COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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It must be reported to the cdc and there is government vacvine recovery

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Pray tell, what is “government vaccine recovery”?


The military never reported my case.


I’m 62 with sfn and I’ve had all the boosters (Moderna) and I haven’t experienced any change in my symptoms after any of the boosters.


I have bad neuropathy and restless leg syndrome: burning feet and electrical jolts up my calves that prevent my being able to sleep, and makes walking quite difficult at times. My iron % saturation and ferritin have been low since at least as far back as 2017, but no doctor picked up on it since technically, I'm still within 'normal range'. Also, my hemoglobin and hematocrit are within normal range. However, Silber et al. (2021) Mayo Clin Proc 96(7):1921, "The Management of Restless Leg Syndrome: an Updated Algorithm", states that IV administration of iron should be first-line therapy if moderate to severe chronic persistent or refractory RLS is present, i.e., if serum ferritin is < 100 mcg/L (see page 1924).


I have (small fiber) non-length dependent neuropathy. I had my first Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination 2 1/2 weeks ago. It exacerbated my neuropathy symptoms. I’m scheduled for my 2nd shot on Wednesday but I don’t know whether to get it since the 2nd shot is much more likely than the first to have significant adverse effects. I called Pfizer and they claim that Covid-19 vaccination is not related to any neurological side effects although I have read elsewhere it can exacerbate PN. My internist says there is just no data to know whether the 2nd shot is likely to make my symptoms worse.

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Tengo neuropatía desde hace más de 10 años. Empezó de forma suave. Sospecho de varias cosas,entre ellas el Tamoxifeno que empecé a tomar en 2006 después de una operación de cáncer de mamá.Tambien recibí rayos,pero no quimio. A los pocos meses de empezar con mi tratamiento de tamoxifeno empecé con terrible calambre. Y o los suponía causados por el tamoxifeno.Insisti mucho a mí medico oncólogo que me permitiese dejar el Tamoxifeno,pero nunca me permitió hacerlo. Solo me libero , 5 meses antes de lo que debía ser el final. Lo tomé 4 años y medio.No tengo bien en claro cuando comenzó mí neuropatía por qué no fue un comienzo claro,exacto. Recuerdo que empecé a tener la sensación que mis zapatos sandalias ,estaban desabrochados y me los ajustaba permanentemente. También tenía una pesadez al caminar. Y me di cuenta que cuando quería saltar ,por ejemplo.a la soga,no podía. Mí cuerpo no respondía a mí orden mental. Tampoco correr,.Todo eso se fue convirtiendo en absoluto y permanente.Consulte a unos neuróloga,que inmediatamente me ordenó un electromiograma,a lo que me negué,pues me aterra el efecto que produce la electricidad. Me tuve que exponer a un sin fin de análisis de sangre para descartar posibilidades.. El diagnóstico de 3 neurólogos fue el mismo. Aún me encuentro con que insisten con el electromiograma , a lo que me sigo negando,pues creo que no tengo por qué sufrir esa prueba,para corroborar algo que ya está casi corroborado.
He perdido algo más de sensibilidad en la parte superior de una de mis piernas. Una está más afectada que otra. Tengo en los pies bastante espasticidad en los movimientos. Pero ningún dolor,cosa que considero un lujo. Nunca he tenido dolores de ningún tipo. Soy una agradecida a la vida.
Y cómo dijo el poeta. " Muy cerca de mí ocaso,yo te bendigo vida...."


I too have heard from several sources that it's more likely you will have more serious side effects on the 2nd shot than the first. My wife has PN and got the first shot on 2/5. Just a slightly sore arm for about a day. I hope the 2nd is not awful for her. Best, Hank

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Tengo neuropatía periférica y recibí dos dosis de Astra Séneca. No sentí ningun cambio en mí dolencia. Reconozco que tuve bastante temor.


I had Moderna caused cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN~no treatment given supposedly eight years left to live) along with small fiber neuropathy. I wish I would have never taken the two shots. The cardiologist said they knew from the beginning that it caused CAN. I have bradycardia/tachycardia and my blood pressure either gets too high, then drops really low. It can’t make up it’s mine what it wants to do. It’s a very scary experience. My blood pressure was high for two weeks 150/100 then the cardiologist put me on blood pressure meds and my blood pressure got too low was in the hospital then it went back to normal. It was very scary to go through. I was so sick and nauseous from the roller coaster ride.


I have some kind of nueropathy. They stopped me at 1 shot


I had Moderna caused cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN~no treatment given supposedly eight years left to live) along with small fiber neuropathy. I wish I would have never taken the two shots. The cardiologist said they knew from the beginning that it caused CAN. I have bradycardia/tachycardia and my blood pressure either gets too high, then drops really low. It can’t make up it’s mine what it wants to do. It’s a very scary experience. My blood pressure was high for two weeks 150/100 then the cardiologist put me on blood pressure meds and my blood pressure got too low was in the hospital then it went back to normal. It was very scary to go through. I was so sick and nauseous from the roller coaster ride.

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My nueropathy has bern 3 years. The new medical journal article is called long term covid vaccine syndrome.

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