Found Flurazepam

Posted by sleepatlast @sleepatlast, May 18, 2024

I have severe insomnia and took Flurazepam for over 35 years until it was discontinued. Nothing else has worked. After some research I talked with the new distributor and the new manufacturer, was given order numbers, contacted the Walgreens I use in Montgomery, AL, they found it in their system and ordered it. After picking up my doctor's paper prescription I filled the prescription on Monday, May 6, 2024 and started taking it that night. Now I'm slowly recovering from two years of only 3 or less hours of sleep a night. So there is hope, keep trying, it is out there on the market now! 🤟

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I'm curious, is there any reason why you didn't do a drug free approach? In my experience, drugs don't cause long term success with insomnia because they don't really target the root of the issue, which is that it's an issue of fear.

I tried to go the drug route and my doctors wouldn't let me explore too many options. I'm so grateful now they didn't, it was really a blessing in disguise.

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sleepcoachjohn, please don't judge those of us who must take a prescribed sleep med to get good quality sleep. Sleep is very very important for one's health and I don't mind taking a medication every night to get that good quality sleep! I have been very healthy since getting good quality sleep and getting that sleep helps all the other issues. My anxiety and fibromyalgia are much much better if I get good sleep! So please don't be too preachy and maybe get off your high horse and have some empathy for those of us who need to take a sleep medication. It gives us QUALITY OF LIFE!!


I also took Flurazepam as needed for over 40 years until it was discontinued. When Chartwell began distribution in January 2023, I was filling a 90 day supply for $45 at Walgreens. I just tried to fill my latest prescription, and Walgreens told me they no longer order it. Same with CVS. Chartwell confirmed they are still manufacturing and distributing Flurazepam. I was finally able to fill a 30 day supply at Sam's Club for $586! WTF?

I'm working on finding answers after the holidays. I've tried everything else for chronic insomnia and nothing comes close to Flurazepam. I will most likely be back on Lorazepam that works OK, but is addictive and the side effects are hard to tolerate. Never paid more than about 20 bucks for any of the alternative medications.

I don't understand all the nonsense with Flurazepam. It's been around since 1970, but since 2023 it has been a nightmare of chasing pharmacies to fill prescriptions, and now 40 times the cost? WTF!!

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cactusheadaz, please let us know what you find out about flurazepam. It really is a mystery. It's like there is a secret ingredient that they found works extremely well for people, so now they want to cash in on this miracle drug!! Let us know please!


I started medical marajuana after being put on high dose steroids and having my insomnia ignored.
Indica tincture sublingually does the job!

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cantek... marijuana does not have the same effect on has never worked for me in any good way


I am absolutely thrilled to read this!! I wonder about the side effects, trazadone and all the other drug I’ve taken have left me feeling drugged
With a hangover the next day so I don’t take them. I sleep every third
Night from sleep deprivation. I hope I can get it..

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stoughco, I really hope you can get the Flurazepam!! I've tried lots of different sleep meds, as well as Trazodone which did not work for me. If you can't get Flurazepam, maybe ask your doctor for Lorazepam. Good luck.


raina726, let me tell you that diazepam is a great anti-anxiety med, but not a good sleep med. And yes....the doctors and insurance companies want everyone to take SSRI's... . they don't work for most people with severe sleep issues and they (the SSRI'S) have horrible side effects!! If your doctor is willing to prescribe you Diazepam..... ask him or her to switch you from Diazepam to Lorazepam! It will work! I promise! I agree that Flurazepam was excellent...but if you've been unable to get that, ask your doctor to switch the diazepam to Lorazepam.

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Thanks for the reply. I did try Lorazepam and it is not good for me. I definitely felt it the next day, it must take a long while to get out of your system. I felt after using it 3x in a week that my overall mood was declining. Seems like a depressant to me.

I have half a bottle in the cupboard waiting for a pharmacy disposal day…

Flurazepam was a godsend to me… no hangover, good sleep, no mood changes.

But no way can I afford the cash price for it.


Thanks for the reply. I did try Lorazepam and it is not good for me. I definitely felt it the next day, it must take a long while to get out of your system. I felt after using it 3x in a week that my overall mood was declining. Seems like a depressant to me.

I have half a bottle in the cupboard waiting for a pharmacy disposal day…

Flurazepam was a godsend to me… no hangover, good sleep, no mood changes.

But no way can I afford the cash price for it.

