New Study

Posted by mbryant1380 @mbryant1380, Apr 13, 2024

Hi everyone, I just recently was asked by my LC Recovery doctor if I would be interested in a study they will be conducting in the next couple of months. It is for people who have developed Dysautonomia (POTS) from COVID.
He said it will be broken into three groups, one group will be prescribed medication (he did not state which medication), another group will go through placebo treatment and the last group will go through more of life-style changes (wholistic therapy; strict diet vitamin/herbal supplements etc) It will last for six months, and it is random, meaning no participant will know which group the will be in until intake and orientation. I made the decision to participate, not only for me but to help others in the future.
I’m feeling great about this because we are finally being seen, heard and most importantly believed! He said a lot of LC Clinics are receiving grants for more study groups and projects.
Yale’s study of the 15 day Paxlovid treatment ( I tried to get in but it was filled) a representative contacted me said their findings from the study should be available sometime late this summer after participates finish up their follow -up and data is analyzed. Praying that all of this research will help all of us suffering from this horrible illness will be on a path of recovery!
Will keep posting as I go through my treatment.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.


If I had the tiniest bit of improvement, I believe I could relax and accept a long recovery. As it is, I can’t help but project where I may be in three, six months! It frightens me, and I know I cannot heal if I am frightened.
I continue with different treatments, and hope for a breakthrough, but nothing yet.
Thank you for your kind thoughts❤️

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Any studies going on for those of us suffering from the Covid Vaccine? I have all the long Covid symptoms but very little information as to any studies.

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I personally don’t know of any, unfortunately. But I know I saw people in this community saying there are clinics out there treating LC symptoms brought on by the vaccine. I just can’t remember under which thread. And they are going through treatment the same as people who contracted Covid.
Hopefully someone on here will see this and give more insight and name(s) of clinics/medical institutions to help.
Best of luck and wishing better health.

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