Sudden new episodes of fainting, after blood pressure was hypotension

Posted by marybasaldella @tinamaria1, May 25, 2024

Anyone experience this? I don't have any known blood issues. I was pre-diabetic but through diet changes , I brought A1C down to normal range.

Suddenly this past month I fainted or passed out in middle of night or first thing in morning as I climbed outa bed...fell, fainted after taking a few steps. Yesterday I bought a BP kit and as soon as I woke up, while still lying down, took BP and it was 89/54 pulse 51, then waited 10 minutes, sat up, elevated arms to heart level on a hard surface and BP was 114/78, pulse 61. I am an avid athlete, tennis, running, lifting, etc. and have been told in past I had low BP but never this low to the point I fainted. I am going to see a cardiologist next week.

Anyone experience this? I am 58.

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How low is ‘very low’?

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recently average systolic 100s - 110s, diastolic average 50s 60s...heart rate/pulse (HR) average 50s/60s, recently my BP was 89/54 HR 51.. but I'm an avid athlete, runner, lifting, tennis, 5/6 times a week, so my docs told me it's not unusual to have lower BP and HR for me


thank you dear for this insight..will share it with my primary for sure! wishing you peaceful day


You fainted during middle of night and also your BP rose rather than fall on standing up so it doesn't seem to be due to low BP. If you faint suddenly without any warning symptoms such as nausea, sweating, it could be your heart and Holter monitor and echo can help diagnosing the problem. Another cause of sudden fall is carotid sinus hypersensitivity which can be diagnosed by carotid sinus massage by a doctor.


I hope you don't have something called third degree block degree degree block. I haven't heard degree block and I was having a three second to four second pause. I began to pass out my heart rate into 20s and 30s go down to 30 to 25 I have a Payless pacemaker now and it doesn't go below 40. My cell get light-headed and does he almost pass out when he goes down to the below when it goes down to 40. Put my heart does it it will try to pause but my pacemaker kicks in. And I was exercising they did a stress echo on me and I was having pvc's triplets couplets in triplets all the time when I was exercising that can be very dangerous that can you can go into cardiac arrest if you have triplets and couplets after exercising. So they put me on my trip roller Metropol medicine to control that. I'm on coroner medicine too to help me with my irregular heartbeat and blood pressure. My blood pressure called hydrocortisone to help me keep my fluids and solved into. Also work compressive socks too. Or something called compressive sleeves. I do drink a smart water or like water and I do boost my electrical lights. Best of luck on coming up on your test and prayers. 🙏🙏💞💞💞


You should check your thyroid and they should check you for addict since disease too and your thyroid and needs to check you for adrenal gland. As long as near a cardiac problems to ask your primary doctor for thyroid problems with an internal gland problem and they should take you for to see if you're low on potassium . Magnesium levels. And they should take your iron levels too. Blood pressure and heart rate issues too. Maybe you should get here at cardiac to a GI problem and thyroid checked .🙏🙏💞💞💞🤔🤔🤔


I hope you don't have something called third degree block degree degree block. I haven't heard degree block and I was having a three second to four second pause. I began to pass out my heart rate into 20s and 30s go down to 30 to 25 I have a Payless pacemaker now and it doesn't go below 40. My cell get light-headed and does he almost pass out when he goes down to the below when it goes down to 40. Put my heart does it it will try to pause but my pacemaker kicks in. And I was exercising they did a stress echo on me and I was having pvc's triplets couplets in triplets all the time when I was exercising that can be very dangerous that can you can go into cardiac arrest if you have triplets and couplets after exercising. So they put me on my trip roller Metropol medicine to control that. I'm on coroner medicine too to help me with my irregular heartbeat and blood pressure. My blood pressure called hydrocortisone to help me keep my fluids and solved into. Also work compressive socks too. Or something called compressive sleeves. I do drink a smart water or like water and I do boost my electrical lights. Best of luck on coming up on your test and prayers. 🙏🙏💞💞💞

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thank you so much for sharing your insights, I really appreciate it and wishing you the best of luck in your journey as well, take care


Thyroid dysfunction doesn't cause fainting, neither do iron or Mg deficiency. If Hb is too low because of low iron, one will also feel fatigue and shortness of breath. Mg deficiency will cause leg cramps or Numbness or tingling in the legs or hands.


Electrolyte deficiencies can cause shortness of breath and fainting if they induce atrial fibrillation. This applies to calcium, magnesium, and potassium. The most common shortage is going to be sodium or magnesium, but the point is a blood assay will be the tell-tale, and if one hasn't been initiated in recent weeks, maybe now is a good time. Ideally, the person ordering the blood panel won't overlook the more definitive RBC for magnesium, and not just ask for the quick 'n dirty serum test.

Make sure your primary care giver knows of your circumstances, including history and current medications...AND...any supplements you take regularly, even if just one a week.


thank you, this seems to fit with my issues..will share with cardiologist!


I have naturally low blood pressure. I have idiopathic (no known cause) heart failure. I have dizzy and fainting as well.

What meds are you taking? If you are on pills that lower your blood pressure further you may be taking to much or can't tolerate the med.

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