Anyone have severe fatigue then next day sooo ugh!

Posted by catherinej @catherinej, Apr 30 5:16pm

I got COVID 3 years ago, then a second time this fall. My fatigue is so bad after almost any regular day, I sleep for 36+ hours. Additionally, I get a weird smelling sweat during this time. I have the other 'regular' long COVID symptoms however this is the worst. The first time I slept for 3 days. Anyone else?

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In reply to @diverdown1 "The food?" + (show)

Experience with diet or adjuvant medication。Personally, b3 is good


I actually applied for disability and that was a joke. I am not married and my partner passed away before Christmas. I am hoping that this goes away as I really struggle as I am sure you know. My only hope will be a remote job. I am so sorry we have been struck with this.

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Not very comforting. Come on, come on for you. Believe that you will be fine. I now get some sunshine every day to welcome nature's bounty. It's a good way to improve your mood


Experience with diet or adjuvant medication。Personally, b3 is good

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I give myself B12 shots once a month. I also notice if I eat a lot of salt or sugar, the fatigue is worse and I feel worse. It is difficult to eat what I need to because as you probably know, cooking and just mundane things are difficult when you don't feel good, but I try to stay away from really salty for sure. I do take low dose Naltrexone, gabapenting and 30 mg of Vyvanse in the morning. I take a magnesium supplement and at night I take 100 mg of Trazadone, lipitor and since I got Long Covid, my PCP also put me on a low dose of blood pressure medication. I used to run and work out every morning. That obviously stopped. It is really brutal not being able to do things I used to do, but I try to tell myself that it can always be worse and I am grateful that I can function somewhat.


I give myself B12 shots once a month. I also notice if I eat a lot of salt or sugar, the fatigue is worse and I feel worse. It is difficult to eat what I need to because as you probably know, cooking and just mundane things are difficult when you don't feel good, but I try to stay away from really salty for sure. I do take low dose Naltrexone, gabapenting and 30 mg of Vyvanse in the morning. I take a magnesium supplement and at night I take 100 mg of Trazadone, lipitor and since I got Long Covid, my PCP also put me on a low dose of blood pressure medication. I used to run and work out every morning. That obviously stopped. It is really brutal not being able to do things I used to do, but I try to tell myself that it can always be worse and I am grateful that I can function somewhat.

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Thank you for your reply. It helps me a lot. A low-carb diet can reduce inflammation. Can continue to insist. Magnesium, vd, k, probiotics can also be tried.i'm sure it will be all right Looking forward to a new treatment in the future.


Thanks for being supportive x

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