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raina726, I'm sorry lorazepam didn't work good for you. It calms your you should feel more relaxed. But like every med, they can affect people differently. Maybe it works best taken everyday. Not sure. But I know for sure that Diazepam stays in your system longer than lorazepam. I really liked how Diazepam worked so well with my anxiety. It even seemed to help the next day. It seemed to give me a "boost" in my mental attitude too. Seemed to give me a happy feeling... Did lorazepam help you sleep? Did your doctor switch you to something else? I take Amitriptyline with Lorazepam. 1.5mg of lorazepam and 30mg Amitriptyline per day.....taken at night. It took awhile but I've found a combination that works well for me. I was quite depressed the first 9 months of 2024 because my legs were aching very badly to the point that I couldn't walk without pain. And I am a big time walker!! Lorazepam wasn't helping the depression (its not an anti-depressant) so that's when my doctor prescribed the Amitriptyline. Started out taking 10mg and I could tell right away it was helping alot! It is an amazing medication! I researched alot and found this med. It's really been around a long time and from the reviews I read on it....I thought it might be the one for me. My doctor had wanted to add Duloxetine to my meds, but I told her I wanted to try the Amitriptyline and she agreed. I suggest everyone do their own research and read reviews on the website So maybe give Amitriptyline a try.... it has a high rating and helps multiple things. For me, it helped sleep, depression, anxiety and pain. Good luck!


Thanks for the reply. I did try Lorazepam and it is not good for me. I definitely felt it the next day, it must take a long while to get out of your system. I felt after using it 3x in a week that my overall mood was declining. Seems like a depressant to me.

I have half a bottle in the cupboard waiting for a pharmacy disposal day…

Flurazepam was a godsend to me… no hangover, good sleep, no mood changes.

But no way can I afford the cash price for it.

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raina726, about the price of Flurazepam now...... I went on the website and found I could get it at my local Walgreens for $19.39..... you need to call around your area to all the pharmacies and find out. Or, just go on that website... and put in your zip code and it will tell you the prices at the local pharmacies. Good luck!


Me, too. Only now I can’t get it again!

Walgreens can’t get ahold of it and it’s strangely the only GoodRx that is affordable @20 dollars.

Costco wants $500 for it. I’m despondent. Only used it 2x a week for a good night’s sleep, no dependence, no side effects.

Yet my insurance would pay for other meds that make me sick..

I’m using diazepam but it’s no replacement. 2-3 hours sleep at best.

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One more thing you should try.... over the counter sleep aid called Unisom. Just make sure the active ingredient is Doxylamine. There are some Unisoms that have the active ingredient diphenhydramine.... which does help but I feel the active ingredient Doxylamine helps much better. You can break them in half if a whole pill makes you groggy the next morning.


raina726, about the price of Flurazepam now...... I went on the website and found I could get it at my local Walgreens for $19.39..... you need to call around your area to all the pharmacies and find out. Or, just go on that website... and put in your zip code and it will tell you the prices at the local pharmacies. Good luck!

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You’re right that’s the price Walgreens always charged with GoodRx. The last 4 months Walgreens says their distributor can’t get it…

I’m going to try Target and Publix they also have the cheapest price.

What’s with Costco $400-500 foot a prescription that’s been generic for 40 years?? … very weird.

I spent a good portion of my adult life on Anti-depressants. I don’t want them. Been without for 9 years. They were a bandaid. And side effects horrible. I started on amitriptyline back when it was called elavil … I’ve tried them all I think.
I’ve managed well without them.

The insomnia will always be a challenge.

I never take a medication daily anymore. I was addicted to Klonopin for many years. It took me a full three years to taper off it and it was very painful.

So I’m very cautious.

You’re right we all have to make our own decisions based on our reactions to these medicines and our conditions.


You’re right that’s the price Walgreens always charged with GoodRx. The last 4 months Walgreens says their distributor can’t get it…

I’m going to try Target and Publix they also have the cheapest price.

What’s with Costco $400-500 foot a prescription that’s been generic for 40 years?? … very weird.

I spent a good portion of my adult life on Anti-depressants. I don’t want them. Been without for 9 years. They were a bandaid. And side effects horrible. I started on amitriptyline back when it was called elavil … I’ve tried them all I think.
I’ve managed well without them.

The insomnia will always be a challenge.

I never take a medication daily anymore. I was addicted to Klonopin for many years. It took me a full three years to taper off it and it was very painful.

So I’m very cautious.

You’re right we all have to make our own decisions based on our reactions to these medicines and our conditions.

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Good Luck finding flurazepam at a cheap price! I wish we knew why??? I don't get any side effects from amitriptyline. I know alot of meds have bad side effects. I finally found a good combination after trying many. I am fine with taking these daily, to better my quality of life. Hope I never have to taper off them.....I've heard from many it's very very hard.

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