How long do Lupron side effects last after treatment concludes?

Posted by jbuuck @jonbuuck, May 10, 2021

I've been on Lupron for two years. The treatments have ended. How long do the side effects last? Thanks for any insight you can provide.

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Started with Lupron Depot injection followed by 20 radiation sessions in 2023. Was administered the maximum 6 month 45mg dosage. Had Gleason score of 8 intermediate high risk. PSA 15. Cancer confined in Prostate with possible microscopic in lymph nodes. Radiation attacked both areas. After treatment early December PSA reading was full remission. However, since taking the LD injection I have been diagnosed with Bradycardia (slow pulse rate) and irregular heart beat so decided to stop the LD injections (4 total over 2 years was plan) in the hope that my heart will return to normal. My radiologist is in agreement that I stop. Most side effects were from injection include hot flashes, libido loss, testicular shrinkage, man boobs and others possibly caused by the injection. Side effect from radiation is incontinence while standing urinating at times. I am hopeful all will go away over the next 6-18 months. I am 80 and feel fine, My best to all posting here.

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I decided to get a baseline testosterone reading going forward now that I have decided not to take the 3 (out of 4) additional Lupron Depot therapy injections. The results just out < 20 Total T so have my work cut out for me. Normal is
I have/am experiencing all of the following side effects I’m optimistic that with diet and exercise over time T will return to normal range. Normal is approx +150-800 for a male my age.

In males, lower testosterone levels can lead to:

hair loss
a reduction in muscle tone
more fragile skin
a reduced sex drive
mood disturbances
memory or concentration problems


Yes, sadly it is not curable. I now look at as a chronic disease such as diabetes. We have to learn to live with it, treating regularly, and adjusting to its changes as well as our bodies changes. Many parts of this journey are difficult and even painful. For me the emotional struggle has been much worse than the physical struggle, but I have not yet experienced any significant pain from the cancer. I am having increasing joint issues, but they are likely a result of my active and irresponsible youth, along with now being 70, as much or more than the cancer. I am reasonably sure that the drugs (lupron and Cassodex) stripping much of my muscle mass have also contributed to the joint pain. Pilates has helped a lot. I work hard on compartmentalizing the cancer and a good friend gave me the best advice: “its ok to have a bad day and give yourself a pity party, but don’t allow yourself to have two bad days in a row”. So periodically I feel down and I accept it, share with my family that it’s a bad day, and lay low. But the next day I get up out of bed and live. I have found that dealing with it this way has also really stretched out the periods between feeling bad.


I am thisisit66, I have had prostate cancer since 2006 and it was getting to the point that I had to do something. I also have Stage V kidney failure and have been on PD dialysis for 4 years. I have been wanting to get a kidney transplant but I had to get the prostate treated. I am 76 years old and until I started the Lupron, considered myself to be in good shape. I had radiation treatment for the prostate then started a regimen of Lupron. First two or three month treatments, then a 6 month treatment - since I had been doing so well. The 6 month treatment KICKED my butt. Took my muscle strength, any stamina that I may have had, and made be exhausted all the time. My PSA had dropped like a rock but the cost has been huge. After a year of treatment, I am thinking about stopping them but I have not consulted my urologist. I feel like a shriveled old man now and I hope I can recover. The ED really has me down and I don't think that is going to recover.

I am wondering how other men have recovered after treatment. This thread has given me some good info but I would like to read how many other men have done.

Thank you, thisisit


I think that a lot depends on your condition when you begin I was on lupron and Erleada for a year. Had some hot flashes, loss of muscle, no sex drive, slept poorly but over all it was manageable I have been told that if the cancer returns so will these meds. Very happy to be alive at 77


I am thisisit66, I have had prostate cancer since 2006 and it was getting to the point that I had to do something. I also have Stage V kidney failure and have been on PD dialysis for 4 years. I have been wanting to get a kidney transplant but I had to get the prostate treated. I am 76 years old and until I started the Lupron, considered myself to be in good shape. I had radiation treatment for the prostate then started a regimen of Lupron. First two or three month treatments, then a 6 month treatment - since I had been doing so well. The 6 month treatment KICKED my butt. Took my muscle strength, any stamina that I may have had, and made be exhausted all the time. My PSA had dropped like a rock but the cost has been huge. After a year of treatment, I am thinking about stopping them but I have not consulted my urologist. I feel like a shriveled old man now and I hope I can recover. The ED really has me down and I don't think that is going to recover.

I am wondering how other men have recovered after treatment. This thread has given me some good info but I would like to read how many other men have done.

