After 8 months heart is still in A-Fib. Cardiologist gave me 3 options

Posted by cturner01 @cturner01, Dec 18, 2020

Yesterday I had consult with my cardiologist about what to do next . Shocking hasn’t budged my heart. They calling it chronic. He says I have 3 options
1. Do nothing - continue on Eliquis &’Cardezim
2. They can give me a high powered drug (forgot the name & try shocking again) side effects are pretty rough
3. Set up consult with an electrophisiologist for consult about ablation
I’m not sure what I need to do, but I had him set me up with the consult electrophysiologist for 1/6.

Anyone else going through this?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Heart Rhythm Conditions Support Group.


I just posted a long explanation of our experience on "Heart Rhythm Conditions"- the thread is "Meds to Stop A fib". It will shed some light.

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My sister has had AFib 7 yrs she’s 64 .
She’s been on a ton of meds for heart ♥️ and AFib.
After many years she just had to get ablation.
It seems to have helped her .
Just get a good EP to do it .
Praying 🙏 it all works out .
I get pvcs but not on any meds for it . Just Heart Calm by Vital Biologics . Helps a lot . Google it .
I get it directly from their website.
It’s a Godsend for me .
Triple Magnesium w/ Q-10
And potassium ( 3 diff magnesiums).


Hi, I am also going through what you are. I have a AFib since 1990, I was told back then I needed a pacemaker but I was young and said no. I always knew I had a heart rhythm condition but it never bothered me. When I turned 65 I went for my wellness checkup and the NP did a ekg and said I needed a cardiologist to get my heart back in rhythm. I went to a Cardiologist/electrophisiologist and was told I was in 100% AFib. After 2 months I went into AFlutter . After 8 months of many different blood thinners, flecainide, diltiazem, many, many EKG's, 2 cardioversions, he is going to talk to me about a cardiac ablation when I go and see him on 4/24. I have heard that this procedure is really good, a lot of what I have read seems to really help people. Thank You.


Hi, I am also going through what you are. I have a AFib since 1990, I was told back then I needed a pacemaker but I was young and said no. I always knew I had a heart rhythm condition but it never bothered me. When I turned 65 I went for my wellness checkup and the NP did a ekg and said I needed a cardiologist to get my heart back in rhythm. I went to a Cardiologist/electrophisiologist and was told I was in 100% AFib. After 2 months I went into AFlutter . After 8 months of many different blood thinners, flecainide, diltiazem, many, many EKG's, 2 cardioversions, he is going to talk to me about a cardiac ablation when I go and see him on 4/24. I have heard that this procedure is really good, a lot of what I have read seems to really help people. Thank You.

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I had a cardiac ablation in 2008. It relieved my afib 100%. Still going strong.


Can I ask you how long before your Dr. finally gave you a cardiac ablation? My Dr. is only going to speak to me about it on July 24. He put me on diltaiazem 120 mg 24 hr and I am not having a good time on it. My heart is just racing continuously and I am so dizzy. Any thing you can suggest?


Can I ask you how long before your Dr. finally gave you a cardiac ablation? My Dr. is only going to speak to me about it on July 24. He put me on diltaiazem 120 mg 24 hr and I am not having a good time on it. My heart is just racing continuously and I am so dizzy. Any thing you can suggest?

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Continuous heart racing and dizziness sound serious.
1) Call your doctor's office and get a different prescription.
2) In the meantime, try different vagul maneuvers to stop the symptoms.
Good luck.


Can I ask you how long before your Dr. finally gave you a cardiac ablation? My Dr. is only going to speak to me about it on July 24. He put me on diltaiazem 120 mg 24 hr and I am not having a good time on it. My heart is just racing continuously and I am so dizzy. Any thing you can suggest?

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I just pulled up side effects of that drug and it listed dizziness, fainting and slow heart beat. I never swallow a med before investigating the side effects. Which is why take none. I agree with next post saying it is serious. You should not continue taking it til your appt. on July 24. I would call the doc office and tell them, and if they prescribe another med, investigate side effects of it. If they are just as horrible, I would keep cutting the dosage in half every day and make notes on how you feel. Also, do not drink or eat anything with ANY caffeine in it - coffee, tea, chocolate, mountain dew, colas. NONE. NOTHING with any stimulants. Keep us posted.


Hi, I am also going through what you are. I have a AFib since 1990, I was told back then I needed a pacemaker but I was young and said no. I always knew I had a heart rhythm condition but it never bothered me. When I turned 65 I went for my wellness checkup and the NP did a ekg and said I needed a cardiologist to get my heart back in rhythm. I went to a Cardiologist/electrophisiologist and was told I was in 100% AFib. After 2 months I went into AFlutter . After 8 months of many different blood thinners, flecainide, diltiazem, many, many EKG's, 2 cardioversions, he is going to talk to me about a cardiac ablation when I go and see him on 4/24. I have heard that this procedure is really good, a lot of what I have read seems to really help people. Thank You.

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I had a rapid heartbeat (docs called it tachycardia) during exercise/stress for many years. It was bothersome, but I never felt it to be life-threatening. However, I felt that I wanted it fixed while I was young and reasonably healthy, so I got an ablation. That ablation fixed the issue for over 20 years when it recurred again, but this time, they termed it as afib. Anyway, that episode prompted an ECG (echo cardiogram) that found an aneurysm which I subsequently had fixed. Keep an eye on this, but I would strongly recommend the ablation as they are usually pretty effective.


I had a rapid heartbeat (docs called it tachycardia) during exercise/stress for many years. It was bothersome, but I never felt it to be life-threatening. However, I felt that I wanted it fixed while I was young and reasonably healthy, so I got an ablation. That ablation fixed the issue for over 20 years when it recurred again, but this time, they termed it as afib. Anyway, that episode prompted an ECG (echo cardiogram) that found an aneurysm which I subsequently had fixed. Keep an eye on this, but I would strongly recommend the ablation as they are usually pretty effective.

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Mike, I want a ablation, everyone that I know that had one said it worked great for them. I just wish my Dr. would move along a bit quicker then what he is. I have days where I feel fine and then I have other days Friday into Sat. that was so very bad, my heart was pounding I was dizzy, I just want it fixed. Thank You for your response.

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