Possible Amiodarone side effects

Posted by heart2024 @heart2024, Jun 24 2:50pm

I have a long history of heart rhythm problems originally thought to be SVT. I have had adenosen administered 6 times. In addition I am on a pacemaker/defibrillator. I have a stent and a TAVR. I started Amiodarone on May 1, 2024 after being hospitalized with a diagnosis of V-Tach and am now on the maintenance dose. Since May 1, I have noticed a weakness in my left side and in the last 10 days I have noticed that my hands are twitchy to the point of affecting my computer mouse control. Has anyone else had those symptoms? If so, what did you do? This is very disturbing. I am ready to discuss with my doctor stopping the drug.

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Hi and welcome to connect. Here is an ongoing discussion about Amiodrone you may find if interest. It's a well used medication and many on. Here are on it so they may be able to replay to your question. I myself did not have those aside affects but every one is different. https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/amiodarone/


I was on it only for eight weeks (extended by two weeks due to a little setback with AF, but then got weaned off successfully). It worked over night, but with 800 mg per day for the first week for a loading dose. I didn't want to take it, having researched it months earlier looking for options for my increasingly active AF. But, the ER doctor did consult with my electrophysiologist and they agreed to put me on Amiodarone for a term to get my post-ablation heart to calm down.
To the point, I had no discernible side effects. I knew to avoid sun exposure, and to watch for blue skin and lips, but what I wanted most to avoid were pulmonary hypertension and liver toxicity. When I took my last dose eight weeks later, I was still showing no unwelcome signs. I never was asked to submit a blood sample for them to monitor my system, but maybe in only eight weeks it was not a problem.

The specialist you deal with may feel that what you are experiencing is not unheard of, so at least you can take small comfort in knowing that it can happen, and that Amiodarone is what is causing the new symptoms. However, this may be a new 'nuther development quite unrelated to Amiodarone...so the upshot is you gotta let your experts know what you have going on.


I just pulled up the side effects of that drug.!!!!


I just pulled up the side effects of that drug.!!!!

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So did I and hand tremors and leg weakness is listed. I see my Dr tomorrow.




My mom wound up allergic to amiodorone. Her legs and ankles began to swell and she broke out in a rash. For her, it was the iodine that is in the medication.


Update: My doctor and I agreed that I should come off the amiodarone immediately. But it will take about 3 months before it is completely out of my system.

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