Muscle Spams and Neuropathy

Posted by jeanniem @jeanniem, Jun 10, 2021

I was diagnosed last year with small and large fiber neuropathy. Originally, the neurologist said that he thought it was a slow-moving peripheral neuropathy. Since then, it has been suggested that this is an atypical polyneuropathy. And things are advancing at a pretty regular basis.

One symptom that has increased significantly over the last couple of months is muscle spasms. I am having them in my lower leg and foot and there is one spasm in particular that just won't stop. It is beginning to last longer and longer. For those of you that have neuropathy, is this a common symptom?

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I've been told the same potassium and/or magnesium prescriptions by doctors too. I have Ibs-d, and the magnesium just disabled me even more. Potassium isn't a problem to take but it hasn't cured a thing either. I never heard of the soap in the bedding thing. I'll try it. Bending body parts that are cramping in the opposite direction does work. If you can do that. Like for a foot, or even the muscles on the lower leg. Often, I've had to get out of bed, to stand on my feet to get them to stop cramping. That's while I'm taking Cyclobenzaprine 3 times a day, too. But when it's parts of your spine (which mine is) that's difficult and they just plain won't unbend, without the prescription helps. So, it kinda depends on how severe yours is, what will work, and what won't. I have exercise intolerance and have recently been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Like I needed one more chronic and painful condition. CFS and exercising doesn't work. I know that but have to have someone label me with CFS before it's respected. My favorite exercise is walking anyway, which is why I've gotten my other foot fixed. It takes time to work through all the options, do what you can, when you can and if something works for you, keep it, but also keep an open mind. I'd be perfectly happy to quit prescriptions if one spine injection fixes it all, but also am not holding my breath for that to happen. It's like eating an elephant. The only way to do that is to eat it one bite at a time. By the time you figure out what animal you been working on, you're almost done. Keep at it anyway.


I've been getting cramps in my feet and legs (only) for quite a few years. It happens when I wake up in the morning, no other time. I found a way to stop them in their tracks! I sleep under a duvet (only) and when I feel a cramp coming on, I bunch up the duvet and rest my foot on it and the cramp stops! I haven't had a full-blown cramp in years. I know this sounds silly but I think it relaxes the muscles that want to cramp.

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Hi !....
I also have PN...and find that using a pillow at the end of my bed, under the duvet...keeps a bit of room and weight off of my feet. This has really helped with cramps as well as them getting either too warm or too cold....seems to be making a difference.
Good luck to all...many belessings....


My “nerve” hit between 2 next my lower back. A few weeks ago, I had a surgery at that hospital. It took hours from Doctor A. He’s been there from my TBI accident 12 years ago. He moved that “nerve” so it would be by itself. That ended pain from my left leg, right leg and both of my rear ends.

Now, today, I need to exercise my body on my right side from the top to the bottom leg. My inbalanced (sp?) causes of falling down - , so he gave me -in my surgery - on my back. But no moving down, moving my dance-like left-right and little stretching above that I need.

Every 3 days a week, helpers come to me. That’s an hour that day by stretching your legs/heat - but still my back is straight; some walking tp\oo


I am just starting to get regular muscle spasm in left leg and foot. It brings me to tears and causes me to forget about any other pain. I don’t understand why , now?


I am just starting to get regular muscle spasm in left leg and foot. It brings me to tears and causes me to forget about any other pain. I don’t understand why , now?

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I had the most painful and tightened spasm in my left leg that rendered it numb forever. Doctors took way too long to give treatment and meds. Drink lots of water and stretch and exercise it. I also take meds for it.

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