Are Antivirals and/or Antibiotic cocktails the Cure for LC?

Posted by repl @repl, Mar 28 5:43pm

I’m interested to know what people have tried after being tested for LC due to reactivation of underlying conditions such as EBV, VZV, CMV, Lyme’s, Bartonella, etc.

Has anyone found a treatment regiment that works?

(Also, if you haven’t been tested for these underlying conditions — DO!)

I just saw my LC specialist who is a chronic illness-infectious disease specialist (ID). She has been really insightful and helpful! It took 6 months to get in, but well worth the wait!

I had been researching for 6 months all of the new research on LC and treatments and was trying off label treatments on my own like Paxlovid for 6 mo. And all of her knowledge and answers are up to date with research as well as treatments. Super blessed to have found her and I wanted to share what has been found. As well as ask if anyone else has been tested for underlying conditions and had treatment?

I’ve been to see docs about possible underlying conditions but they either didn’t believe in them (Chronic Lyme’s) or didn’t know the most sensitive and specific testing to rule these out, or don’t understand how to interpret the findings. But she does because she’s a specialist in chronic conditions!

I was tested by another doc for EBV but it wasn’t interpreted correctly. Turns out I DO have reactivation of EBV as well as VZV. She says they are the reasons for my LC symptoms and we are trialing several meds (antivirals and chromolyn sodium) to see if they help.

LC is being found to reactivate normally dormant viral or bacterial infections (think childhood illnesses like chickenpox, mono, flea bites, tick bites, etc.). Research is not showing whole viral particles of COVID in the body for LC sufferers but they ARE finding reactivation of normally dormant illnesses. It’s these infections they think are causing LC.

In my case I have two main viruses reactivated - chickenpox and mono. I’m starting with Valacyclovir small doses and titrating up to the therapeutic treatment dose of 3g/day. I’m also trying chromolyn sodium to assist with my allergic reactions and inflammation. It’s been suspected that I have mast cell activation as I have severe allergic reactions to things. But I’m thinking that my body is over reacting because it’s working so hard at clearing 2 infections!

I’m hopeful that antivirals and possibly other antimicrobials will work! 🙏🏻

I’m wondering if anyone else has been tested for underlying infections such as these and what treatments have worked?

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Those were symptoms I fortunately did not have. So I don’t have any experience on them.

Do you have other symptoms or just those?

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Well, to answer your question if I have any other symptoms or just loss of taste and smell. It’s been an “odd” time for me, as it all began after I had 18” of my Sigmoid Colon removed due to severe diverticulitis. That has healed well, but since then, my food allergies have gone off the rails! I had a food sensitivity test done and I’m now off of several foods I had reactions to. The main ones are gluten, dairy and soy due to being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism in November of 2022. I then caught Covid in December of 2022 and lost my taste and smell. I wasn’t put on any antiviral medication for Covid, only Steroids as the doctor on call that day said the reaction from the medication was worse than the actual Covid I had. Now, I’m wondering if I had been put on Paxlovid, would I still have my taste and smell? I guess I will never know! Good luck to you!

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