Increased depression after the death of my father

Posted by aliali @aliali, May 10, 2019

I was diagnosed with depression. My dad passed away four days ago. Before the death, my depression was perfectly controlled; I was very strong and happy. I thought that I am unbeatable and nothing could harm me or cause my depression again! I was very happy and excited. However, when I was told that my father has just passed away, I was very shocked and in doubt that he passed away. I am still in doubt due to the shock!! I am sleeping 12 hours a day due to increased depressive symptoms! I feel the desire to sleep all the time even when I am typing these words to escape the reality. I feel no reason to stay alive. I do not mean suicidal thoughts or attempts but I mean hmm, actually I feel it difficult to select the appropriate word here. May I feel no motivation for staying alive. Is anybody willing to help me?

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Dear Aliali, l just came across your post here.l realize this was 5 years ago l want to tell you how sorry l am to hear your father passed away.l hope your doing ok?❤️ I lost my Father 8 years ago it hurts SO bad still hurts. He was my world my BF l ever had.💔 It is really hard to go on.lbsuffer from depression also. People all say it gets better in time l maybe you did not love your deceased enough. Then think l don't seem to have the skills to move on. My heart breaks for you Aliali🌹💛 Please know l added you to my prayer list. If there is anything l can do to help you please let me know. Like you l sleep 12 to 20 hours in one day. Once 24 hours straight. Your right it numbs the pain no worries when we wake up. I think let me wake up and everything is ok Dad still here. Everything is a struggle even to open a window is to hard. I hope your heart 💜 is healing Sweetie. XXXXXX🌹

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Hi Lauren, Thank you for the hug! I can't open my new account so l hope you
get this! Hugs back to you 😊🇺🇲Happy fourth of July. Janet


Dear Aliali, l just came across your post here.l realize this was 5 years ago l want to tell you how sorry l am to hear your father passed away.l hope your doing ok?❤️ I lost my Father 8 years ago it hurts SO bad still hurts. He was my world my BF l ever had.💔 It is really hard to go on.lbsuffer from depression also. People all say it gets better in time l maybe you did not love your deceased enough. Then think l don't seem to have the skills to move on. My heart breaks for you Aliali🌹💛 Please know l added you to my prayer list. If there is anything l can do to help you please let me know. Like you l sleep 12 to 20 hours in one day. Once 24 hours straight. Your right it numbs the pain no worries when we wake up. I think let me wake up and everything is ok Dad still here. Everything is a struggle even to open a window is to hard. I hope your heart 💜 is healing Sweetie. XXXXXX🌹

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Oops sorry Lauren. Nite nite👍

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