Thank you, thisisit

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I ve been on Zytiga for every three months. It makes me not as tired as you talk about- been 18 months now. I get things done in the am and nap in the afternoon after lunch. I m 75. Not worried about ED at my age. I exercise daily and eat the right foods too, give Tumeric a try. Good for people with cancer. Hope this helps ya


"Jbuuck" and all,
At 77 years old I had my last Lupron shot 1/4/24.
My sides were: hot flashes - still but maybe a bit less frequent. Hair loss on my body - but arm hairs are re-growing, muscle mass & strength way down - with no improvement yet, fragile skin - no improvement but that could be just age, the RARP took my sex drive, mood and concentration remained good and I'm better than ever now.

Like you, I'm mostly anxious to get rid of the hot flashes and regain muscle.
Best of luck to you and all of us with these annoyances.
But I'm doing all I can to enjoy life: 2 grown sons, 4 wonderful grand kids, and a Lady Friend who likes concerts, social gatherings, and fast cars 🙂
All the best to you and all our Brothers!
- GranPun


recovery from the meds is very gradual. I was on lupron and Erleada for a year and I have been off of it for 18 months. My testosterone has recovered from 9 to presently 125. There was very little body hair but recently it is coming back but less than pre meds. My mood swings and sleep disorder probably took 10 months, and muscle is not back, but then I am 77. Nevertheless, the meds and the recovery were manageable and I am glad to still be kicking.


"Jbuuck" and all,
At 77 years old I had my last Lupron shot 1/4/24.
My sides were: hot flashes - still but maybe a bit less frequent. Hair loss on my body - but arm hairs are re-growing, muscle mass & strength way down - with no improvement yet, fragile skin - no improvement but that could be just age, the RARP took my sex drive, mood and concentration remained good and I'm better than ever now.

Like you, I'm mostly anxious to get rid of the hot flashes and regain muscle.
Best of luck to you and all of us with these annoyances.
But I'm doing all I can to enjoy life: 2 grown sons, 4 wonderful grand kids, and a Lady Friend who likes concerts, social gatherings, and fast cars 🙂
All the best to you and all our Brothers!
- GranPun

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Hi there, grandpa, tell me what your PSA is since your off Lupron now. Is the PC still dormant...I m coming up on stopping ZYTIGA , (same stuff) in November. I m wondering how long before I get rid of hot flashes and hair loss and fatigue? Its getting old as you know. Bruce


Great questions. Some I know and some not.
Last Lupron was 1/4/24.
Then only a PSA check in early April. Score was "negligible". I love that one.
Next PSA check will be at six month mark in October with only a Prolia shot to prevent bone loss side effect. I don't know what's happening there, good or bad. But I've had no bone problems whatsoever.
I'd also love to see the end of hot flashes but they are still with me even now some 6-months out. I've heard that it may take a year (more?) - but I sure hope not. My Med Oco said the time it takes for your body to clear out the Lupron is longer with greater age. Not a great time for me to be 77.
The fatigue is gone. I think it was linked to episodes of tachycardia - heart rate over 120/minute. Possibly due to Lupron, maybe. Those seem to be gone but I'll get a better report in about 2-weeks.
And hair loss was not a problem for me. My head is patchy bald already and I didn't miss the hair on my arms/legs.
Yeah, the hot flashes linger on. (I do take Paroxetine that reduces them somewhat.) But better than a flare up of PC !!!
Hang in there my friend.


Great questions. Some I know and some not.
Last Lupron was 1/4/24.
Then only a PSA check in early April. Score was "negligible". I love that one.
Next PSA check will be at six month mark in October with only a Prolia shot to prevent bone loss side effect. I don't know what's happening there, good or bad. But I've had no bone problems whatsoever.
I'd also love to see the end of hot flashes but they are still with me even now some 6-months out. I've heard that it may take a year (more?) - but I sure hope not. My Med Oco said the time it takes for your body to clear out the Lupron is longer with greater age. Not a great time for me to be 77.
The fatigue is gone. I think it was linked to episodes of tachycardia - heart rate over 120/minute. Possibly due to Lupron, maybe. Those seem to be gone but I'll get a better report in about 2-weeks.
And hair loss was not a problem for me. My head is patchy bald already and I didn't miss the hair on my arms/legs.
Yeah, the hot flashes linger on. (I do take Paroxetine that reduces them somewhat.) But better than a flare up of PC !!!
Hang in there my friend.

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Great comments.. I was on ADT for 2 years and have been off it for 1 year.. still have hot flashes at night.. psa still undetectable ❤️. I am 73 not pleasant but it beats rising PC

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