I would like to hear from anyone who has had a lung transplant

Posted by ktgirl @ktgirl, May 29, 2024

I would like to hear from anyone who has had a lung transplant. Would you do it again? I know it's a very difficult procedure and I'm not sure if I want to go through with it or not. I haven't signed up for anything yet but will talk to my pulmonologist next week at Mayo. Any information would be appreciated.

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It can be more than weeks depending on your rating. For me it was about 2 months, but I had a high rating of 75 at the time of transplant. I have conversed with others that it has taken years. So its better if you don't have to be close for Mayo. Also don't be discouraged if it is not as fast as you hope.

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That's good to know. I have no idea what rating I will get. I'll find that all out eventually. I probably won't find out much from my pulmonologist Tuesday. They have a whole separate team for the transplant department so I would imagine I'd have to set up an appointment with them first. Then I'll go from there.


Yes that helps a lot! Might seem kind of silly but I have a cat who is kind of an indoor/outdoor cat! He sometimes can't make up his mind what he wants. I would have a hard time leaving him alone for so long. I know post transplant I'd have to be down there but if I didn't have to be there to wait for the call it could be weeks. I really appreciate your help. Thanks! 😊

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We have a 14 year old Yorker so we rented an Air BnB that is pet friendly, but be sure to check with the Social Worker you are assigned to see what options for pets are available.


We have a 14 year old Yorker so we rented an Air BnB that is pet friendly, but be sure to check with the Social Worker you are assigned to see what options for pets are available.

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I guess we'll have to see what we can do. Hopefully we can work something out. Thanks so much for your help!


That's good to know. I have no idea what rating I will get. I'll find that all out eventually. I probably won't find out much from my pulmonologist Tuesday. They have a whole separate team for the transplant department so I would imagine I'd have to set up an appointment with them first. Then I'll go from there.

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There is a whole battery of tests that my transplant team had me take before they were able to discuss my case and get my rating. It is not a fast process. Due to my advanced condition when I met my team, I was able to have my case rushed and got through all the testing in a little over a week. However, that entitled doing up to 25 tubes of blood at a time.


There is a whole battery of tests that my transplant team had me take before they were able to discuss my case and get my rating. It is not a fast process. Due to my advanced condition when I met my team, I was able to have my case rushed and got through all the testing in a little over a week. However, that entitled doing up to 25 tubes of blood at a time.

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Wow, that's a lot of blood! I'm not sure where I'm at as far as what rating I would get. I've just started using oxygen about a month ago. I'll probably start taking Ofev soon. I'm not looking forward to it. So many side effects!


Wow, that's a lot of blood! I'm not sure where I'm at as far as what rating I would get. I've just started using oxygen about a month ago. I'll probably start taking Ofev soon. I'm not looking forward to it. So many side effects!

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I got used to the side effects of Ofev pretty quickly and could schedule things around them. As far as I know, you have to go through the battery of tests prior to them discussing your case and then getting listed and getting a rating. I was in a wheel chair (couldn't breathe enough even with oxygen to walk very far) before I started all of the testing.


I got used to the side effects of Ofev pretty quickly and could schedule things around them. As far as I know, you have to go through the battery of tests prior to them discussing your case and then getting listed and getting a rating. I was in a wheel chair (couldn't breathe enough even with oxygen to walk very far) before I started all of the testing.

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Ok. Yeah you were definitely more critical than I am. I belong to a Facebook group with the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation and one of the moderators said to check into the transplant program right away so that's what I figured I'd do. I can understand why they would want the tests done beforehand. Thanks again. You've been a great help. 😊


I received a double lung transplant July 2023
Had many complications which almost cost me my life but am still here 11 months later!


I received a double lung transplant July 2023
Had many complications which almost cost me my life but am still here 11 months later!

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That sounds pretty scary! I hope you are feeling better now! I'm quite a ways from needing a transplant yet. I did ask my pulmonologist about it last week. She said she would have someone call me but she left for a three week vacation after I was there so I don't know if she contacted them or not. Thanks for your comments.

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