Living with LPSVS (long post-COVID vaccination syndrome)

Posted by sandtoes @sandtoes, Jan 11, 2024

Has anyone experienced long-covid symptoms from the vaccines. I have been searching for 10 months now for the cause of my severe fatigue. I have been sent to an ENT, a cardiologist, a hematologist and undergone so many tests/scans. My doc told me a few days ago that he is stumped. No idea. Come back in a month. I pace myself to get through a day. Is this LPCVS? Is there something to do besides pace oneself? Should I ever get another covid vaccine?

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I developed several autoimmune conditions from Covid/vaccine. It started with antiphospholipid syndrome (clotting disorder). I developed the lupus anticoagulant antibody and had an event in October 2021 (acute DVT in right thigh and saddlebag PE). I had Covid in Jan 2021 and then was vaccinated April/May 2021 with Moderna. Extensive bloodwork and genetic testing found that my APS developed due to either Covid or the vaccine, they can't single out which, but derived from infection and not genetics. I am still on blood thinners due to the APS. In late 2022 I started experiencing intense/debilitating muscle/joint pain, brain fog, tingling sensations, etc. and was diagnosed in May 2023 with Sjogren's syndrome. Again, linked back to Covid/vaccine. I am now on a prescriptions that have immensely helped give me a sense of normalcy, but I went from great health to a complete shift in 2021.
All this to say that it may be worth exploring autoimmune conditions (antibody tests) through a rheumatologist to make sure your long Covid symptoms aren't something more. I had to advocate for myself in getting a Sjogren's diagnosis because none of my doctors were connecting the dots, but I knew my pain was extreme and spoke to something more going on. I pushed for blood tests and found a rheumatologist through recommendation from my hematologist. I never tested positive for ANA, but my inflammation tests were off the charts before I saw my rheumatologist and got a diagnosis.
I have not gotten any Covid vaccines/boosters since because I know my body is susceptible to creating antibodies that later turn, and frankly I am still unraveling new diagnoses since and wouldn't like to take any chances with developing more.

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I read your story and yours is a lot like mine. I’m still playing the testing game but we all know I have an immune disorder but not sure which one. Sjogren's lung (pulmonary) disease would be one I would look into. The symptoms I have match the Sjogren's but I also have issues breathing still after three plus years. I will request a Rheumatologist referral. They ruled that out but I think that was still suggested to go see. I too have intense Disabilitating muscle and joint pain. Brain fog, and nerve pain all over. Getting treated for Fibromyalgia. Though there is more to it. My Dr is just treating symptoms. More tests being done. They have mentioned Cushings as well. Going to a Medical School Hospital and seeing the head Endocrinologist referred by my Cardiologist. I can barely walk now. Limited.


I have Post Vaccination Syndrome (PVS). Have never had Covid but was injured by the jab two years ago. My primary symptom is severe, debilitating weakness. I can barely walk. I shuffle across the floor without lifting my feet and support myself against the walls. My muscles are atrophied and my heart is now very weak. I spend most of the day stretched out on the sofa. I found relief with Plavix and Nattokinase (micro-clot theory as the source of the fatigue) but the relief was temporary. No one here in the province of New Brunswick, Canada has any idea how to help. In fact, Canada is a wasteland in treating PVS. Am resigned to slowly fading to black unless I can find help. If anybody has PVS and has found help, please reply. Thank you. 🙏🏼


I have the same condition: Post-Covid Vaccination Syndrome. I have never had Covid. I was injured by the vaccination and the booster. Overwhelming, debilitating fatigue is my primary symptom. I have spent two years losing muscle mass as I lie about all day, unable to do almost anything. Go to YouTube and check out the work of Dr. Jordan Vaughn, in Birmingham. It’s known as Triple Therapy, and involves the use of blood thinners. The theory is that we are suffering from endotheliitis, an inflammation of the interior of our capillaries that prevents oxygen from being absorbed by our tissues. I am currently on Triple Therapy, and I am seeing improvement.


Yes. I've had Covid twice, LC all along. Various vaccines and boosters boosted LC symptom,. Dramatically, at least until I stopped having them.

Ironically Covid itself was mild. Mar 2020 first case.
Substantially better now, but not 100%


I have the same condition: Post-Covid Vaccination Syndrome. I have never had Covid. I was injured by the vaccination and the booster. Overwhelming, debilitating fatigue is my primary symptom. I have spent two years losing muscle mass as I lie about all day, unable to do almost anything. Go to YouTube and check out the work of Dr. Jordan Vaughn, in Birmingham. It’s known as Triple Therapy, and involves the use of blood thinners. The theory is that we are suffering from endotheliitis, an inflammation of the interior of our capillaries that prevents oxygen from being absorbed by our tissues. I am currently on Triple Therapy, and I am seeing improvement.

