Leg weakness in mitral valve regurgitation

Posted by dcain01 @dcain01, Jun 12, 2024

Does leg weakness increase with mitral valve regurgitation? I was diagnosed about 2 years ago with MVR and in the past several months this new symptom appeared. A weakening of my legs affecting my ability to walk.

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I'm not an expert in this, so take this with an open mind: if your legs were indeed weak due to insufficiency, then it is also likely that you'd have swelling in your lower extremities, including swollen ankles and feet. Is this the case? If not, then there is almost certainly something else going on and nothing to do with your cardiac insufficiency. If you can think clearly, maintain your balance, use your arms effectively, and don't also have swollen ankles, I think this is something you need to run past your doctor.


Thank you so much for your input! It’s true, I have no swelling in my ankles or feet or anywhere. I’ve recently had a ct of the lower extremities and of the carotid & coronary arteries which all showed minor plaques & I’m on statin and anti platelets meds. Doc has no recommendations for me which is why I posted on this site. I appreciate your response though and will continue to research why I have this intermittent weakness.


Thank you so much for your input! It’s true, I have no swelling in my ankles or feet or anywhere. I’ve recently had a ct of the lower extremities and of the carotid & coronary arteries which all showed minor plaques & I’m on statin and anti platelets meds. Doc has no recommendations for me which is why I posted on this site. I appreciate your response though and will continue to research why I have this intermittent weakness.

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Hello @dcain01 - It has been a few days since you posted. How is your leg weakness? Have you found any new information?

Is it possible to ask your current provider for a referral to another doctor or department that may have more input or perhaps some different ideas on what potential tests could rule out another cause?


Thanks for your follow up! My primary care told me to stop my rosuvastatin for 2 weeks. I am weaning off of it because I just started on the Leqvio injection as I have had terrible cramping from the rosuvastatin.) He said if the leg weakness didn’t stop, he would order an MRI for possible spinal stenosis.
The weakness is still there but not every day and a little less intense. I’m on week 2, so we will see. I will update this post when I get more info. Thanks so much!


This is just a thought have you ever had your hips looked at I have legal what legs and it's for my hips and I also have a what about all five in my L6 and my L6 and s1 I have a pendant nerve a slipped disc on those and it makes my legs go out and feel numb and feel cold and I also the most part when my legs feel weak is for my hips you might want to check out your hips. I also have regurgitation in my heart valves too. But I'm waiting to see the eds doctor to get checked out for EDS and I'll be about waiting to get checked out from the eds cuz of my hips. Best electric maybe eat your doctor could order you some physical therapy to help you with your liquid your legs on physical therapies always good I'm doing physical therapy for my weakness and my hips and legs too. There's also called a SRI Bell I bought one on Amazon that would that you can wear around your hips that helps your hips and your legs I'll wait until after your MRI but see what your doctor says even if you have stuff with your back and SRI belt will help you too I have it as high felt cuz of my situation when my hips and my legs and my back the SRi belt helps me walk better and it makes some my legs and my hips don't feel as weak.,


Mitral regurgitation has nothing to do with weakness of legs. Cause should the neurological either neuropathy or some disease of your nervous system, Perhaps you need Nerve conduction studies. If you have pinched nerve in spine, it is usually one sided weakness and you should also pain in back and leg.


Mitral regurgitation has nothing to do with weakness of legs. Cause should the neurological either neuropathy or some disease of your nervous system, Perhaps you need Nerve conduction studies. If you have pinched nerve in spine, it is usually one sided weakness and you should also pain in back and leg.

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Thanks for your comments. I posted the symptoms because my doctors to date have no cause for it. Weakness is intermittent in both legs with lower back pain.
This week, however, my primary care suggested a possible MRI of the spine. He suggested eliminating my statin pills for 2 weeks as the weakness could be a side effect. So will do both and see what comes up. Will post results , thanks again.

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