I was Diagnosed with Chronic Microvascular Ischemic Disease

Posted by JanaShay13 @janashay13, Oct 2, 2022

I just had a brain mri in August of 2022 and i was diagnose with Chronic Microvascular Ischemic but i had it 10yrs ago but it has increase since then. I'm drooping things I have memory loss and forgetting with right side weakness and dumbness. My Neuro said I had small stroke (TIA) I just turn 50 in August. I'm very scared right now and very confused.

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Sorry I mean what are the early symptoms of stroke

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Just look up stroke on the Mayo site for a comprehensive description. Symptoms can vary depending on the part of the brain impacted.


Just look up stroke on the Mayo site for a comprehensive description. Symptoms can vary depending on the part of the brain impacted.

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Been recently diagnosed with small vascular disease in my brain. Dr has instructed me to watch blood pressure (always high in dr office).
Also should minimize use of antacids so switched to baking soda in water.
Another to do was eat properly and get adequate sleep which is not a problem. I put my head down and I’m out like a light. I do favor bed time 11pm-1am and awaken 6-8am.
Fear of the unknown lives with me right now. Don’t want to become a second job for my adult sons.
One has currently moved in with his father who is going down the dementia path.
We are divorced but I occasionally visit them to give our son support.
Would appreciate any facts that would let me think about the future.
I did have what I believe was a TMI a couple of decembers ago.
I also have ocular migraines 3-4 a month.
Many thanks.


Had an MRI done and after getting notice the results posted to my Healthcare portal it stated I had "Mild supratentorial and pontine chronic microvascular ischemic type changes in addition to old lacunar infarction posterior aspect left cerebellar hemisphere"

Is been a week and the physician who ordered the MRI has not contacted me to tell me what it means (they haven't even called to tell me I need to make an appointment to go and so I can be told what it means)...

I had a fall at the end of June in which I hit the right side of my head that was bad enough it resulted in a hematoma...went to the ER the next day and after about 2 hours they sent me home saying I fainted (I never said I fainted...I only don't remember the fall, only remembered my head hurting and checking it twice because it was bleeding...my neighbor and friend told me to check my security camera to see what happened and it showed I never lost consciousness)...

a few days later I started not feeling right...vision was blurry, felt dizzy...

about a week after I fell I started having problems with my speech in addition to the previously mentioned issues and the side of my head that I hit still hurt so I went to my doctor who ordered a CT that they didn't schedule for until the end of July...

The following week after I got some bloodwork done at my doctors office I informed the nurse I was still having problems and my head was hurting more so they moved the CT up to the following week...

The day I got the CT done (July 16th) I had an appointment with another doctor at the same location where my CT was done and was told he wanted me to get an MRI because the CT showed I had had a possible cerebral stroke...

While wanting for them to schedule the MRI he said he wanted I've called letting them know my head was hurting more and not just the side I hit when I feel but also on the top and towards the back of my head now also, that my head is so sensitive that it hurts to brush my hair let alone have water from the shower even hit it, I'm having trouble with my short term memory, I'm struggling with my speech, my balance is off and gets so at times bad I can't walk in a straight line, sound has started becoming painful, and several other things are happening that were not present before I had fallen (which has been horrible since it's all in top of other things that have not been right for more than a year now such as unintentional weight loss which took me from 125-130 lbs last year to barely keeping 100 pounds on now, bone marrow hypocellularity, low white count, neutrophil and platelet counts, elevated liver enzymes and increase BUN/creatinine levels to name a few)...

They scheduled and did the MRI Sept 3rd and when I got a notice that the results had posted to my healthcare portal late on the 6th it stated "IMPRESSION:
1. No acute intracranial abnormality.
2. Mild supratentorial and pontine chronic microvascular ischemic type changes in addition to old lacunar infarction posterior aspect left cerebellar hemisphere."

A week has gone by and no one from the ordering doctors office has called to tell me to schedule an appointment to go in for them to give me the results let alone tell me what this means let alone despite me calling numerous times asking for someone to contact me to explain it...I'm scared because I've been left in the dark about what all this means and definitely not getting better.

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