Volunteering in-person and online: Meet @roch

May 8, 2024 | John, Volunteer Mentor | @johnbishop | Comments (30)

JOHN: What brought you to Mayo Clinic Connect? 

@roch: Breast cancer. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer at Mayo Clinic, they handed me a folder with lots of information. I think that is where I first read about Mayo Clinic Connect. While I had medical advice from providers, the support group was where I could ask questions about what to expect and how to prepare for surgery, chemo, radiation, and medications. Reading comments, I learned about other tests and what questions to ask providers.

JOHN: What motivates you to take part in the community?

@roch: Combination of obtaining and giving information. When I see a question and I have been in the same situation, I want to help someone else get through a stressful time.

 JOHN: What about Mayo Clinic Connect makes you feel comfortable to share and to be open with the community?

@roch: It is a safe environment. I appreciate that the community is hosted by Mayo Clinic and monitored by Mayo Clinic employees and volunteer mentors to make sure inappropriate information is removed. There is nothing that identifies who you are unlike Facebook. So, you can have personal and sensitive conversations without all your friends on Facebook knowing about your issues.

JOHN: What support groups do you participate in?

@roch: Currently I spend most time in the Visiting Mayo Clinic and Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss support groups. I am a lifelong resident of Rochester MN and have been a patient of Mayo Clinic since birth, so I can often offer advice on visiting Mayo and Rochester. I had weight loss surgery 10+ years ago at Mayo and am familiar with some of the pre and post op issues with bariatric surgery.

But you will see me in other groups occasionally. If I see a discussion that I think I can provide help with, I will comment. 

JOHN: Tell us about a meaningful moment on Mayo Clinic Connect.

@roch: In June 2018 I made my first post: “Breast Surgery; any advice to prepare for surgery?” The responses were wonderful. I am the type of person who likes to be prepared and the more information I have, the more I feel in control. When I met with the surgeon, she discussed the technical parts of surgery, but the community members provided me with practical advice. 

JOHN: What surprised you the most about Mayo Clinic Connect?

@roch: How willing people are to help and support each other. Often it feels like a virtual hug from strangers. Also, I am amazed at the medical knowledge many members have. Though most members are not medical professionals, they have taken the initiative to research their medical situations and share what they have found with others.

JOHN: What energizes you, or how do you find balance in your life?

@roch: Volunteering energizes me. Besides being a volunteer mentor on Mayo Clinic Connect, I volunteer in other areas on campus at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. Weekly I volunteer at St Mary's in my assigned area and also take part in special projects as needed. If you’ve ever been to a Mayo Clinic campus, you may have seen volunteers, at information desks, gift stores, with a therapy dog, or other areas, helping patients and visitors. The volunteer assignments are beneficial to both patients, visitors, staff, and to the volunteer themselves. I personally get a great deal of satisfaction helping others in what can be a very stressful environment. 

My other volunteer assignment is working with students at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine. In the Senior Sages Program medical students are paired with senior community members to learn more about the aging process from someone who knows it first hand — seniors. I have two medical students that I meet once a quarter to review topics about memory, medications, advance care planning, and other topics that affect aging. 

Volunteering is my way of giving back to Mayo Clinic who has helped me in many ways over the years.

JOHN: Tell us about your favorite pastime or activity

@roch: As spring and summer come to Minnesota, I enjoy doing anything outside. I also like to read; my favorite author is John Sandford (John Roswell Camp).

JOHN: Do you have a favorite quote, life motto or personal mantra?

@roch: A version of the Golden rule, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” 

Sometimes it is the smallest task that can make someone’s day better. A simple example is when I am on the Mayo Clinic campus and see someone staring at a map, I will ask if they need help finding somewhere. The Mayo campus can be intimidating when there first time, and even though people are willing to help if asked, some people are afraid to approach a stranger to ask. If I take initiative to approach them, they are grateful. 

JOHN: Puppies or kittens?

@roch: Puppies, mostly because I’m allergic to cats. I currently have a Cavachon (a Cavalier-Bichon mix). She was 8 years old when I adopted her during my cancer treatment. It motivated me to get up and take care of her on days when I just wanted to stay in bed. Her name is Paris, not my favorite name but I did not want to rename her. The one word that best describes her is DIVA!

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I was told that I have peripheral neuropathy in my feet and that it is small fibre neuro, by having a nerve conduction test, Given gabapentin 300 mg/ day and told that’s all that can be done, I feel that I was not tested enough and want to know if there is anything that can be done, I just started having intestinal issues and GP says it’s not neuro causing it. But I’ve read that it is possible caused by neuropathy. So want to know what else can be done.

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@prudencemorton, I don't think you are alone with GI issues and neuropathy. You might find it helpful to read through some of the existing discussions and comments by members on the topic. Here's a search results link that lists the discussions and comments - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/search/discussions/?search=neuropathy%20and%20GI%20issues


Hello @marivic09, if you'd like to request an appointment with Mayo Clinic to learn more about kidney transplant, you can get started here, http://mayocl.in/1mtmR63. You may also find useful information from Mayo Clinic's Transplant Center, https://www.mayoclinic.org/departments-centers/transplant-center/home/orc-20203891.

