Multifocal Adenocarcinoma of the lung, continual recurrences
We have multifocal adenocarcinoma of the lung. @linda10 and @sakota.- Please join me in this discussion.
For a short explanation of this tongue twister. Briefly, Multifocal Adenocarcinoma (MAC) of the lung is a clinical entity of multiple synchronous (less than 6 months) or metachronous (more than 6 months), often ground-glass opacities (GGO) on CT scan, typically indolent-behaving cancers. There is a scarce amt of clinical data to guide treatment decisions.
This came from
This means that more than one potential cancerous lesion, mostly ground glass, shows up at a time. For instance I had 3 cancerous lesions 10 years ago in my left lung and in the same area. They were all different sizes. They grow at different rates.
Multifocal adenocarcinoma is a very complex cancer because the medical profession doesn't know if the ground glass lesions are the primary cancer or small metastases of another primary cancer. They don't even know where they start..
Multifocal Adenocarcinoma has sub types and it's management is based on whether it's indolent or very virulent.
These are very simplistic explanations. Even doctors are confused by it and it's only been within the last twenty years that they have separated it from a Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma (BAC).
The constant recurrences are the buggers. Not only do we have to constantly face lots of CT scans but when lung cells change, which they often do, we are in terror of another virulent cancer. I presently have several ground glass lesions. And I have had many that have disappeared. It's enough to drive you nuts and PTSD is exacerbated by the frequency of these devils.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Lung Cancer Support Group.
@ladylennie, Congrats on finishing chemo! Fingers crossed that it’s doing its job. Scans are stressful, it sounds like you are in good hands and having a next-step game plan really helps to lessen some of the anxiety for me. Keep us updated.
Thank you.
I was diagnosed thyroid cancer 5/2023. CT scans were taken which showed that there were also other problems: multible ground glass opacities in my lungs. They biobsied the largest nodule in my left upper lung (20mm) and found atypical cells. Segmentectomy was done 8/2023 which confirmed it was adenocarcinoma in situ. No other treatments were considered necessary. After 3 months I had CT and PET scan and there were no new GGO:s and the existing 4 had not grown (largest 12mm right upper lung). I’ve had 3 scans after operation with no change and the next one is 12/25. That is a big relief, however, after reading all your experiences, I’ve come to realise that 3 years followup recommended by my doctor is not enough. Thanks to the informative articles referred in your posts I’ve learn that if my precancer is MAC I need to have my nodules checked annually much longer than that. It’s good to know that Mayo Clinic is having a study going on and is releasing an article next fall on MAC. Thank you all for sharing your stories!
Diagnosed May 3023 with multi focal lung adenocarcinoma-RUL and LLL both stage 1A with several GGO- I was not eligible for surgery - had SBRT to 3 spots. 1 year later SBRT to 2 more spots and then another round 6 months later. Last scan showed spots on 2 ribs. Biopsy showed lung adenocarcinoma. Waiting for biomarkers to determine next steps. Will move forward with SBRT for ribs. Biomarkers on first tumors biopsied at diagnosis were different. The hope at diagnosis was it could be controlled - quite the opposite for me. What has been chemo experiences? I’m terrified.
I haven't posted anything for a while. I started Keytruda late July, 400mg every 6 weeks. . My only initial side effects were fatigue and an episode of atrial fibrillation a couple of weeks after each infusion. In January I developed colitis, probably grade 2. The January infusion (my 5th) was cancelled and I had a course of prednisone. A colonoscopy showed all clear, so my next infusion was 2/18. I also have several very minor side effects, which I ignore.
My scans have been confusing. The October scan said the right lung nodule was resolving. But the January one said it was 1.3 cm, which was the original size. So I guess it's stable rather than resolving. I assume the next scan will be in late April or May. My next infusion is 4/1.
Sorry, I meant Multifocal adenocarcinoma, MAC seems to refer to a different lung disease.
Here are articles on Multifocal Lung cancer from Mayo... note that it is referred to as MFLC (multifocal lung cancer) or MFLA (multifocal lung adenocarcinoma)
Hello Tessa, @hanhikki2014, wow, 2023 was quite the year for you! I agree, I don't think I would be comfortable with a 3 year follow up either, at least not for awhile. I would certainly ask your doctor why you aren't have scans more frequently. How are you feeling today? Did you heal well from the surgery?
@sheland1, You've already had your share of radiation. I'm glad to hear that they are running biomarker tests on your biopsy tissue. It's the best way to match a treatment to the specific type of cancer. It may not mean that you are headed for traditional chemotherapy. Of course, you are worried, but try not to get ahead of the diagnosis too.
Has your oncologist mentioned the possibility of chemo? Or are they waiting for the biomarker tests to come back?
@ladylennie , I'm sure you'll keep an eye out for any issues after your 4/1 infusion, please listen to your body. These treatments can be life savers, but they are hard on us too.
Has your doctor given you any suggestions on what to do differently prior to or after the next infusion? Are there any proactive steps that can be taken now that they know you are susceptible to the colitis side-effect?