Have you had epilepsy and experienced different types of seizures?

Posted by matermiracle @matermiracle, Oct 1, 2016

has anyone ever had a sezuire where it can be a number of different sezuires?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Epilepsy & Seizures Support Group.

@matermiracle Hello! I see that you just joined Mayo Connect. Let me welcome you! I see that you have a question about seizures. In order for our members to respond to your question, could you give a little more information? By a "number of different seizures" are you referring to having several types of seizures or are you referring to the quantity (number) of seizures that you have. Also, if you are under a doctor's care, what has your doctor said about this? Thanks again for joining Mayo Connect we look forward to getting to know you!


Hello @matermiracle, welcome to Connect!!

I have a few types of seizures, Partial Complex - Frontal lobe , General Tonic Clonic which have always start with an aura.

Is there a particular kind you or a loved one has that poses this question?



@matermiracle Hello! I see that you just joined Mayo Connect. Let me welcome you! I see that you have a question about seizures. In order for our members to respond to your question, could you give a little more information? By a "number of different seizures" are you referring to having several types of seizures or are you referring to the quantity (number) of seizures that you have. Also, if you are under a doctor's care, what has your doctor said about this? Thanks again for joining Mayo Connect we look forward to getting to know you!

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yes a number of different Seizures
such a Tonic Clonic, Absence , Peti-mal


Hello @matermiracle, welcome to Connect!!

I have a few types of seizures, Partial Complex - Frontal lobe , General Tonic Clonic which have always start with an aura.

Is there a particular kind you or a loved one has that poses this question?


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i am asking on behalf of myself i have recently started having seizures my gp has Referred me to a Neurologist the soonest appointment they could give me is in November ct and M.R.I. Scans have been done all came back clear.
i have had these weird episodes before they have always questioned the history in our family but we didn't know that history till a few weeks ago.


Hello @matermiracle, welcome to Connect!!

I have a few types of seizures, Partial Complex - Frontal lobe , General Tonic Clonic which have always start with an aura.

Is there a particular kind you or a loved one has that poses this question?


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@matermiracle Thanks for the additional information about your seizures. I'm sure that you are anxious to see a neurologist and begin treatment. Has your GP suggested any meds for the seizures, yet?


Hi @matermiracle, I add my welcome to Teresa's and Dawn's. I moved this discussion to the Brain & Nervous System group where you can meet other members who have been talking about epilepsy. In face, I'm tagging @sall @lucky12 @tatiana01 @mnangelmom @kevinkelley @XhaustedBsue, @TabMar @FaceNu and @jeniyeager in the hopes that they will join this discussion and share their experiences with epilepsy, in particular your question about having different types of epilepsy.

We look forward to getting to know a little more about you Matermiracle and to help you get ready for your upcoming appointment with the neurologist. What family history did you discover?


Hello @matermiracle, welcome to Connect!!

I have a few types of seizures, Partial Complex - Frontal lobe , General Tonic Clonic which have always start with an aura.

Is there a particular kind you or a loved one has that poses this question?


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no not till i see the neurologist .


Hello @matermiracle, welcome to Connect!!

I have a few types of seizures, Partial Complex - Frontal lobe , General Tonic Clonic which have always start with an aura.

Is there a particular kind you or a loved one has that poses this question?


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Can you describe your "weird episodes"? Have they diagnosis the episodes specificly? How were they discovered? What if anything concerns you the most?

Sorry for all the questions. Just trying to get to know you and what led you to become apart of this fabulous family of support.



Hello @matermiracle, welcome to Connect!!

I have a few types of seizures, Partial Complex - Frontal lobe , General Tonic Clonic which have always start with an aura.

Is there a particular kind you or a loved one has that poses this question?


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the weird episodes don't happen everyday more like every couple of weeks when they occur i go into like a deep sleep sorta like a coma thing and i am starring into space for like 10-15 min each time they occur my doctor asks me if i remember wat i was doing before i went out of it or when i wake they discover i have wet my nappy during it and when it comes to the end of it and i am still waking up my legs and or arms are still twitching a bit and i dribble from the corner of my mouth.
wat concerns me if i am home on my own and i feel strange wat should i do sit or lay down or wat.?

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