Anyone had experience with OsteoStrong, who is not a franchisee?
Has anyone had experience with OsteoStrong? It suggests you will get a large increase in bone density while using their facility 10 minutes per WEEK. Somewhat pricey at $99 and up per month, but am curious if anyone who is NOT a franchisee, has experienced this program?
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I have been going to Osteostrong for about 5 months and have definitely felt stronger. I have been able to meet or exceed their targets for each machine. I had a Reclas(spelling?)infusion in April and have been taking the osteocal supplements. My latest Dexa showed bone growth in my lumbar and hip!!
I can now have badly needed surgery. Praise God!
looks like I'm a couple years late commenting , but I just started Osteo Strong about 6 weeks ago .
Its very pricey ! $227.00 I'm giving it until January when I'm due for my bone density , if that hasn't improved then I'm going to stop going.
Well, I came into this late as well but have read the entire thread. I have osteopenia primarily left hip. I am still in treatment for breast cancer and currently on aromatase inhibitor which damages bone. Oncologist has recommended Prolia or Reclast but has agreed to wait till next dexa scan. So I am looking for ways to maintain bone and prevent the decline into osteopenia. I have been getting information on Osteoboost which was recently approved by FDA - this is the vibration belt that has been referenced a couple times in this link. I asked oncologist but he was concerned about safety after cancer (could it activate dormant cells on pelvis and spine) and wanted more info on tests with cancer patients. But also noted that their tests showed no response on women with osteoporosis if over 70. So that bit the dust (I’m 72). So I am now looking into Osteostrong. Have spoken with them but postponed meeting till end of next month because of cataract surgery. So this string has been very interesting and informative. I will do further research and will most likely do their meeting to see what it is all about. I do go to gym at least 4 days a week, treadmill and strength training and they did recommend I not stop that and use Osteostrong as an additional exercise. My next dexa scan will be next May and if it’s not stable, I know he’ll recommend meds. I will see how this goes and try to keep posting results.
I just tried my first Osteostrong session and the first part of the weekly treatment always is on a standing up total body vibration machine , where you stand on one foot for count to 10 then again without putting your foot down but looking up to 10 then without putting foot down closing your eyes to 10. You are rated for balance to the point where you needed to touch your foot down, Then again repeat on other foot. This total body vibration was necessary I was told, before using the other strength machines to warm up your bones and muscles and nervous system, all necessary for the other machines to be effective on you. There is no belt that you wear, just the bottom plate vibrates which makes your whole body, including your head vibrate. If vibration is bad for you, then I don't personaly think this program is good for you and not worth the risk, especially as there is currently no real proof that the program really works, just theory and testimonials, as their research studies have not been approved as proper scientific research studies (from University of Waterloo in Canada, analysis of their research studies they refer to on their website: they need to do proper research with a control group and more people )
I go to Osteostrong and have found it very beneficial. I read one thread that was about the vibration plate. If your doc thinks it’s not good for you just tell Osteostrong and skip that part. Also you can have a dexa scan anytime without perscription. I was so curious about whether the program was working that I had one 6 months in and they charged my insurance which paid for it! I’m much stronger since starting the program and feel the balancing exercises are extremely benefial. Good luck to you!
The vibration he was concerned about was the new Osteoboost belt that is coming out this fall. You wear it daily and it vibrates directly over lower spine and pelvis to strengthen bones. So don’t feel the standing vibration plates will be of concern but will ask before I start. as you said you just did your first one, are you continuing?
I’m 63, with I’m told, severe Osteoporosis.
I tried OsteoStrong, and I personally feel it’s overpriced and much overrated. I spoke with several people there, and those with improvement, started their program with osteopenia—not severe osteoporosis.
Other people who had severe osteoporosis, who had been there a longtime, actually said there was little improvement seen in their DEXA Scans, but thought OsteoStrong was stabilizing them so it wasn’t getting worse.
I considered the hype, lack of studied proof, and what members told me. I was only there for a short time, because my intuition told me, it wasn’t beneficial for me. Especially, for my overall health and fitness.
The program was more than $99/mo in my area, annd I was told only 1-day/ week wasn’t enough to see the progress I desired—so there’s that.
