After Bacterial Meningitis

Posted by meningone @meningone, Nov 23, 2018

I don't know if I have TBI, or what is wrong with me. I contracted BM late April 2018 and since then have had all sorts of complications. Headaches ranging from moderate to severely debilating, horrible neck pain that never goes away & makes it almost impossile to turn my head to look from side to side, and definately not behind me. Spine and rib pain. It seems that every muscle and joint in my body hurts, keeping me in constant daily pain.Very often it feels like my muscles or something inside my body is on fire. I have such trouble with memory and concentration. I cannot tolerate extra stimuli anymore. Too much noise, too much decision making, stress, too many people talking, get me really anxious and I feel I need to get away from the situation and I kinda just shut down. Things like flashing lights, loud patterns, alot of showing of mixed changing colors and things like that make me nauseous, dizzy and anxious. Driving or riding in a car brings on the headaches, pain, and exhaustion. I am sooooo exhausted/fatigued all the time. I always feel like I need to rest, but resting doesn't help. On the other hand, pushing myself and putting myself or being in these situations do make it worse. But I can't avoid life, nor do I want to. I want to enjoy my family and friends. My grandaughters. My church family. I am at a loss.

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I almost died of bacterial meningitis.

The cause was officially "unknown".

But like the person above, I had suffered from an extensive and long sinus infection prior to the meningitis when I was 18years old.

Medical science "says" that this cannot happen: that being the sinus infection crossing the blood-brain barrier.



I got BM of my brain may 2014 from chronic sinusitis. Had access left temporal lobe craniotomy to remove. This was followed by a medically induced coma intubation sepsis multi organ failure. I was coded so I was gone. 30 day hospitalization massive antibiotics. Then 3 weeks in a nursing home for rehab. Went in a wheel chair walked out 3 weeks later ( was supposed to be 6) to independent living. I had 5 years of allergist immunongist care neurology therapy for ptsd . I was depresribed many meds. I had a seizure risk from the craniotomy with abnormal eegs until 2018. I now have a breach rhythm which is abnormal but non epileptic. I drive I walk daily 3000 steps I have 2 dogs who are my legal ESAs. I am always learning something. Usually related to healthcare psychology neurology etc . Also financial and budgeting issues. I am not the same person I was before this. I am assertive set boundaries etc. No way will family or anyone else who never experienced this understand I am sorry to say.


I was one of the first to live through the bacterial meningitis at two years old in 1968. I have scars all over my body from it, the right side of my body didn’t grow the same as the left. I’ve had about 80 surgeries. Leg lengthening, right foot reconstruction, arms, legs, neck, back surgeries. I told my mom that I would die and that if I lived, I would be blind and mentally ill. I live in a small town and I guess all the churches prayed for me. I don’t ever remember a day, not being in pain since I was little. I’ve worked my whole life, I taught all the trades in high school, built houses and construction. My mother taught me to not let my disability rule my life. I have constant screeching in my ears. I have to force myself to get up and work. I used to have migraines, but they have turned into headaches which I appreciate. I refuse to let this ruin my life. I admit sometimes it’s really hard, sleeping is maybe 3 to 4 hours a night I’m excited if I get 6hrs. I have to force myself to concentrate and try to start and finish one thing because I’m constantly trying to do 100 things at once. I’ve been fortunate to have three doctors in my lifetime that control all my meds. Pain control medical facilities are horrible. 24 year-old twits that have no clue how much pain that we are in constantly. I am fortunate. I have a good family base, great family base. My wife is incredible. Even though I have all this stuff going on all the time I consider myself a blessed man. It is nice to look on this site and find people who are going through similar things and I know I’m not losing my cracker. I have a lot of nerve pain, but I’ve tried all sorts of medicines that just seemed to mask the problem. I take one nerve medicine and pain medicine and want to help relax me as needed.


I’m 63 years old and had bacterial meningitis when I was 18 months old. My folks never discussed this with me after I recovered, but I’ve noticed my life has been riddled with learning disabilities, speech problems , hard of hearing, depression, anxiety, bad concentration, shaking, the list goes on… and I always wondered if some of these were caused by my meningitis. And here I am a 64 year old man just learning about it, thinking now it probably was the meningitis that has caused me hell my whole life, but I can still consider myself very lucky to have survived, such a terrible disease my parents did tell me they gave me the last rites from the priest because they didn’t think I was going to make it through the night … as far as my life has gone. I’ve had a good job at the same place for 34 years. I’ve been married 37 years to a wonderful wife, have two fantastic kids and three wonderful grandkids. Sometimes I wonder how I made it this far without doing something stupid to myself, but I think the faith that my parents installed in me was the key to it all and I try to carry that over to my children and my life itself … I’m glad I stumbled across this site and I finally realize I’m not alone… This is a subject that is never talked about or has not been researched here in the states… I would love to hear other people’s stories about the effects of post bacteria meningitis… I think the UK does a lot more research about it than the United States…

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I’m right there with you brother. School was hell for me. Some deformity and pain all the time. Made me pretty angry, when I was made fun of I learned to fight and fight well. I’ve always worked, worked really hard despite all the pain And crap. I’m a blessed man now, 2 wonderful sons 7 grandkids and awesome wife who understands. Some days are really good and some days I’m forcing myself to get out of the door. I didn’t realize how bacterial meningitis affected my childhood either until i started searching for answers later in my life. It’s just nice to know we aren’t alone.

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