On Mayo Clinic Connect, you may find the following support groups worth exploring:

Kidney & Bladder - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/kidney-conditions/.
Transplants - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/transplants/

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Laurie, @roch, I enjoyed reading your spotlight interview and I want to thank you for participating in the Spotlight Project with @johnbishop. I can really appreciate that you were willing to make the time in your busy schedule to share about your volunteering experiences!
I have been a patient at Mayo Rochester since 2009, and return annually. One of the amazing 'gifts' that I appreciated right away is that I was always met with a warm and caring greeting. This does not happen everywhere, - so thank you and all of the volunteers for what you are doing to make a patients' journey a little brighter.


Buenos dias, quisiera informacion de como puedo ser beneficiaria de un transplante de riñon. Ya que mis riñones solo funcionan a un 15% y lo que me han dicho los medicos es que para estar sana completamente debo acudir a buscar ayudas para el procedimiento de transplante. mi lugar de residencia es bogota d.c colombia. Quiero estar completamente sana

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Hola, (@rosemarya) quisiera me asesoras como fuiste beneficiarias del tranplante. Me llamo Mariana Moreno y el lugar de residencia de mi mamita que es la que padece la enfermedad de insuficiencia renal cronica es Bogota D.C, colombia. Somos de Venezuela pero me puse a investigar por internet que entidades me pueden ayudar para que mi mama sea beneficiaria de un tranplante de riñon. Ya que sus riñones no estan funcionando y mi mama es una mujer joven aun de 57 años, y la enfermedad la ha deteriorado mucho, le han salido manchas en su piel a causa de que no elimina las toxinas de su cuerpo como deberia, y la enfermedad le ha venido afectando tambien su higado. Pero tenemos FE que ella con un tranplante tendra mejor calidad de vida y va mejorar mucho. Para que mi mamita me dure mas años. Quisiera me indicaran que paso debo seguir?


Hola, (@rosemarya) quisiera me asesoras como fuiste beneficiarias del tranplante. Me llamo Mariana Moreno y el lugar de residencia de mi mamita que es la que padece la enfermedad de insuficiencia renal cronica es Bogota D.C, colombia. Somos de Venezuela pero me puse a investigar por internet que entidades me pueden ayudar para que mi mama sea beneficiaria de un tranplante de riñon. Ya que sus riñones no estan funcionando y mi mama es una mujer joven aun de 57 años, y la enfermedad la ha deteriorado mucho, le han salido manchas en su piel a causa de que no elimina las toxinas de su cuerpo como deberia, y la enfermedad le ha venido afectando tambien su higado. Pero tenemos FE que ella con un tranplante tendra mejor calidad de vida y va mejorar mucho. Para que mi mamita me dure mas años. Quisiera me indicaran que paso debo seguir?

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Welcome, @marivic09. If you would like to find out more about kidney transplant at Mayo Clinic, please contact the Mayo Clinic Kidney Transplant Program. See more information here: https://www.mayoclinic.org/departments-centers/kidney-transplant/contact-us/occ-20209485


Hello, I thought I read that ACS was working with Mayo to have Volunteers who would go to an appointment with you. Or perhaps come have a cup of tea with you during a spouse's surgery. Is anything set up like that? Thank you-


@roch It is nice to meet you.

You sound like a wonderful and amazing volunteer. I can only imagine the anxiety and fears that are quelled by your kind, genuine presence at Mayo.

Thank you for sharing your story and the ways you navigate through it.

Cindy C


Hello, I thought I read that ACS was working with Mayo to have Volunteers who would go to an appointment with you. Or perhaps come have a cup of tea with you during a spouse's surgery. Is anything set up like that? Thank you-

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Hello @danandnan2024, Concierge services might be able to answer any questions you might have about available services. Here's an article on the topic that includes contact information:
-- Concierge services: Navigating your Mayo Clinic visit:


Hello, I thought I read that ACS was working with Mayo to have Volunteers who would go to an appointment with you. Or perhaps come have a cup of tea with you during a spouse's surgery. Is anything set up like that? Thank you-

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@danandnan2024, I believe you are referring to Patient Navigators at the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Centers. This service is free to Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center patients and families at any of our Mayo Clinic locations.

Learn more about it here in the Cancer Education blog:
- Cancer Education: Patient Navigation https://connect.mayoclinic.org/blog/cancer-education-center/tab/patient-navigation/

Here is the contact info for each Patient Navigator team:
- Rochester, Minnesota: cecptnavigator@mayo.edu; 507-266-9288
- Phoenix, Arizona: arzcecptnavigator@mayo.edu; 480-342-4229
- Jacksonville, Florida: flacecptnavigator@mayo.edu; 904-956-8105

@roch may have additional information.


Hello, I thought I read that ACS was working with Mayo to have Volunteers who would go to an appointment with you. Or perhaps come have a cup of tea with you during a spouse's surgery. Is anything set up like that? Thank you-

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In addition to Patient Navigator that Colleen mentioned, Mayo also has volunteers that you will see at Mayo campus. They do not attend appointments with patients, but they do other services to assist staff and make patient experience less stressful. You will often see at various locations to help with directions and answer questions. Sometimes they are in surgical areas to visit with families. I am familiar with Rochester campus, but I assume other campus have similar volunteers.

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