How soon can you travel after bronchoscopy with BAL

Posted by maliko @maliko, Nov 16, 2024

Hello folks. I have an upcoming bronchoscopy with bal. Will it be safe to get on plane day after the procedure? If not, minimal how many days should I wait? Thank you

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I had a lung condition that required hospitalization and I had driven myself to the hospital. Since it was Labor Day Weekend, the staff held me over until the Tuesday after the weekend because they don't do bronchoscopies on holidays. I was released shortly after the bronchoscopy on Tuesday, but I was weak and needed someone to come pick me up from the hospital. I didn't feel strong enough to retrieve my car and to drive it for about 3 days afterwards. On the positive side, my lungs had not felt that wonderful in months after everything was cleared out. Everyone is different and you may recover more quickly. Best wishes!


Thanks for your response. I've read your lungs can possibly collapse if you fly too soon after a broncoscopy. I'm assuming because of the pressure changes in the cabin.


Thanks for your response. I've read your lungs can possibly collapse if you fly too soon after a broncoscopy. I'm assuming because of the pressure changes in the cabin.

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It is best to consult the treating doctor or surgeon after any procedure. I had arthroscopic shoulder surgery and was allowed to fly after 2 weeks - a direct flight under 3 hours. The surgeon would have recommended longer but I am on blood thinner. After hip surgery with a lot of bleeding I was asked to wait 6 weeks because of the risk of blood clots.
Everyone is different and every procedure has different risks.

Have you asked the doctor?


The appropriate way to use an acronym - in the initial communication spell the procedure, condition etc out then place the acronym in parenthesis. The proceed to use the acronym in the context of the communication. There are just soooo many acronyms in medicine it is difficult to decipher what one is saying in order to give an appropriate response.


Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is a procedure that is sometimes done during a bronchoscopy. It's done to collect a sample from your lungs. It is also called bronchoalveolar washing. During the procedure, a saline solution is put through the bronchoscope to wash your airways and capture a fluid sample.


Thanks for your response. I've read your lungs can possibly collapse if you fly too soon after a broncoscopy. I'm assuming because of the pressure changes in the cabin.

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I just came across this 'thread' with your post.
I take it this test is still to be performed?
Do you have N95 mask in case you have a 'gut' feeling that you should put one on? As I said, just in case.


I recently had this procedure done. IMHO, I would wait 2 to 3 days.


I just came across this 'thread' with your post.
I take it this test is still to be performed?
Do you have N95 mask in case you have a 'gut' feeling that you should put one on? As I said, just in case.

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I will certainly have n95 ready for my trip. Thanks Barbara.


I recently had this procedure done. IMHO, I would wait 2 to 3 days.

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Did you have any side effects or symptoms after the procedure? How did you feel for next couple of days? Thanks

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