Benzo withdrawal

Posted by joeakel @joeakel, Oct 27, 2022

Hello i've been using clonazepam for 4 months 0.75mg , 0.25mg morning and 0.5mg at night for anxiety, im so afraid of withdrawal and tapering symptoms. Any positive vibes please?

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Years ago, when my psychiatrist first prescribed Xanax for agoraphobia, I asked him about the long-term effects. Without looking up at me while typing his notes, he casually said, "can't be good," and continued to write notes. I no longer trust doctors, especially concerning medication. When I want to know about medication, I consult a pharmacist. Now that I have Parkinson's Disease, I'd like to live out my days being available to my wife and in close contact with friends and being confident enough to be outgoing and sharing with people in groups (which I used to dread). I'm able to go for days at a time without Benzos, but in the back of my mind I'm conscious that I'm all alone without the support of Benzos, and that I'll panic and want to run away from what for most people (I assume) are normal everyday situations. None of my doctors, not my primary care physicians from either the VA or Medicare have offered a solutions to titrate down on my 1.0 mg Alprazolam. My current neurologist (the only one in my area who takes my insurance) was laughingly referred to by two women in my water aerobics class for PD/MS patients as the "Vitamin K" lady. Seems she's quick to prescribe "Vitamin K" for Klonopin which exacerbates many of the symptoms of PD: dizziness, confusion, joint pain, double vision, drowsiness, depression, insomnia--which is the main reason my neurologist prescribed it, poor coordination, speech problems and difficulty swallowing, and others. The VA on the other hand stopped prescribing Benzos after the Oxycontin/Opioid epidemic. I have now idea who to turn to for help.

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Go on Facebook and connect to a benzo group . That is the only way you are going to find help and support.
My late mother had Parkinson’. I wish you all the best.
Vitamins AND antidepressants are not going to help. Shame on these so called Drs that torment their patients like this I am so sorry this is happening to you.
God bless 🙏


I'm grateful for your response. I've been going as natural as possible for the past few years: cutting back or completely titrating down to zero on most of my med's (with or without physician approval--antidepressants were the first to go, then most of my PD med's); daily exercise and lifestyle regimen, plenty of water, sleep, and unprocessed foods made a noticeable difference. Will check out the Benzo group on FB. My goal for now is to let go of benzo's in hopes of finding a different reality; one that I can share with my supportive, caring, and loving wife. It's sad that a little pill which I never should have taken kept me separated from so much this world has to offer.


The really good news is that you have been on it for 4 months and your dose is relatively low. You can do this! I joined benzo buddies, an online support group, after being on it for 20+ years and was able to get off of it. Now is your time!!! It won't get any easier if you delay.


Read as much as you can. It will help you help yourself. Read the Ashton Manual online. DO NOT re up your dose because of KINDLING. You can do this withdrawal thing but it is hard. You have to let your brain and receptors heal. Remember your true withdrawal doesn't really start until 12 hours after your last micro dose. You have to wean down very slowly. No chemicals, no preservatives, eat only whole foods. Drink water. Exercise as much as you are able. Try yoga. Someone told me to pick 5 things and do them every single day. I did. Make the bed, take a bath, sit quietly and do deep breathing-glottis breathing- enervates the vagus nerve for calm, etc. There is a day when you will be so much better but the only way out is through and you just gotta. Keep talking with people and distract yourself doing something calming. I worked on my golf swing every single day despite the horrible symptoms.


Also- Find Amanda Adnama online - has you tube videos of her withdrawals. Helped me.


I have only taken about 10 Ativan recently followed by 4 Klonopin from my primary doc. Both were .5 mg. And taken once daily at night. My sleeping improved but my anxiety got much worse. Now I have gone 3 days without any and I feel as if I am in a major withdrawal! Is this even possible?! Nausea, no sleeping, lack of appetite Do any professionals answer this blog? My primary doc doesn’t think it is withdrawal but it sure feels like it to me.

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I have taken 0.25 xanax 2xs day for 3 weeks for anxiety. Then my dr switched me to .5 or ½ as needed for a week once a day of lorezapam. Now he doesn't want me to take any unless I have panic attack. Since the switch I hav struggled. Now that I haven't taken any today I am not well. He says oh you haven't been on it that long. I wish doctor would work with me. I'd rather do this slower. I believe there is a physical dependence not so much addiction. Blood pressure up, anxiety seems to surface in my gut area. 😕


I have taken 0.25 xanax 2xs day for 3 weeks for anxiety. Then my dr switched me to .5 or ½ as needed for a week once a day of lorezapam. Now he doesn't want me to take any unless I have panic attack. Since the switch I hav struggled. Now that I haven't taken any today I am not well. He says oh you haven't been on it that long. I wish doctor would work with me. I'd rather do this slower. I believe there is a physical dependence not so much addiction. Blood pressure up, anxiety seems to surface in my gut area. 😕

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I feel the same way . You are not alone . I have been on Klonopin for over a year . Trying to wean has been a struggle for me . I don’t feel well at all . I have terrible anxiety because my husband has cancer and I have to find an another place to live . I support you . I have never ever been addicted to anything .


Neither have I. This has only been a month. Every Dr had promised me I would not be having any issues if I took it 2xs day for a month. My gut knew otherwise but my kids said follow the Dr instructions. Well here I am struggling to get off. Be strong. This is a storm that will pass. I am sorry you are struggling. I will pray for you all.


Neither have I. This has only been a month. Every Dr had promised me I would not be having any issues if I took it 2xs day for a month. My gut knew otherwise but my kids said follow the Dr instructions. Well here I am struggling to get off. Be strong. This is a storm that will pass. I am sorry you are struggling. I will pray for you all.

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I sympathize with you and the struggle you’re going through, I also take a benzodiazepine daily and I have been doing this for years. I am always trying hard to get off them to no avail, the help with this is sadly lacking over here…I have also battled cancer twice in the past four years so I’m even more anxious. I do feel confident that you can get off these bad drugs, you may have to ask for another med to ease you through the withdrawal symptoms, the longer you take them the tougher it will get. I read somewhere that it takes two weeks of taking these drugs to become addicted to them but again I feel that with some help you will get rid of them, good luck 🤞


I have taken 0.25 xanax 2xs day for 3 weeks for anxiety. Then my dr switched me to .5 or ½ as needed for a week once a day of lorezapam. Now he doesn't want me to take any unless I have panic attack. Since the switch I hav struggled. Now that I haven't taken any today I am not well. He says oh you haven't been on it that long. I wish doctor would work with me. I'd rather do this slower. I believe there is a physical dependence not so much addiction. Blood pressure up, anxiety seems to surface in my gut area. 😕

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Try to switch to a drug with less withdrawal effects. A longer half life. Ask about short term use of propranolol for bp. Deep breathing, yoga, crying, laughing, anything to enervate your vagal nerve will help. There are exercises online. Open up the chest and breathe. Absolutely there is physical dependence only. It is a tough road but you can do this!

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