Obesity and weight loss: What weight loss plan worked for you?

Posted by jc76 @jc76, Aug 29, 2024

Interested in others weight loss plans that worked, and goals that worked. Batttles won and lost. Things you have done to stop triggers that lead to overeating or high calorie food.

Just started WEGOVY on 08/26/24 (.25) and nothing. No reduction in appetite or any side affects. Any similiar experience? Gosh am I going to be a person who gains weight on WEGOVY?

Been battling weight for decades. Did Nutrisystem and had great success but weight came back.

It seems when I get sick I eat more and it is snacks and things that taste good so gain weight as eat more high calorie and almost no exericise as sick. When somthing is goes wrong in life, relative or friend dies or very sick, arguments, etc. Yep comfort food.

Has anyone had good success with WEGOVY and smiliar experience with starting dose? Have you found a way that works for you and kept weight off.

Obesity is a known medical issue with many serious side affects. I seem to be losing the battle.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss Support Group.

I wish I could post had great results with WEGOVY but can't. Started with .25 then .5 then 1. and now on 1.7.

I don't eat much for breakfast as I exercise about 2 hours each morning 6 days a week. When I come home really hungry for lunch. I wonder why no reduction in appetite for lunch. I do notice at dinner there is a slight reduction in appetite and how much I eat.

So how much weight have I lost for over 3 months on WEGOVY. ZERO (0). I have 2 more injections of 1.7 and then move on to highest dose WEGOVY has 2.7. I checked with my PCP and he says I am probably one of those that needs to be on the highest dosasges for results. I am not sure of that but hope so but not doing to wait relying on WEGOVY

What I asked myself (yep talk to myself all the time) okay the WEGOVY is not working like I expected and I am just spinning wheels. So my inner self talks to ther other self and "says go back to what was working before and just don't rely on WEGOVY". Okay the other self says, "that is hard but got to get weight off." So back to watching the type foods I eat. I take a long look in mirror before I succumb to snacks. And I up my exercise even more. I just started this and hopefully will see some weight reduction (I weigh once a week).

Might I say I had rapid weight gain when I got COVID (first time even though took all shots and boosters). The COVID (which was bad enough) caused a really bad sinus infection, which caused a really bad bronchial infection. Repeated rounds of antibiotics, prednisone, inhalers and 3 months of no physical activity, and eating anything to make me feel better and coat my extremely sore throat. Then rapid weight gain.

I am not sure the COVID did not screw up my metabolism. I asked PCP to do test and have those test coming up. I have always been able to lose weight it is just keeping it off. Now the scale does not move. Hopefully my back to what worked in past will work again.

Please! I have read post of wonderful things that weight loss drugs have done for many and don't want to damping that method of weight loss. But looks like for me not going to work and have to use what does. Just have to keep healthy. Being active 6 days a week to no exercising and snacking is a killer for me. My throat during COVID was extremely painful and horrendous cough so ate soft ice cream for relief. Yes knew better but when really sick the last thing you thing about is losing weight.


I wish I could post had great results with WEGOVY but can't. Started with .25 then .5 then 1. and now on 1.7.

I don't eat much for breakfast as I exercise about 2 hours each morning 6 days a week. When I come home really hungry for lunch. I wonder why no reduction in appetite for lunch. I do notice at dinner there is a slight reduction in appetite and how much I eat.

So how much weight have I lost for over 3 months on WEGOVY. ZERO (0). I have 2 more injections of 1.7 and then move on to highest dose WEGOVY has 2.7. I checked with my PCP and he says I am probably one of those that needs to be on the highest dosasges for results. I am not sure of that but hope so but not doing to wait relying on WEGOVY

What I asked myself (yep talk to myself all the time) okay the WEGOVY is not working like I expected and I am just spinning wheels. So my inner self talks to ther other self and "says go back to what was working before and just don't rely on WEGOVY". Okay the other self says, "that is hard but got to get weight off." So back to watching the type foods I eat. I take a long look in mirror before I succumb to snacks. And I up my exercise even more. I just started this and hopefully will see some weight reduction (I weigh once a week).

Might I say I had rapid weight gain when I got COVID (first time even though took all shots and boosters). The COVID (which was bad enough) caused a really bad sinus infection, which caused a really bad bronchial infection. Repeated rounds of antibiotics, prednisone, inhalers and 3 months of no physical activity, and eating anything to make me feel better and coat my extremely sore throat. Then rapid weight gain.

I am not sure the COVID did not screw up my metabolism. I asked PCP to do test and have those test coming up. I have always been able to lose weight it is just keeping it off. Now the scale does not move. Hopefully my back to what worked in past will work again.

Please! I have read post of wonderful things that weight loss drugs have done for many and don't want to damping that method of weight loss. But looks like for me not going to work and have to use what does. Just have to keep healthy. Being active 6 days a week to no exercising and snacking is a killer for me. My throat during COVID was extremely painful and horrendous cough so ate soft ice cream for relief. Yes knew better but when really sick the last thing you thing about is losing weight.