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@rsteven I am a member of the same club since November '21 my first and last booster. PEM, Exercise Intolerance, a strange sensation in my head that is very bothersome, recking sensation, etc. I wear an Apple Watch, thus am very tuned into my blood oxygen %. I would think with Dr. Vaughn's point of view those with endotheliitis would measure low blood oxygen levels. Is that the case? Thanks in advance.


@rsteven I am a member of the same club since November '21 my first and last booster. PEM, Exercise Intolerance, a strange sensation in my head that is very bothersome, recking sensation, etc. I wear an Apple Watch, thus am very tuned into my blood oxygen %. I would think with Dr. Vaughn's point of view those with endotheliitis would measure low blood oxygen levels. Is that the case? Thanks in advance.

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Hi there… I don’t think the problem is low blood oxygen in the blood. Dr. Vaughn has never suggested this. Whenever an oxygen sensor is placed on my finger, my blood oxygen is normal. The problem, as I understand it, is that the endothelium that lines the capillaries are clogged with microclots, preventing oxygen from being absorbed by the tissues they are meant to feed. Thus, chronic fatigue and a host of other problems. BTW, search for Dr. Jordan Vaughn on YouTube and you’ll find many interviews with him that go into detail describing his work and the “Triple Therapy” he uses to break up microclots.


I read your story and yours is a lot like mine. I’m still playing the testing game but we all know I have an immune disorder but not sure which one. Sjogren's lung (pulmonary) disease would be one I would look into. The symptoms I have match the Sjogren's but I also have issues breathing still after three plus years. I will request a Rheumatologist referral. They ruled that out but I think that was still suggested to go see. I too have intense Disabilitating muscle and joint pain. Brain fog, and nerve pain all over. Getting treated for Fibromyalgia. Though there is more to it. My Dr is just treating symptoms. More tests being done. They have mentioned Cushings as well. Going to a Medical School Hospital and seeing the head Endocrinologist referred by my Cardiologist. I can barely walk now. Limited.

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Oh good lord! I’m so sorry you’re suffering so. You mentioned you’re seeing an Endocrinologist, please have them test your Thyroid levels. You could either have hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism or Hashimoto’s. I have hypothyroidism with Hashimoto’s (autoimmune) disease and am being treated with Synthroid. I had brain fog and began gaining weight rapidly. It could make a big difference in your body if you have either of these and are not being treated. Good luck!


Hi there… I don’t think the problem is low blood oxygen in the blood. Dr. Vaughn has never suggested this. Whenever an oxygen sensor is placed on my finger, my blood oxygen is normal. The problem, as I understand it, is that the endothelium that lines the capillaries are clogged with microclots, preventing oxygen from being absorbed by the tissues they are meant to feed. Thus, chronic fatigue and a host of other problems. BTW, search for Dr. Jordan Vaughn on YouTube and you’ll find many interviews with him that go into detail describing his work and the “Triple Therapy” he uses to break up microclots.

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Thank you for this information. I will go check it out on YouTube. My doc finally wrote chronic fatigue in my medical record but after all the tests and specialists, that's all I've got. I did learn about pacing from folks on this site and have been able to function much better but sadly I have never been able to return to what was for me a normal activity level. I have been pushing myself a bit with cardio workouts and can at least do 20 minutes on a good day. Basically, I gave up on finding a solution. Anxious to go see what Dr. Jordan Vaughn has to say.


I have the same condition: Post-Covid Vaccination Syndrome. I have never had Covid. I was injured by the vaccination and the booster. Overwhelming, debilitating fatigue is my primary symptom. I have spent two years losing muscle mass as I lie about all day, unable to do almost anything. Go to YouTube and check out the work of Dr. Jordan Vaughn, in Birmingham. It’s known as Triple Therapy, and involves the use of blood thinners. The theory is that we are suffering from endotheliitis, an inflammation of the interior of our capillaries that prevents oxygen from being absorbed by our tissues. I am currently on Triple Therapy, and I am seeing improvement.

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Dr. Vaughn has the correct focus in realizing that the problem is oxygen is being prevented from absorbing in our tissues. That has been my focus since I read about the Italian study on arginine and vitamin C improving long covid symptoms. Could you give a link to Dr. Vaughn's site? Thank you.


Dr. Vaughn has the correct focus in realizing that the problem is oxygen is being prevented from absorbing in our tissues. That has been my focus since I read about the Italian study on arginine and vitamin C improving long covid symptoms. Could you give a link to Dr. Vaughn's site? Thank you.

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Also, search for a variety of interviews with Dr. Vaughn on YouTube: “Dr. Jordan Vaughn.”

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