Did I stop growing?

Posted by vamp14 @vamp14, Aug 8, 2021

I’m 14 years old and have been 5’6 for about a few months now and I’m not sure if I should be worried or not. I hit my first growth spurt back in 4th grade when I was 4’9 and grew, by the time I was in 6th grade I was 5’1 . Then 7th grade came and I grew 5 more inches. By the time the pandemic started I was 5’6. I started 8th grade and finished 8th grade (currently about to go to 9th) and still haven’t grown a single inch. The doctor says I have a lot of testosterone and should be exercising more so I did but no signs of growth yet. Is there a certain exercise or medication or any remedies I can take to increase my height or maximize it?

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I can’t tell you for sure that you are in early puberty, but you are definitely not finished.
By examining you, a doctor can tell what stage you are in/ there are 5 stages- called Tanner stages. Tanner 1 prepubescent and Tanner 5 adult.
A doctor can also do an X-ray of a wrist to see what your growth plate looks like.
Do you have a doctor you see for physicals etc?


I can’t tell you for sure that you are in early puberty, but you are definitely not finished.
By examining you, a doctor can tell what stage you are in/ there are 5 stages- called Tanner stages. Tanner 1 prepubescent and Tanner 5 adult.
A doctor can also do an X-ray of a wrist to see what your growth plate looks like.
Do you have a doctor you see for physicals etc?

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Ok thxxx


I’m 16 and 5’4, all of my brothers are 6ft +. I found out that my growth plates are wide open, but also when I was a baby I had a bmt at 4-5 months old because I had scid. Will I continue to grow and at least his 5’7/9?


I last had a growth spurt when I was 14 and I grew to about 171cm and I turned 17 recently have had no height growth since then. I’ve been hoping for another growth spurt and am yet to see one. Will I grow anymore?


I last had a growth spurt when I was 14 and I grew to about 171cm and I turned 17 recently have had no height growth since then. I’ve been hoping for another growth spurt and am yet to see one. Will I grow anymore?

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@leaf1765, I recommed reading through the comments in this discussion:
- Did I stop growing?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/did-i-stop-growing-at-14/

How tall are your parents?


I'm 15 year old male and I'm 5'10. My dad is 6'1 and my mam is 5'5. Will I grow anymore?


I am a 17 year old male. I have barely grown since 8th grade, by only an inch or so. I am now 5’7”. My dad is 5’6 and my mom is 5’3. I know they are short but as a kid in middle school, i was taller than all my peers and now im one of the shortest. I think i have hit puberty since i have a lot of facial hair but another thing that hasn’t changed is my voice. It’s the same since 8th grade too. So i just wanted to know if there was any possibility I have a growth spurt left in me.


I am a 17 year old male. I have barely grown since 8th grade, by only an inch or so. I am now 5’7”. My dad is 5’6 and my mom is 5’3. I know they are short but as a kid in middle school, i was taller than all my peers and now im one of the shortest. I think i have hit puberty since i have a lot of facial hair but another thing that hasn’t changed is my voice. It’s the same since 8th grade too. So i just wanted to know if there was any possibility I have a growth spurt left in me.

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Oh yeah just so you know, i was a competitive swimmer for a while and very physically active too (not much anymore tho). I eat plenty and get good sleep too.


Can someone tell me around how many inches I will still grow based off my wrist x-ray? I am currently 5′9 and I am a 15 year old male. I would greatly appreciate it


Can someone tell me around how many inches I will still grow based off my wrist x-ray? I am currently 5′9 and I am a 15 year old male. I would greatly appreciate it

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Hi @anbusoggy, I can understand that you're thinking about how tall you will grow. Members here cannot predict your height. This is a good discussion to have with your family doctor.

I also recommend reading the helpful comments in this discussion.
- Did I stop growing?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/did-i-stop-growing-at-14/

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