Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss: Meet others & Share

Posted by Amanda Burnett @amandaa, Jun 24, 2022

Welcome to the Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss group, a space for support, practical information, and answers to your questions from members like you about bariatric surgery, weight-related medical conditions, weight loss and healthy living. I am Amanda and I will be your moderator for this group. I have had the surgery myself and have a very real and close connection to the topic.

Pull up a chair and a healthy snack and let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What’s your story?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss Support Group.


Hello my Name Is Blake

Here is a little background about myself.

I grew up in small town Black River Falls WI where i attended and graduated High School, While growing up I was lucky enough to grow up on a farm where I helped on the family farm. While in school I was a very advocate Wrestler and was very active at that time and was happy with myself.

Once I graduated from high school I spent some time on the farm and ventured out and landed my self a position at the State Prison that is located in Black River Falls and became a Corrections Officer

in 2018. I Started at a local Prison as a Correction Officer and this is where I really started to put on the weight with the stress and sitting a lot. I let myself get carried away and was past a point in no return. I tried dieting and exercising and nothing was working. I was so disappointed in myself for letting it get that far.

In July of 2023 I left my position at the State Prison and accepted a position at Clark County Sheriff's Department where I became a Sworn Jail Deputy. After working at the Sheriff's Department for a short time I knew that i wanted to proceed and advance in becoming a Road Deputy but knew I had to make a change so i started talking with my doctor.

To Fulfill my dreams and goals of becoming a Road Deputy I will need to lose some weight, While talking to my Doctor she recommended the surgery to help with my goal and to better myself for the future. After thinking long and hard about it and doing extensive research and talking with my girlfriend about it I decided to move forward and start the process.

I am excited and nervous about it but its a much needed thing and cant wait to see the results when this life long change happens.

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Welcome to group. Sounds like you are approaching this life change sensible with doctor advice and research.

I had my RNY over 10 years ago, and do not regret decision. Weather you decide on RNY or a sleeve, it takes dedication to healthy life style changes.

What is your next step? Do you have an appointment with specialist to discuss options?


Hello. I live in Eau Claire, WI. For the last 20 years I've tried just about everything besides bariatric weight loss surgery to lose weight and improve my health. I am now exploring surgery options and look forward to the health benefits and a more active and engaged way of life. I appreciate the shared experiences and information on this site as I prepare for next steps.



Welcome to Connect and Bariatric group. It is a lifestyle change , after years of yo-yo dieting I had surgery 10 years ago. Everyone's experience is different, but I am glad I had surgery. I have maintained my 100 lbs weight lost. I do fluctuate occasionally, but then I have to go back to the basic, watch what I eat and move more.

Have you attended any of the informational sessions that are offered by Mayo Health System for people in their area?


Hello all, Im a 56 yr old cis female, 20+ yrs post op RNY, lost 175 but didnt change size very much, still happy I did it though. I’ve gained back about 65 gradually. I dont have any big questions or concerns, just thought I should reconnect to see what the state of things are in our bariatric community these days. I’m managing fibro, chronic fatigue, and autoimmunes but am good otherwise. Had iron infusions last year which were great. Ferratin has been good since. PT and acupuncture, and home pilates are all I do, no Rxs



Welcome to Connect, this group has people considering surgery and others who have had surgery. My RNY was 10+ years ago. I am still glad I did and I also fluctuate but been very stable last few years.

Like you, my Ferritin has it's up and downs and have had iron infusions , last one was two years ago and I have my yearly recheck next month. I just started doing pilates at a pilates club. It is an effort, but can tell it is building up muscles in core. I have 3 month membership at new club that open in Rochester, at end of 3 months I will decide if decide to try doing at home instead.

I do a yearly recheck up with Mayo endocrinology dept which does blood and urine test and a group zoom call. It does more blood work them my PCP usually orders.

What do you find your biggest challenge in keeping weight off?



