Complications/symptoms after Gallbladder Surgery

Posted by kalenkerby @kalenkerby, Oct 21, 2018

Hello. I am a Male 32. I had my gall bladder removed 4 days ago. Since I have had strange pains and feelings. Nausea after I eat Everytime. I realized after it's removal my stomach will have swelling, but it feels like there is a Large Knot just right of my Belly button. I also have had severe Hunger type pains. It's the only thing that I can compare it too. Very bad and painful pains that resemble Severe Hunger pains. I have also had headaches since the surgery. Mainly the right back of my head, it feels like there is a Knot under my skull almost. It doesn't hurt severely, but it does hurt sometimes worse than others. And nothing seems to help. Almost a throbbing pain. And of course pain across my entire abdomen. Top to bottom. Side to side. Which is to be expected I guess. But I have have more pain in my right chest and under my left breast off and on. What of these are to be expected and not?

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You are describing exactly what is happening to me right now. Dropped gallstones remained in my abdomen and embedded into soft tissue on my liver and near my diaphragm. Months later, I couldn’t eat, nauseated,lost 25 lbs, pain under right rib and gradually moved to my back.CT scan showed the stones and abscessed. Had surgery to remove them today. More pain with this surgery as the surgeon had to scrape (debridement) the pus away. Sliced off the one stuck to my liver. A special surgeon had to do this ( HPB surgeon).
Pain in shoulder worse this time as he worked near the diaphragm and irritated the nerve which connect to the shoulder. Hopefully will resolve soon. Shoulder pain is worse than abdominal pain and is not relived by NSAIDS because it is nerve pain. Hope you have mended.

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I hope your pain has improved. I had the nerve pain from the diaphragm that you describe. I had another surgery involving the diaphragm. I was given Gabapentin which helped a lot.


how does liver cancer kill you?

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Hi @geege926, I see you are worried about liver cancer. Have you been diagnosed with liver cancer?


I am going on 2 weeks of having laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. I am also feeling very dizzy, nauseated & have those weird feelings. I was hoping it was part of the recovery but the nurse for my surgeon says she never has heard of that happening after surgery so I'm lost.

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Hi I am 9 weeks post laparoscopic cholecystectomy , I had intense stomach and Epigastric pain and burning for the first 5 weeks, lost 15 pounds because I could not eat, even low fat no fat goods. Had HIDA scan and upper GI, nothing concerning found. They prescribed omeprazole and acid reducers, I am slowly getting better but still have weird feelings in my stomach and intestines and occasional pain, bloating, and indigestion.
Off the omeprazole now, taking probiotics to improve gut microbes, smaller meals and elevated head of bed. This was certainly not what I expected. When I exercise I get pain in my R shoulder. Hope this message helps in that for me anyway it is slowly getting better….I hope it will for you too.


Forgot to mention, yes I too had a burning gnawing pain in the stomach, like hunger, but I could not eat, also pain around belly button. These things too are slowly improving. I know it can be scary… hang in there. I have been massaging my belly button lump, started doing the massage about 4 weeks post surgery, it seems to be getting a little softer and less tender.


Hello, I’m new on here. In need of some help. I had my gallbladder removed 9 weeks ago and I am still experiencing some difficult symptoms and am not getting better. Has anyone experienced nausea, feeling lightheaded, headaches, unable to eat much and losing weight this long after gallbladder removal. The nausea lasts all day. I actually feel worse than I did before I had the surgery. My quality of life has changed and it’s hard to function. I am very fatigued and tire easy. I do try and stay positive and do my best to get through the day. I have seen my doctor and had tons of tests and everything comes back ok. I’m worried that I won’t get better. Please help as I’m trying to not become depressed.

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I just had gallbladder removal 2 weeks a go and the key to feeling better is moving and drink plenty of water and stop eating greasy food that make your digestive system work slowly keep it real it's not the surgery it what we put in our body after surgery. Ann Arbuckle


It's not the surgery it what we do to our body after gallbladder surgery drink plenty of water and take multiple vitamin and rest stay away from grease food and exercise


Hi... I've had my gallbladder removed about 2 weeks ago and still having the same symptoms as before it was removed... i also had pain and numbness in my left shoulder and arm before and after surgery but not sure if this is related to my gallbladder removal? Does anyone have the same symptoms? And any suggestions on how to make it feel better?


After reading how digestive enzymes help after gallbladder surgery I decided to take two Beano with meals. They have caused extreme constipation which is the opposite of what I’ve read others experience after gallbladder removal. Any suggestions of another brand of digestive enzyme that would help with constipation? Thanks.


use enzyme with OX Bile. Use Sylimarin capsules, use senacote too.

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