I have a 26mm nodule spiculated upper right lung what does it mean

Posted by cparsons02 @cparsons02, Aug 15, 2024

I have a 26 mm spiculated lung nodule upper right lobe.
An 16 mm calcification nodule I'm lower left
What does all this mean??
Please help .

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Lung Cancer Support Group.

Nodule is a spot in imaging test that are less than 30mm in size. Nodules are very common and most often an incidental finding. Approximately half of people who smoke have at least one nodule and about one third of non-smokers have them too. Statistically without considering the characteristics of a nodule, vast majority of nodules are benign.

Spiculated lung nodule is a nodule that has a shape that looks like it has spikes or threads coming out of it. Spiculated or irregularly shaped nodules have higher risk to be malignant.

Nodule with calcification means a nodule that has calcium in it. This could be because of healed infection or it could also mean it is malignant.

Spots in upper lobe have slightly higher risk to be malignant where as nodules in the lower lobes have slightly higher likelihood of being benign.

The size, shape and growth rate of a nodule can be used to determine the risk of a nodule. Also your family history and lifestyle affect this. However, until a biopsy or resection is performed, there is no way of telling with certainty whether it is malignant or benign.

In your case I would ask the doctor about at minimum a biopsy or resection.


Thank you so much!
So ,there is no need to worry about 26mm spiculated lung nodule being malignant?


Thank you so much!
So ,there is no need to worry about 26mm spiculated lung nodule being malignant?

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I also think that you need to see your doctor and get some tests done, nothing is definite until you do so. It’s very scary not knowing what is happening but the only way to deal with it is to get more tests done, a ct scan is just the first step and then you can move forward and get all the information you desperately need to put your mind to rest, good luck to you and for what it’s worth, you’re not alone and many people here including myself have gone through the same thing so we’re here for you,


Thank you so much!
So ,there is no need to worry about 26mm spiculated lung nodule being malignant?

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I'm not a doctor. You need to ask your doctors and be vigilant. Just worrying about it won't do you any good. If it bothers you, you need to talk more to your doctors. Getting second opinion never hurts either.You need to get more tests done to more definitely say anything about it.


26mm is really small, which is good news. The term “spiculated” means that it has irregular borders that were described to me as “tentacles”. Try to be patient as you move through the diagnosis process. Hang in there.


Thank you so much!
So ,there is no need to worry about 26mm spiculated lung nodule being malignant?

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Are you seeing a pulmonologist? That’s who did my biopsy on a spiculated nodule. Please continue to pursue a complete diagnosis.


Are you seeing a pulmonologist? That’s who did my biopsy on a spiculated nodule. Please continue to pursue a complete diagnosis.

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Thank you so much!
Makes me feel alot better!


I also think that you need to see your doctor and get some tests done, nothing is definite until you do so. It’s very scary not knowing what is happening but the only way to deal with it is to get more tests done, a ct scan is just the first step and then you can move forward and get all the information you desperately need to put your mind to rest, good luck to you and for what it’s worth, you’re not alone and many people here including myself have gone through the same thing so we’re here for you,

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Thank you !


You’re welcome and I’m sure you’ll make the best decision for yourself and with medical help you will grow more confident with your health and what you need to do.


Welcome to Mayo Connect @cparsons02. I'm sorry that you are facing this situation. One thing that I've found, is that only a biopsy or tissue sample can tell you for certain if a nodule is cancer. There have been other Connect members here that seemed to have a cancerous nodule, but the pathology proved it to be benign, and vice versa. It's not easy to predict by looking at a scan.
Here's another post that you may find interesting: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/12-mm-spiculated-nodule-upper-right-lobe/
What has your doctor recommended? A referral to a pulmonologist or other specialist?

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