Fibromyalgia..Is It an autoimmune disease?

Posted by Darlia @darlia, Feb 13, 2018

Hi all! I have Fibro. I also have many autoimmune diseases. I am being challenged by my comment to a FB discussion on Fibromyalgia about whether or not it is an autoimmune diseases.. any info appreciated! Thank you and ..just keep swimming.. just keep swimming!

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Thanks…that’s helpful. I’ve read where some orthopedists refuse to do knee surgery on fibro folks because the outcomes are “iffy”. Then I’ve read one report that says the opposite. After my primary care Dr died, I tried to find a new one with MDVIP, a nationwide concierge network (the extra attention was worth the money). However, the only MDVIP dr taking patients in my area refused anyone with a fibro diagnosis! I’ve just not had luck finding someone who gets this issue. You’re in my thoughts as you fight breast cancer - that’s worrisome for sure. I had melanoma diagnosed last year, but caught it in time. Had surgery, took a golf ball size chunk from my leg, but good cure rate. I do have a great dermatologist - she, too, had breast cancer a few years back, but is back doing everything she once did.

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jakefix82, I am facing shoulder replacement when the injections stop working and then knee replacement for the same reason.

My surgeon told me that fibromyalgia patients take longer to heal....I totally agree with that. Every surgery I have had since being diagnosed with Fibro, I am about a month behind in the healing process.



jakefix82, I am facing shoulder replacement when the injections stop working and then knee replacement for the same reason.

My surgeon told me that fibromyalgia patients take longer to heal....I totally agree with that. Every surgery I have had since being diagnosed with Fibro, I am about a month behind in the healing process.


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Thanks…that’s helpful. I’ve read where some orthopedists refuse to do knee surgery on fibro folks because the outcomes are “iffy”. Then I’ve read one report that says the opposite. After my primary care Dr died, I tried to find a new one with MDVIP, a nationwide concierge network (the extra attention was worth the money). However, the only MDVIP dr taking patients in my area refused anyone with a fibro diagnosis! I’ve just not had luck finding someone who gets this issue. You’re in my thoughts as you fight breast cancer - that’s worrisome for sure. I had melanoma diagnosed last year, but caught it in time. Had surgery, took a golf ball size chunk from my leg, but good cure rate. I do have a great dermatologist - she, too, had breast cancer a few years back, but is back doing everything she once did.

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Did you know you can look up doctors in your area on Google and sort based on reviews? Look at the doctors with 4 or more stars and see if they're taking new cases. I think there are Yelp reviews and reddit too. A lot of doctors can be contacted by email to see if they take fibro cases. You will have to work with them closely to help you with pain meds and LOTS of physical therapy! Do you see a Rheumatologist? Mine is a wonderful (young, not near retirement) and he works with my Primary (also young) to get me the right combination of meds. Lyrica (pregabalin) along with muscle relaxants have really made a difference for me. I'm going to see my primary in November for my annual physical and was planning on asking her about Cymbalta (duloxetine). I've read it can also help with fibromyalgia. Take care, LB


Hi Darlia,
This has been an on-going discussion among the medical community. I've suffered from Fibro for over 30 years!

There are still some old-fashioned docs who don't believe this even exists. There are people out there who are disabled from this when they are inflamed. When I tried to get a disability policy, I was told this is an autoimmune disorder and could not get coverage. Funny, people with heart disease, diabetes and cancer can (although they pay through the nose), but I couldn't.


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I have Fibro and just got my lab test back. My test for autoimmune (ANA) was negative. Now waiting for my test for PFAS (with levels). I have a bad feeling that this will be what I expect since we are inundated with plastics and chemicals from everything we eat and do. I was just reading that PFAS is also in the Scotch Guard that I sprayed all over my recliner years ago.
Quest Diagnostics Labs allows you to order these two tests without a script. The PFAS results will take 2 or 3 days to get back. I have ordered a water filtration system. I can only reduce my intake of PFAS. I don't think there is any way to get it out of your body.