Welcome to Connect and Bariatric group. It is a lifestyle change , after years of yo-yo dieting I had surgery 10 years ago. Everyone's experience is different, but I am glad I had surgery. I have maintained my 100 lbs weight lost. I do fluctuate occasionally, but then I have to go back to the basic, watch what I eat and move more.

Have you attended any of the informational sessions that are offered by Mayo Health System for people in their area?

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No - not yet. I believe we’re still waiting for insurance to be confirmed, etc. I am excited to attend an information session and get the ball rolling.

Any advice you can offer would be very appreciated.



I am tagging a few others in group who are either looking at or recently started process for their suggestions on what can do while waiting for insurance and starting pre-surgery program.
@joysmiley64 , @turberg , @mvorpahl , @stephaniew

There are few things that most programs emphasis before and after surgery you could start on now. It is a start to a healthy life style.
1. Increase amount of water you drink
2. Eliminate or at least reduce caffeine / alcohol / carbonated beverages
3. Increase activity, even if just few more steps daily. I would park at end parking lot so had walk farther. Or started doing one flight of steps. Of course, if have physically restrictions, do what you can do.
4. Keep a food diary - that is one thing I had hard time doing, but some programs really emphasis.
5. Reduce junk food, smaller portions, less cards, more protein, everything you do on other diets
6. If smoke, must stop

Even if you pick one or two things, it is a start.



I am tagging a few others in group who are either looking at or recently started process for their suggestions on what can do while waiting for insurance and starting pre-surgery program.
@joysmiley64 , @turberg , @mvorpahl , @stephaniew

There are few things that most programs emphasis before and after surgery you could start on now. It is a start to a healthy life style.
1. Increase amount of water you drink
2. Eliminate or at least reduce caffeine / alcohol / carbonated beverages
3. Increase activity, even if just few more steps daily. I would park at end parking lot so had walk farther. Or started doing one flight of steps. Of course, if have physically restrictions, do what you can do.
4. Keep a food diary - that is one thing I had hard time doing, but some programs really emphasis.
5. Reduce junk food, smaller portions, less cards, more protein, everything you do on other diets
6. If smoke, must stop

Even if you pick one or two things, it is a start.

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Hi, I am excited to start the weekly meetings online and thank you for the info. I have lost 13 pounds since I started this journey and stocking up on PROTEIN.



Welcome to group. Sounds like you are approaching this life change sensible with doctor advice and research.

I had my RNY over 10 years ago, and do not regret decision. Weather you decide on RNY or a sleeve, it takes dedication to healthy life style changes.

What is your next step? Do you have an appointment with specialist to discuss options?

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I believe we're still waiting for insurance confirmation, etc. I am doing research on the differences between RNY and sleeve, and trying to identify the pros and cons to both. I'd be very happy to get to the point where I could take fewer medications and no longer need to use a CPAP. I was once a very active, healthy, and able to go and go. While I do understand age slows people down, I so look forward to more energy. My only concern is feeling ill from eating too little. I am a rule follower, so hoping that'll help maintain my overall wellbeing and increase my energy instead of reducing it further.



Welcome to Connect, this group has people considering surgery and others who have had surgery. My RNY was 10+ years ago. I am still glad I did and I also fluctuate but been very stable last few years.

Like you, my Ferritin has it's up and downs and have had iron infusions , last one was two years ago and I have my yearly recheck next month. I just started doing pilates at a pilates club. It is an effort, but can tell it is building up muscles in core. I have 3 month membership at new club that open in Rochester, at end of 3 months I will decide if decide to try doing at home instead.

I do a yearly recheck up with Mayo endocrinology dept which does blood and urine test and a group zoom call. It does more blood work them my PCP usually orders.

What do you find your biggest challenge in keeping weight off?

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Pilates was essential in my post op recovery. I was in a lot of pain even several months out. Pilates helped so much!

My body doesn’t seem to confirm to a single pattern or consistency or diet or strategy, so I just never know what to do or try. I have not been able to access additional plastics after the panni and am left looking remarkably odd. This body is hard to use but I have resolved that Im stuck as I am now for the most part. Just trying to be the best whatever I am from here on out.

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