Has anyone experienced Petechiae

Posted by leahodell @leahodell, Apr 29 2:34pm

I'm curious to know if anyone has experienced petechiae. (Petechiae are tiny spots of bleeding under the skin or in the mucous membranes. The pinpoint-sized purple, red or brown dots are not a rash.)

I have been battling Long Covid since November 2021. I continue to have new symptoms present - Petechiae being the newest.

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Hello @leahodell, While you wait for members who may have experience with petechiae and Long Covid I thought you might find this research on the topic helpful. @monarchbfly and @dorisj08 have mentioned petechiae and Covid vaccines in other discussions and may have some thoughts or experience to share.

"There are several types of skin findings described in association with COVID-19. These include maculopapular rashes, urticaria, vesicles, petechiae, purpura, chilblains, livedo racemosa, and distal limb ischemia. While most of these dermatologic findings are self-resolving, they can help increase one's suspicion for COVID-19."
--- Dermatologic manifestations and complications of COVID-19: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7274995/


I have them also. I don’t know exactly when they started, but I first noticed them on abdomen and chest about a year ago, about two years after first acquiring LC.


I have them also. I have them on my arms. I don’t remember whé they started, but i seem to be getting them more frequently.


I have them also. I don’t know exactly when they started, but I first noticed them on abdomen and chest about a year ago, about two years after first acquiring LC.

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Have you received any explanation for what's causing it?


Have you received any explanation for what's causing it?

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I’ve only discussed it with one NP who didn’t know me well when I developed suddenly three different kinds of rashes on my body—treated with steroids and the other two rashes went away but the petechiae stayed. We concluded that some of the rash manifestations were probably related to Long Covid and one possibly related to a (new) shrimp allergy.


I have a few random ones on the trunk of my body. I mentioned to doctors who seem unconcerned.
I read straining for bowel movement can cause them, and I do suffer from extreme constipation since Covid.
Another Covid mystery.


I missed this post but I had petechiae about one month ago on both arms. It did seem to resolve. Today, I noticed it again on my arms. In hindsight, I’ve had a few spots on my abdomen and chest since Covid November 2020 that have been more permanent. No explained as of today.


Hello, everyone

I have crazy petechiae situation and need your opinion. I initially got petechiae (a few dots) on my calves (both legs) after I tanned by the pool 2 weeks ago. It was very hot that day and I used a sunscreen oil that I never used (maybe that’s what caused it but not sure). In a week petechiae spread further up my calves and inner thighs. I went to see a doctor on Tuesday, he said that it looked like vasculitis. He took my blood and very thing was normal except for PTT, it showed 34 instead of normal 33. However, I knew my entire life that I had high PTT as every time I got a small cut, I would bleed for quite a long time. Anyways, based on this, the doctor prescribed prednisone and I started taking it yesterday. Today my petechiae got worse!! It’s now spread all over my calves, feet, toes and went further up my thighs! Does anyone have an opinion as to what’s going on? Do you think the doctor prescribed me with the wrong medication?


I have a few random ones on the trunk of my body. I mentioned to doctors who seem unconcerned.
I read straining for bowel movement can cause them, and I do suffer from extreme constipation since Covid.
Another Covid mystery.

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take 2 tablespoons of organic olive oil a day, amazingly this makes constipation go away, and other health benefits.


Hello, everyone

I have crazy petechiae situation and need your opinion. I initially got petechiae (a few dots) on my calves (both legs) after I tanned by the pool 2 weeks ago. It was very hot that day and I used a sunscreen oil that I never used (maybe that’s what caused it but not sure). In a week petechiae spread further up my calves and inner thighs. I went to see a doctor on Tuesday, he said that it looked like vasculitis. He took my blood and very thing was normal except for PTT, it showed 34 instead of normal 33. However, I knew my entire life that I had high PTT as every time I got a small cut, I would bleed for quite a long time. Anyways, based on this, the doctor prescribed prednisone and I started taking it yesterday. Today my petechiae got worse!! It’s now spread all over my calves, feet, toes and went further up my thighs! Does anyone have an opinion as to what’s going on? Do you think the doctor prescribed me with the wrong medication?

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I have noticed I have increased petechiae since having covid. Nothing like you are describing, though. Mine is on my breasts which aren't getting any sun exposure.
I would call your doctor who prescribed prednisone and explain what is happening. Good Luck.

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