
Posted by karen10225 @karen10225, Jun 12 11:27am

Can the Aerobika be used by breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. When I breathe in through my mouth and out through my mouth I become exhausted really fast so it hasn’t helped me bring up mucus. I know some people who do it the nose-mouth way, but that isn’t the way the instructions say to use it. I feel I need a second airway clearance method so I want to give the Aerobika another try. Does anyone else use it in this manner?

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@karen10225 In through the nose and out through the mouth is how the pulmonologist, his nurse and the respiratory therapist in out clinic all taught me. When I was in the hospital and the RT brought it to me after surgery, she said "That'sd not the way they taught us in school, but it makes much more sense"


I've always used the nose-mouth method. It just made sense to me. The aerobika is doing it's work when you breath out. It doesn't do anything when you breath in. I would rather make use of my nose as a natural filter when I breath in. That's just my thoughts though. I didn't know the directions say to breath in through the aerobika. I wonder why?


Wouldn't it depend if the areobika was attached to the nebuliser? If it was, then you would breathe through your mouth in order to draw the nebulised mist into your lungs. And if not you could breathe through your nose.


Thank you so much for your comment. It makes good sense. I will try it that way and see if that will work for me.


Thank you so much for your comment. It makes good sense. I will try it that way and see if that will work for me.

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Thanks to all who responded to the use of the Aerobika. I tried it the way you suggested today, and it actually worked for me. With a little practice I think it will be my second airway clearance device each day. I am so grateful to have been introduced to this site!


Currently, I take little breaks when using it. I’ll do 5 or 10 breaths, then sip water or coffee or type an email and do a few more, etc. I don’t really bring up secretions though. If I had stuff rattling around, I’d be more persistent to get it out, good luck!

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