Thanks for the reply, Ronnie. I really understand because I\'ve had it must of my life too. Diagnosed in early 80\'s, but had symptoms for like 5+ years before that. I\'ve read where the jury is out on if it\'s autoimmune or not, yet.. but I have many other actual autoimmune diseases so I Believe this disorder that we call Fibromyalgia is a complication that comes as a result of having autoimmune diseases. When I post on the Fibromyalgia Mastery onFB that it is autoimmune, several people, one specifically, freaked out on how it\'s not an autoimmune diseases but a neurological one!. Well, I have peripheral neuropathy and that\'s neurological plus the cause is having a rare antibody that is also neurological!. So I appreciate your imput!

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MS is a Neuro disorder and considered an autoimmune disease. Fibromyalgia is both. That's my non medical opinion.

The medical profession is both great and repressive. If they have a way to control systems is a disease. If they can't control the symptom is a syndrome. Think inflammitable bowel disease vs irritable bowel syndrome. Both can be disabling but onely one is considered a disease.


I just had an ANA test for autoimmune which was negative. My PFAS “forever chemicals” was positive. But just think of what the county water purification leaves in our water that we drink from the faucet - chemicals used in the process are left in such as Chloramines. Also, look at all the food that comes from other countries that end up on our shelves that we eat and drink. These countries do not have our regulations for plant growth & products used, nor what they feed or inject into the meat animals. They send it here and we take these into our bodies. I just saw, in small hard to see print, on the bottle of Organic Knudsen Tart Cherry Juice, that it was a product of Turkey but the clear and easy to read label said CA (California). Is it really organic? A recent article by "festandfarm" stated that for every pound of US beef in this country exported, we import 1.5 pounds. These are comng from Canada, Australia, Mexico, and Latin America. And it gets even better: "Once the meat passes inspection here in the United States, it gets a “product of the USA label even if it wasn’t raised here". Let your imagination chew on that one. I think we are being inundated and our bodies are objecting.


PS - Don't forget about the GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) aspect of what we eat from produce. Defined as A GMO is a plant, animal, or microorganism that has had its DNA changed using genetic engineering. (From the web):
"What are the risks of GMO foods?
Some potential risks of genetically modified (GM) foods include:
- Health - Some concerns about the health risks of GM foods include:
- Allergic reactions: There is a small risk that GM foods could trigger an allergic reaction if the genetic change causes the production of an allergen.
- Antibiotic resistance: There is a concern that GM foods could transfer antibiotic resistance.
- Toxicity: There is a concern that GM foods could be toxic to organs in the body"
Also, the toxic pesticides used on the crops. Glyphosates (common one is Roundup). The WHO (World Health Organization) has determined that this chemical is "probably carcinogenic" although our own EPA refutes this.


Hi Darlia! I am one of 5 girls, 3 boys. 4 of us girls have been diagnosed w/Fribro. I’m sure @least 1 of my brothers have it also. At the same time we all have anywhere from heightened to life threatening allergies, thanks to our Mother’s side. I am the youngest at 58yrs young. I have the most severe allergies, closest resembling my Mother’s. I am convinced that Fibro is in the intestines just like allergies are. If you compare symptoms of allergies & Fibro, there’s almost no difference! (You have to know all allergy symptoms, not just the ones you have or have heard of). 1 of the biggest same symptoms is “flu like symptoms”. Achy muscles, tiredness & being hot(I know these are allergy driven because a Claritin-D will make them all better by 75-80%). Fatigue & brain fog is another. I also believe even if you don’t suffer from any “known allergies” you still could have what I call “cousin to allergy” fibromyalgia which comes from the same place, your intestines. The strength of this connection is likely because the largest density of immune cells is in your small intestines. A lil side note, most people are sensitive to certain foods but are not aware of it. If you have fibro, you should absolutely be tested for food & airborne allergies! It is also believed that gut health can help symptoms of allergies, so it’s possible gut health would also be beneficial to relieving fibro symptoms. Hope this helps to broaden your understanding of the possibilities of fibromyalgia causes & effects. Elizabeth Rose


Also, from my experience, I think it's very possible that Chronic Fatigue is a stage of Fibromyalgia, or possibly for some other people, the reverse. I think the two are linked. Because I definitely had Chronic Fatigue, originally for years. Now, I rarely have fatigue but do have Fibromyalgia.

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Hi! Yes, I was told that too by my PCP, but my sx are more chronic fatigue. Given I have several autoimmune diseases, they all have fatigue as a sx. I never know one day from the next how I’ll feel— just debilitating

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