I keep relapsing when I try to get off prednisone

Posted by yeb @yeb, 6 days ago

I was diagnosed with PMR in 2015. I keep trying to get off prednisone but every time I get to 4mg I relapse and have to go back to 15 or 20 and start over. Very discouraging. I want my life back. I have tried weekly methotrexate with the prednisone but it does not seem to help. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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I am on Kevzara now. No side effects and it has been a game changer for me.

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Kevzara has been a game changer for me, too. Although it usually takes a few months to build up amd be effective, I had great relief from the 1st injection. Total game changer.


I am 3 1/2 years and no solution. Now trying to change from dexamethasone 4 week trial and back to prednisone probably 10 to 12 again for prednisone. Dexamethasone caused increase o f cataract pressure. All suggestions welcome


I posted about adrenal insufficiency earlier this week on another comment. You might need to consider that is a portion of your problem. It can cause systemic pain when titrating down off the prednisone that could be confused with PMR pain. Waking up your adrenal glands is a major portion of the steroid triturating process. Adrenal insufficiency can be identified/eliminated via blood tests. Talk with your PCP or Endochronogist about eliminating this as a contributing cause for the steroid titrating problem.
When I titrated down I started dropping by only half a mg once I hit below 5mg. So I would move from 5mg to 4.5mg then to 4, etc. It was not easy, but I was successful. Dropping from 5 to 4 is a 20% drop whereas 5 to 4.5 drop is only 10%.

Here is a short Mayo Clinic article on Adrenal Insufficiency https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-q-and-a-understanding-adrenal-insufficiency/


Kevzara has been a game changer for me, too. Although it usually takes a few months to build up amd be effective, I had great relief from the 1st injection. Total game changer.

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my ins won't cover Kevzara. Has anyone tried Symboni injection. I am in real agony here. Please help. I am on 5mg Prednisone.

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