can sleep apnea/uars be so severe/debilitating?

Posted by ariza9110 @ariza9110, Sep 21, 2024

so I have been suffering from what I suspect to be sleep apnea/uars for more then a year, my symptoms where fatigue and brain fog which improved a lot when I slept on my side, since I had a dental work 4 months ago I developed a problem with my jaw/tounge (which I strongly suspect to be Oromandibular dystonia) where it feels like my tounge presses hard on my palate and feels like it doesn't fit in my mouth and and and it feels like my jaw shifted also I experience choking sensation when lying on my back, since this problem started my symptoms became severe, I sleep 10 hours every day to wake up with extreme fatigue and extreme brain fog, also I developed orchastatic hypotension, I stopped working since it started and this days even watching a YouTube video or writing/talking lefts me exhausted because of how severe the mental fatigue is, I have a in lab sleep study in 2 weeks from now but I started cpap on my own, It feels like I dont sleep at all and since it started for some reason I started dreaming way more, lately I became depressed and suicidal over this and wanted to know if sleep apnea/uars can be this severe? thanks.

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I have sleep apnea but can't imagine how much difficult it must be for you. I also sleep best on my sides but that presents a few other problems for me. @lookingforanswers2022 mentioned UARS in another discussion and may have some suggestions or thoughts for you. I'm not sure but it sounds like UARS is more complicated that obstructive sleep apnea which I have. I did find some information that explains it a little better if you haven't already seen it.

-- Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome



Ask your doctor to send you to a sleep specialist (doctor)
or to a sleep clinic for testing ASAP. Make it priority one. I'm a 57 yr old male, have severe sleep apnea and it may have caused my A Fib which resulted in a heart procedure (Catheter Ablation)

I'm stable but need medication for heart rate,depression, and a CPAP machine. If you can get a proper diagnosis and a plan, you can avoid some of these potential issues. Hang in there and stay positive. I wish you well.

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