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That sounds frustrating. I’d be confused too, since I’ve heard great things about this med and weight loss.

I hate a plateau. I’m close to my goal weight and it’s so illusive. It’s time for me to strip it down to the basics of journaling my food and closely counting every calorie. I’ll keep working out, but I’ve always heard you can’t outrun a bad diet. I won’t stop now.

What do you think you’re going to do next?


That sounds frustrating. I’d be confused too, since I’ve heard great things about this med and weight loss.

I hate a plateau. I’m close to my goal weight and it’s so illusive. It’s time for me to strip it down to the basics of journaling my food and closely counting every calorie. I’ll keep working out, but I’ve always heard you can’t outrun a bad diet. I won’t stop now.

What do you think you’re going to do next?

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First thanks for replying and for what you are doing about your plateau.

I was going to call WEGOVY about my frustration and still plan to do.

I am not sure, but I have found that by not eating a full breakfast (have yogurt) that my stomach does not have anything to work on. This is just a guess though. But don't want to eat a lot as exercise for 2 hours in mornings and some of those are swimming and can get GERD while swimming if eat a lot prior to exercise. When I come home from exercising, I am hungry and do not feel any appetite suppression.

But at dinner I noticed I have started to feel not so hungry and not wanting to eat so much. I think my stomach (and mind) is reacting to what I had at lunch. I don't get the feeling at lunch because I have eaten extraordinarily little at breakfast.

You asked what I will do next. I am going to try to eat something little prior to lunch and see if that reduces my appetite and snacking that is quite frankly ferocious. And in addition to call to WEGOVY will try to eat more high fiber and less carbohydrates.

It is just disappointing to have been on this medication for over 3 months and nothing. I am so frustrated that for me this maybe is not the path to weight loss. I will discuss this with WEGOVY and my PCP who did the prescription for it.

You referred to going back to basics and that is probably what I need to do.


First thanks for replying and for what you are doing about your plateau.

I was going to call WEGOVY about my frustration and still plan to do.

I am not sure, but I have found that by not eating a full breakfast (have yogurt) that my stomach does not have anything to work on. This is just a guess though. But don't want to eat a lot as exercise for 2 hours in mornings and some of those are swimming and can get GERD while swimming if eat a lot prior to exercise. When I come home from exercising, I am hungry and do not feel any appetite suppression.

But at dinner I noticed I have started to feel not so hungry and not wanting to eat so much. I think my stomach (and mind) is reacting to what I had at lunch. I don't get the feeling at lunch because I have eaten extraordinarily little at breakfast.

You asked what I will do next. I am going to try to eat something little prior to lunch and see if that reduces my appetite and snacking that is quite frankly ferocious. And in addition to call to WEGOVY will try to eat more high fiber and less carbohydrates.

It is just disappointing to have been on this medication for over 3 months and nothing. I am so frustrated that for me this maybe is not the path to weight loss. I will discuss this with WEGOVY and my PCP who did the prescription for it.

You referred to going back to basics and that is probably what I need to do.

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Are you taking the max dose of Wegovy? If not, I might inquire about it. You could inquire about those people who need extra help. I haven’t taken this med, but you could inquire about an alternative.

You could also discuss your meal plans with a nutritionist. I recently met with one at my gastroenterologist’s office. She was quite helpful and reminded me I need protein due to my workouts. So, I’ve added 8 grams of protein after my workout. We looked at all my meal plans, which are rather similar and discussed the benefits.

When I say get back to basics, I mean I’m taking out the food scale and weighing all my food to confirm the calories I am consuming. And, then log everything I eat for at least a week. I’m not a low carb fan, but I require my carbs to have a purpose and prefer that come in the form of beans and vegetables. I like healthy fats, but fat is highly caloric, so there’s probably something I can tweak to get back in calories deficit mode.

Yesterday I ate a little differently, but that’s ok. It was a holiday, so I won’t fret over that. Getting back in gear today though and returning to the gym.


I wish I could post had great results with WEGOVY but can't. Started with .25 then .5 then 1. and now on 1.7.

I don't eat much for breakfast as I exercise about 2 hours each morning 6 days a week. When I come home really hungry for lunch. I wonder why no reduction in appetite for lunch. I do notice at dinner there is a slight reduction in appetite and how much I eat.

So how much weight have I lost for over 3 months on WEGOVY. ZERO (0). I have 2 more injections of 1.7 and then move on to highest dose WEGOVY has 2.7. I checked with my PCP and he says I am probably one of those that needs to be on the highest dosasges for results. I am not sure of that but hope so but not doing to wait relying on WEGOVY

What I asked myself (yep talk to myself all the time) okay the WEGOVY is not working like I expected and I am just spinning wheels. So my inner self talks to ther other self and "says go back to what was working before and just don't rely on WEGOVY". Okay the other self says, "that is hard but got to get weight off." So back to watching the type foods I eat. I take a long look in mirror before I succumb to snacks. And I up my exercise even more. I just started this and hopefully will see some weight reduction (I weigh once a week).

