Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: What helps get rid of it?

Posted by taxlady @taxlady, Jan 31, 2023

I finished chemo April of 2022
I have neuropathy in my fingers and feet. It doesn’t seem to be going away. What are treatments I can do to help get rid of it.

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@chiara58, I moved your question about chemotherapy and neuropathy to this helpful discussion:
- Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: What helps get rid of it?:

Here are a few more discussions that you may find helpful regarding icing too:
- What are some ways to try to minimize neuropathy during chemo?
- Did you do icing during chemo? Did it help?

Chiara, has your oncologist suggested any changes in your chemo dosing or frequency to help manage the neuropathy? How long will you be on chemo?

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Hi Colleen, thank you! I am not icing anymore during chemo: it was a torture for me. I will be on chemo as long as it works - or as long as I can take it. My oncologist suggested acupuncture, which I am doing (it seems to help very little so far, but I'll continue it). I don't think he can decrease the chemo dosage, he's just trying to avoid increasing it. I am wondering if there's any specialist I can address (neurologist maybe?...)
Thank you for managing Mayo clinic connect so well!! You are doing a great job, I think.


Hi Colleen, thank you! I am not icing anymore during chemo: it was a torture for me. I will be on chemo as long as it works - or as long as I can take it. My oncologist suggested acupuncture, which I am doing (it seems to help very little so far, but I'll continue it). I don't think he can decrease the chemo dosage, he's just trying to avoid increasing it. I am wondering if there's any specialist I can address (neurologist maybe?...)
Thank you for managing Mayo clinic connect so well!! You are doing a great job, I think.

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@chiara58, not sure if this will help with your neuropathy, but I had lingering feelings of toxicity for several years after my intense chemo…neuropathy symptoms, odd stiffness, etc.. I tried acupuncture, which did help a little. What has helped me the most is having regular massages. After returning to my favorite massage therapist after a lengthy absence of a few years, I mentioned how I was feeling. She explained chemo toxicity can remain in the cells long after therapy is over. She started with a lymphatic massage. I admit for the first 2 days after I was tired and felt like I had a chemo infusion! She had warned me that I might feel not feel the best for a few days. I drank copious amounts of water to flush my system. I swear this cleansed my body! Even my bloodwork improved since then. I finally felt whole again and continue with monthly sessions. I no longer have of the nagging symptoms I had before. Might be worth a try, having a massage with a certified massage therapist. If nothing else, it’s so relaxing. 😉


@chiara58, not sure if this will help with your neuropathy, but I had lingering feelings of toxicity for several years after my intense chemo…neuropathy symptoms, odd stiffness, etc.. I tried acupuncture, which did help a little. What has helped me the most is having regular massages. After returning to my favorite massage therapist after a lengthy absence of a few years, I mentioned how I was feeling. She explained chemo toxicity can remain in the cells long after therapy is over. She started with a lymphatic massage. I admit for the first 2 days after I was tired and felt like I had a chemo infusion! She had warned me that I might feel not feel the best for a few days. I drank copious amounts of water to flush my system. I swear this cleansed my body! Even my bloodwork improved since then. I finally felt whole again and continue with monthly sessions. I no longer have of the nagging symptoms I had before. Might be worth a try, having a massage with a certified massage therapist. If nothing else, it’s so relaxing. 😉

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Thank you!!


I've been on carbo/taxol for over 2 years. It's causing increasing neuropathy in my feet (which I can handle) and now on my legs, which is making more and more difficult to walk (let alone climbing even 2 steps) and keep my balance. I'm trying acupuncture and physical therapy without much success yet. Any suggestions? I don't ice my feet during chemo, I can't take it. Thank you.

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Hi, Chiara - I did two rounds of carbo/taxol and have neuropathy in both feet and somewhat in legs. I find the worst is at night - not really much pain but a kind of restless leg and unable to sleep with it. My infusion nurse suggested gabapentin at night and that helps enormously. I do not take it in the day and do not know if that would be appropriate for you, but at night I have no side effects. It does not 'take it away' but it does manage it well, for me. I did try icing on my feet and hands but am not sure it did much. Only have numbness at ends of fingers - feet much more involved with numbness, pins and needles and sometimes some pain. Do talk to your doctor and nurses about the neuropathy - and the dosing and scheduling of your chemo! Best of luck and health - Kathryn

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