When statins aren't enough

Posted by pterodact21 @pterodact21, Jun 12 8:39am

As a post CABG patient with continuing diastolic heart dysfunction and orthostatic hypotension, I was recently prescribed Ezetimibe to complement a statin, in order to lower my LDL further. I understand that this additional drug can exacerbate the side effects of statins in terms of digestive upset and muscle pain/weakness. Has anyone been on this and have any comments to share about time of day best to take it, with or without food, etc....the pharmacist says that like statins, it stays in the body a relatively long time on a daily basis

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I've been on that combination for at least 15 years with no side effects. The combination didn't do enough to lower by LDL, so more recently, I'm also taking Repatha injections.

I take the Ezetimibe in the morning with a multivitamin, usually with some food (mostly for the vitamin) and take the atorvastatin at night.


I’ve been on the same combination drugs for the last 27 months and absolutely no issues . And lower my ldl to 58.


Thank you for your information. I appreciate it.


I’ve been on the same combination drugs for the last 27 months and absolutely no issues . And lower my ldl to 58.

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Good to know. Gave me the courage to start taking the pill out of the bottle and swallow it.


I think at a certain point you have to trust doctors and science…. There are alternatives to everything in life.. but I have to trust.

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