How long have you lived with COPD?
Hi there - I'm so sorry, this is my second post in 2 days. I think I mentioned in my previous post that I was FEV1 50%. I think I also mentioned [and if I didn't, it would be pretty obvious] that I suffer from severe anxiety and depression. Have managed to push a psych appointment to tomorrow - this COPD has really thrown me. I'm absolutely convinced I only have a few years left to live, no matter what I read [and I'm now staying away from google]. I realised I needed help when I wasn't believing what I'm reading, and I'm driving my family crazy. I have just one question - would people be willing to share with me how long they have had COPD for? I'm sorry for repeating myself........I'm just reaching out for as much help as I can. God Bless.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Support Group.
these were great stories.
Your story is heartbreaking. Why do we humans have to suffer so much? I realize that we all make choices that affect our future health but many people do everything right and they have horrible medical problems, too. I just don't understand it. I do not do everything right so I expect some worse problems for my health down the road. I am not saying you made wrong choices. I will certainly pray for you and hopefully God will give you the comfort and love you so desparately need right now. Stay strong, my friend.
I am going through the same thing. Air hunger, coughing and shortness of breath are definitely no fun to experience. The course of the disease is individual..... dependent on so many things. But there are several options for palliative care that will make you feel better.......have you explored these with your physician. I can understand your depression and anxiety as I too have the same......but refuse to let it get the best of me. Perhaps a mild uplift with an anti depressive/anxiolytic medication would allow you to be able to seek other treatment options. I would recommend the bigger teaching facilities ie Duke, John Hopkins, Mayo, Cleveland clinic for the most experienced and well-trained physicians. I understand fully what you are going through as I ask my Husband nightly to come get me........he passes away 4 years ago.
I was diagnosed with moderate to severe emphysena in 2000 at age 42. I continue to live a pretty good life now, 25 years later. My husband and I fly about 3-4 trips/year and enjoy life. I have had to change my treatment multiple times over they years and the last treatments seem to be working pretty well for me
I use supplemental O2 for sleep and exertion. I am very glad to have great insurance and doctors. I don’t have other significant health problems other than allergies and chronic asthma and gastric reflux.
Your story is amazing. I’m wondering though , do you have emphysema ?
Yes it’s emphysema. Also a bit of bronchiestasis.
Lately I’ve been gasping for air whenever I’m up & about. Now on prednisone- again- but not working too well. Not sure if this is natural progression of the disease. Or hopefully an exacerbation. Call is in to my doctor.
I I am 71 years old and only in the last five years as my COPD been worse and worsening. So it took about 10 years before it really started getting bad.I was diagnosed I thinking about 2011 with cancer in my left lung and I had a partial lobectomy which ended up being more longer removed than less.
I have had thyroid cancer but in remission of lung & thyroid cancer. I still follow up with a pulmonologist and endocrinologist.
Stay strong, talk with your family, talk with your counselor and drink lots of fluids and get plenty of rest And if you have breathing treatments do them religiously. I do mine three times a day and it definitely helps. I know because when I've missed the treatment I can feel the discomfort in my breathing. Good luck and stay in touch with how you're doing. Sincerely Kay L
I was diagnosed with moderate to severe emphysema from no known cause in 2000 at age 42. Was told I may not have long to live. Have had 2 excellent lung docs retire on me and am still living a pretty busy and happy life, including flying about 30,000 miles most years.
I now need supplemental O 2 for sleep and any exertion but am still able to do most things. I have a rowing machine and try to row every day for a few minutes, as it exercises about 85% of your muscles.
I’m getting ready to go to DC to lobby with my national nonprofit as well as visit my relatives in NYC and SF.
The more we do, the more we can do. I do my best to stay healthy, including wearing a good quality well-fitted mask when indoors with others to minimize illnesses.
Good mental health is very important. Please ask your doctors to help you with this and help you with relaxation and breathing techniques to help calm you.
15 years
I have read your comment on COPD, very interesting it sounded identical to my symptoms only difference I have been diagnosed with Emphasema just 6 months ago. I have Asthma, Bronchitis, and COPD for the last two years (that were know about). I need sleeping tabs or I just don’t sleep! What is O2, I’ve never heard of it but you have peaked my interest. Not sure where you live but I’m in Australia.