Might I say I had rapid weight gain when I got COVID (first time even though took all shots and boosters). The COVID (which was bad enough) caused a really bad sinus infection, which caused a really bad bronchial infection. Repeated rounds of antibiotics, prednisone, inhalers and 3 months of no physical activity, and eating anything to make me feel better and coat my extremely sore throat. Then rapid weight gain.

I am not sure the COVID did not screw up my metabolism. I asked PCP to do test and have those test coming up. I have always been able to lose weight it is just keeping it off. Now the scale does not move. Hopefully my back to what worked in past will work again.

Please! I have read post of wonderful things that weight loss drugs have done for many and don't want to damping that method of weight loss. But looks like for me not going to work and have to use what does. Just have to keep healthy. Being active 6 days a week to no exercising and snacking is a killer for me. My throat during COVID was extremely painful and horrendous cough so ate soft ice cream for relief. Yes knew better but when really sick the last thing you thing about is losing weight.

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I can understand why your frustrated. I would think with all the exercising and reduced calories, you would be losing weight.

I found an article that talked about why weight loss medications may not work for everyone.
4 Reasons Weight Loss Drugs Aren't Working for You
You mentioned your PCP is going to run some test, that is good idea.
Do you know if he included a thyroid (TSH) test ?


Do you drink any energy drinks or soft drinks? They can have a lot of calories. My brother recently cut out nothing but his 1 soft drink per day and lost 8 pounds!


I can understand why your frustrated. I would think with all the exercising and reduced calories, you would be losing weight.

I found an article that talked about why weight loss medications may not work for everyone.
4 Reasons Weight Loss Drugs Aren't Working for You
You mentioned your PCP is going to run some test, that is good idea.
Do you know if he included a thyroid (TSH) test ?

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First I am extremely lucky to have the PCP I do at Mayo Jacksonville.

Yes he is doing the thyroid test you mentioned. He does several types of them because he needs to see the wide range of thyroid test that are available not jus the one.

He did tell me that I could be one of those that needs the high does of WEGOVY to work. There is only one dose higher than I am on now. It seems to me that my taste for items like snacks did not go down at all but my dinner meals did.

I did have COVID that evoled into sinus infection (bad) and then bronchial (bad) that was pretty well down or 3 months. I have heard so much about COVID causing other problems but have no idea is could be culbrit. I took every singe shot and booster, washed my hands stayed away from anyone coughing or sneezing and still caught it. BUMMER!

Thanks for the web site information. I am going to click on it as soon as I write this reply.


No don't drink any regular sodas. I do allow myself on Coke Zero a day. I drink as a dessert. Not a big eater of cakes, cookies, etc. but love starchy foods.


I can understand why your frustrated. I would think with all the exercising and reduced calories, you would be losing weight.

I found an article that talked about why weight loss medications may not work for everyone.
4 Reasons Weight Loss Drugs Aren't Working for You
You mentioned your PCP is going to run some test, that is good idea.
Do you know if he included a thyroid (TSH) test ?

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@roch I am having problem tagging you using your @roch. MCC comes up with Roche and other examples but none @roch

Laurie @roch, The article was excellent. Thanks!!
I just read the article you posted. I can see I am not alone. There are many that don't respond to these drugs like me. I am going on my 4 month now on it and no reduction. Two weeks from now will go on highest dose of WEGOVY the 2.7. That is a bigh jump from original dose of .25, then .50, 1.0 and now on the 1.7.

I do exercise 6 days a week from 1-2 hours. I do not do much weight training exercise most is aerobic. Really trying hard to find ways on my own to get this weight off. I just found a snack I can eat to make me feel full. It is a type of corn chip that has 110 calories for 21 chips. Unlike other chips the chips are quite big and are type of popcorn. My wife makes a homemake salsa that is excellent and I use it as a salsa dip.

By accident it appeared to me if I ate something substantial prior to a planned meal my appetite was down as well as getting fuller. So I have added this low calorie snack prior to lunch and dinner.

I did lose 1 pound this week. I know not much at all but better than seeing the medical scale I have stay with no movement for over 3 months. I think I was leaning on WEGOVY to do it all and see I can't do that.

I am already on a thyroid medication but very very low. I take half of the lowest dose of the medication. My PCP says my thyroid test shows my brain is talking to my thyroid more than normal but the other tests he does do not show a thyroid problem with the very low dose of thyroid medicine I am on. I will have new tests done December 29th.

Thanks again for the web site information. I saw that WEGOVY was going to start a pill form of WEGOVY which will really help those like me that don't like injections.


I few months ago I went to Duke Fitness Center and had a body analysis. Their device is called InBody 570. You stand barefoot, holding the handles and the device analyzes your fat/muscle/water composition. It also tells you how many calories you need per day in order to lose weight. I was surprised how low my number was….. Barely over 1300 calories per day for me to lose weight.

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