At what size do you remove a minimally complex liver hepatic cyst

Posted by pamperme @pamperme, Feb 27, 2024

I have a minimally complex liver hepatic cyst. The cyst size is 13x12x12cm. The cyst is probably not cancerous. How large do you let these get before you remove them? I do have some stomach bloating and have trouble taking deep breaths but do not know if this is causing it. I also have two smaller cyst which are less than 2 cm.

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They showed me it was compressing up into the lung area. I was surprised on how much it was affecting my full breath. I got use to it the way it was.


I had the hepatic cyst removed on June 4. The surgeon took out the portion of the skin of cyst which was not in contact with the liver. This way I had none of the liver removed. I am able to breathe deeper than before. I did not realize how much my breathing was restricted. Best wishes to all.

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July 9, I had my 9cm x 8 cm x 9 cm cyst drained.. 340 ml removed and 40 ml of alcohol placed inside with drain for 1 hour to kill cyst. 3 days later I'm in the ER with severe liver pain and spasms. After a CT scan I was told the cyst was at 7.5 cm and had fluid. So it looks like my procedure was not successful. The fluid was benign thankfully. I'm meeting with the liver specialist on 7/17.. in 2 days. I'm going to mention your procedure to see if they can do this. My cyst is mostly in my healthy liver so they can't remove it completely. Was your procedure laparoscopic? At a Mayo Clinic and if so, where? If you have any recommendations, please let me know.


July 9, I had my 9cm x 8 cm x 9 cm cyst drained.. 340 ml removed and 40 ml of alcohol placed inside with drain for 1 hour to kill cyst. 3 days later I'm in the ER with severe liver pain and spasms. After a CT scan I was told the cyst was at 7.5 cm and had fluid. So it looks like my procedure was not successful. The fluid was benign thankfully. I'm meeting with the liver specialist on 7/17.. in 2 days. I'm going to mention your procedure to see if they can do this. My cyst is mostly in my healthy liver so they can't remove it completely. Was your procedure laparoscopic? At a Mayo Clinic and if so, where? If you have any recommendations, please let me know.

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I apologize for not answering this, I was at Yellowstone camping with no cell service
My surgery was laparoscopic. It was done in ny.
My cyst was outside my liver and they removed the wall part which was not attached to the liver. The part which had melded with the liver was not touched. Therefore they took out none of my liver.
Yours is inside the liver is harder
To get too
I wish you the best

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