getting mucus out of multifocal areas

Posted by @ling @wangling, Jun 24, 2024

Hi Everyone,
My recent CT scan report says that I have multifocal areas of mucous plugging, and central airways clear. Does anyone have a similar problem? What are your experiences of getting the mucus out of multifocal areas? I thought I was doing the airway clearance diligently. I don't know what I am doing wrong. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


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Hi all
I have been on Ethambutol 2x a week ( i negotiated that with pulmonologist because 3x a week was making me very nauseated) + Azithromycin MWF for past 7 weeks.
I was SOB last friday and again this morning. Emailed my pulmonologist but no response yet.
Anyone have similar experiences?
Both drugs are bothering my stomach and gut. I have gastritis and IBS. Tough to think I need to take these drugs for a year!


Hi Ling
Have the same thing and get so frustrated because I am doing everything to remove the mucus but chest xray unchanged.
Vest, chest PT ( my 80 year old husband does it), nebulizer tx, aerobika, walking as much as possible.


Hi Ling
Have the same thing and get so frustrated because I am doing everything to remove the mucus but chest xray unchanged.
Vest, chest PT ( my 80 year old husband does it), nebulizer tx, aerobika, walking as much as possible.

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Thank you mariegrace for sharing. It is good to know xray can show the mucus plugs. That will save some ct scans.
Take care!



Thank you mariegrace for sharing. It is good to know xray can show the mucus plugs. That will save some ct scans.
Take care!


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Actually I had a RUL pneumonia in march and was put on ceftan for 10day. Had a repeat chest xray and it showed it was resolving. Concerned about worsening and not resolving completely, i contiinued to monitor my temp.
I had low grade fever so told pulmonologist. She said if it got worse she would order another chest xray. I told her I prefer to have a chest CT. Well it showed left lower lobe congestion so she admitted me for IV Zosyn.
I told my doctor, I prefer chest CTs going forward because they are more sensitive.8
While I was hospital, an ID attending reviewed my xrays etc and told me I didnt need Zosyn. I need MAC tx.
Why didnt the radiologist mention it on xray???


Thank you mariegrace for sharing. It is good to know xray can show the mucus plugs. That will save some ct scans.
Take care!


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Hi again Ling
After 10 days of Ceftan, 5 days of IV Zosyn + 5 days of Ceftan at home, there was no improvement in my chest xray!
I had terrible 8 days after all the antibiotics, several bms a day ( day 1 was 15 then lessened to 6). Thought I had C.diff


Hi again Ling
After 10 days of Ceftan, 5 days of IV Zosyn + 5 days of Ceftan at home, there was no improvement in my chest xray!
I had terrible 8 days after all the antibiotics, several bms a day ( day 1 was 15 then lessened to 6). Thought I had C.diff

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Hi mariegrace,
I am so sorry for what you had to go through. It is not very easy to find the right doctor. To have the right doctor is crucial for our conditions. I hope you are doing well.
Take care!


Hi mariegrace,
I am so sorry for what you had to go through. It is not very easy to find the right doctor. To have the right doctor is crucial for our conditions. I hope you are doing well.
Take care!

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Thanks Ling
I have a lovely pulmonologist but sometimes they need consults. She referred me to ID and so far he is nice and responds to my emails. My care is at Columbia Presbyterien in NYC.


Thank you mariegrace for sharing. It is good to know xray can show the mucus plugs. That will save some ct scans.
Take care!


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This is very interesting as I’ve never seen the word mucus on my CT or X ray results


Thank you mariegrace for sharing. It is good to know xray can show the mucus plugs. That will save some ct scans.
Take care!


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Hi: I hope mariegrace finds an answer. I was told X-rays are only as good as the technician who reads them. Mind you, that was my doctor who said it, after they had gaslighted me about my symptoms, and didn’t want to show me the X-rays. Thankfully a pulmonologist sent me for a CT scan that diagnosed BE. I’ve read it is the gold standard in diagnosis for Bronchiectasis. Hope you get answers.


Sometimes when things don't seem to be working, it's useful to go back to basics. Perhaps revisit and learn the theory behind airway clearance. Try different things to see what works. It takes lots of time and concentration.

For me learning to relax while exhaling gently was key. I found the stronger or harsher the exhale the worse. I wanted to get through the clearance as quickly as possible and I guess I sped things and there was more force, which was a hindrance. Once I took things down a notch things seem to move more freely. And it goes without saying lots of water and lately I've added brand name mucinex, which is helping to move the gunk. Hope this helpful.

PS - I find autogenic drainage and active cycle of breathing most effective

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Thanks @scoop. I use the Aerobika but lately found that lying on my back and breathing in, holding breath for count of four or five and exhaling by through mouth and engaging diaphragm, and then sitting up and doing a huff cough really brings up phelgm.

Maybe that explanation doesn’t sound very clear but the position seems to work at one point during the day. It seems that the mucus comes from a deeper part of the lung? I put my arms behind my head like you might during a CT scan. It seems to loosen up the mucus plugs. Using 600 mg of NAC twice a day with a meal, is also helping and drinking lots of water.
Like you said, people find methods that might work for them, although I know some people struggle to cough up mucus.

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