I couldn’t budget in anything else! So I purchased my own vibration plate that has a built-in program for Osteoporosis, started doing equipment-based Pilates, walking, and weightlifting (not heavy). I make sure I get 1000 - 1200mg of Calcium per day, and receive a Prolia injection every 6-months (Note: I cannot take any other medications due to experiencing negative side effects.)
My DEXA scan is now showing overall improvement, so this is a good path for me.
No, I wont be continuing. To get the trial I had to prepay $!69 that gave me 2 sessions so I still have one more session this coming week. If I wanted to continue after that, I would have to purchase a subscription for either a month at a time that costs something like $253. 00 ,which gives me one session a week (4 in a month) on the force machines ( the vibration plate plus 3 machines) or pay more , something in the $400 dollar range to use their other equipment too, like leg or hip wrap for lymphatic drainage, energy wave, light therapy room and hydro massage) or commit to do a 6 month subscription which is slightly less than month to month. I was really hopeful and want it to work as theoretically it sounds so good, but I became skeptical as I explained in a previous comment thread, as I didn't find it hard as normal muscle machines at a gym, and when I questioned why it is better than the gym machine, the trainer did his theoretical explanation which did sound convincing and referred me to research the studies that apparently prove it. So I researched the research studies they refer to and like I said, I found that the University of Waterloo checked these out scientifically and did the work for me, they concluded that the research was not properly, scientifically done as it only had something like 9 people and it didn't have a control group , and it wasn't comparing their bone density tests results on a timely basis, and there is so much fake research studies out there so they felt they should look at this. Although they did not support the research they felt that Osteostrong should continue the studies longer and properly as theoretically it could be promising . I don't want to waste my money. and it seems too good to be true that a 15 min session a week works better than working hard for an hour 3 times a week at weight machines at a gym, that according to them actually doesn't work to trigger bone growth. So I will wait until there is real actual proof it works better than a gym. As I said in my previous comment thread, I don't know if I will reach the level of force required on their machines for the bone growth to be triggered and I find it hard to logically understand how this force is reached when I really am not making much more muscle as I would on gym equipment, although they explain it is because of the angle of the way my limbs are placed. on their machines (which makes me think why can't I just place my arms and legs in that angle at the machines at the gym). It seems to me that my muscles have to move to create the foce on the bones, the bones don't move by themselves, so their concept is logically difficult for me to accept without outside real proof. I will continue just doing normal weight bearing excercises at the gym, definitely trying to be active, and if they get real proof I will subscribe. I also wonder whether those people commenting great results were very physically active before they joined Osteostrong, because if not, any activity would certainly make them feel stronger and more energy and may not necessarily be because of Osteostrong building bone. I am 66 and my osteoporosis bone density was -3.3 but got better at -2,7 after 2 year of taking Forteo daily injections, and then after an infusion, I felt noticeably stronger. I am still able to garden and work out at gym because I stay active so do have some muscles but for those who have greater mobility issues I can understand that Osteostrong might be safer for them as the machines are set up specifically to fit them by a trainer, and definitley easier to do than go to a gym, so whether or not it actually works to build bone it would be good for them if they are not otherwise active as being active is key.
What was your DEXA score before starting OsteoStrong, and since you’ve been in their program, what have your DEXA score increases been?
I’m personally interested in hearing from people in the OsteoStrong program, if it’s actually reversing their osteoporosis.
Thanks in advance.
I have been going to OsteoStrong for 5 months 1x/week and I always hit the trigger points. I also walk every day and in the last 2 months doing jump exercises/HIIT and weights. I just did a yearly Dexa and there was no change either way from -3.3 spine and -2.7 hip. I have felt stronger which is why I’ve upped my exercise level. So Osteostrong maybe good to maintain and gain some strength. Perhaps over longer period of time like the Onero study of 4 years perhaps it might prove successful but without studies who knows?. Beyond that I’m planning to start Evenity in November. Post Evenity- I’m still on the fence- HRT or Reclast and for sure jump and weight training. I Don’t want Prolia. Also check out Dr. Gabrielle Lyons on skeletal muscle. I’ll find the link.