’ve had two A-fib episodes recently. One was during my yoga class and the other was while hiking. Haven’t seen the EP yet.
.I have had very few episodes of AFIB in the last year. Had one episode that lasted about 2 hours and the others were less than 5 minutes. I am very pleased with the results.
What are your "host of loop recorder concerns"? I have one that was put in in September and I'm not aware of any concerns. Not even aware that it is there (since it quit being slightly sore to the touch for a couple months).
As I understand it, a loop recorder can move (migrate to another area) , give false readings, and even though it records, when I looked into one it was not monitored IN REAL TIME. It still might be okay with you, but I decided that the standard procedure was not for me, unnecessary. By the way, since that decision a year and a half ago, I continue to be AFIB free, no events at all, and off of all drugs. Numbers are great and I am grateful. I wish you the best with our decision.
Thank You for the reply..! I appreciate it so much!!! I live in Missouri and am going to the Barnes hospital for my Cryo Ablation.. I’m pretty nervous about it..!