EGD and colonoscopy for Barrett's esophagus

Posted by riflemanz64 @riflemanz64, Oct 3, 2023

I got an EGD and colonoscopy today. My Barrett's Esophagus is now gone. Low acid diet does work. I did however have gastric ulcer's which the Dr. told me back on the PPI's. I drank a gallon of prep juice along wit 2 ducolax pills and fasted for 2 days and my colon was not cleaned out! I need to get a modified prep next time(1year). So it's PPI's or ulcers, so I'm back on them. Im happy the BE is gone.

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I get my Colonoscopy and EGD on 4-16-24
I had both of these done last October but due to me not being cleaned out I now get it again. They also will check to see if my peptic ulcers are gone now that I'm back on a PPI. I get to drink a Gallon of Miralax on Sunday and a half gallon of Peg 3350 on Monday afternoon. That should work for the clean out. I drink 1/2 the gallon at 5pm, take 2 ducolax at 7pm, drink the other half gallon on Tuesday morning 4 hours before my procedure. I'm hoping the ulcers are gone. Anyone else dealing with ulcers?

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@riflemanz64, I moved your update to the discussion you started in here:
- EGD and colonoscopy for Barrett's esophagus

As you prep for the colonoscopy and esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), you may appreciate these related discussions:
- Tips for successful prep before colonoscopy.

- Colonoscopy prep: make it easier

You had great news last time that the scope no longer showed evidence of Barrett’s syndrome. I'm hopeful that with the proton pump inhibitor the peptic ulcers are gone, too.


@rozy288, I am so sorry to hear of your suffering. It is so frustrating when one does all the lifestyle changes and medical management versus surgery and yet we have flair ups. I too have diverticulosis but haven’t had a major issue ( yet) but I recall my grandmother and another family member having to undergo surgery for diverticulitis ( infection) . Thanks for your posting. Take care!

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Thank you for your kind words.
My Mom had surgery for it as well after many years dealing with it . She passed in 2010 .
I inherited all her chronic digestive disorders unfortunately.
Life is just so hard w/ all this .
God Bless ..


@riflemanz64, I moved your update to the discussion you started in here:
- EGD and colonoscopy for Barrett's esophagus

As you prep for the colonoscopy and esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), you may appreciate these related discussions:
- Tips for successful prep before colonoscopy.

- Colonoscopy prep: make it easier

You had great news last time that the scope no longer showed evidence of Barrett’s syndrome. I'm hopeful that with the proton pump inhibitor the peptic ulcers are gone, too.

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I had my scope today at 7:30am. All went well. I was clean for my colonoscopy after drinking 2 gallons of prep and fasting for 2 days. No polyps were found and I was put back on the 5 year plan. My EGD went great because there was no sign of Barrett’s esophagus. My peptic ulcers also healed because of the PPI omperozole. The Dr. said my esophagus looks great. The stomach junction also was normal. He did say I had a little diverticulitis starting but was normal for my age. He said eat more fiber and exercise. I was really happy to hear this outcome. Anyone with BE watch your diet strictly .


I had my scope today at 7:30am. All went well. I was clean for my colonoscopy after drinking 2 gallons of prep and fasting for 2 days. No polyps were found and I was put back on the 5 year plan. My EGD went great because there was no sign of Barrett’s esophagus. My peptic ulcers also healed because of the PPI omperozole. The Dr. said my esophagus looks great. The stomach junction also was normal. He did say I had a little diverticulitis starting but was normal for my age. He said eat more fiber and exercise. I was really happy to hear this outcome. Anyone with BE watch your diet strictly .

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After reading some of the comments I think I have an important question.
5 days ago I had surgery for an upper esophagus endoscopy to “stretch “ my esophagus because it had narrowed especially the abdominal area.
Some samples of nodules or polyps were cut away for further examination.
I have had an upper abdomen slight pain that was probably caused by my recent upper esophagus although it was in the lower esophagus and duodenal area where food and liquids were being stopped from entering my stomach.
This resulted in food or liquids backing up. It hasn’t made it up into my lungs yet but I had the endoscopy to open up my esophagus so it could travel into my stomach.
It was piling up (aspiration) to the point where it could get into my lungs and cause pneumonia or worse.
I’ve been sickly feeling and not wanting to do anything due to my pesky upper abdomen nausea and I became fatigued and out of breath easily.
This morning, 6 days later, I had to move my bowels and for the first time in my 70 years my stools were black and tarry and having to wipe extensively to clean my butt.
I have been perusing google for possible reasons. Most medical sites like this one said that black tarry stools are usually ua sign of internal bleeding. Especially since I just got my endoscopy.

Should I wait another day to see if it was a one time thing? I’m on blood thinners for my mechanical aortic valve. It it possible that thin blood and cutting samples of nodules or polyps in my esophagus could be the cause? Along with stretching it?
My gut tells me to wait another day and see if it rectifies by itself or did my gastroenterologist cause it.
Most medical sites say I should go to the ER just to make sure I’m not bleeding that turns black the longer it travels. I also have an abdominal aortic torn aneurysm. I also am working with an issue that my right vocal cord is paralyzed. This causes difficulty breathing and swallowing as food travels through my only left cord that is fine. So it could be anyone of these things.
Should I wait a day like some medical sites recommend? Just to make sure it’s just a fluke?


I wouldn’t wait! One time I had internal bleeding from my small intestine. I had black stools and ignored it until my hemoglobin hit 7 and my heart started to pump like a freight train. Then I thought I was having a heart attack and ended up in the hospital where they cauterized my intestine. You will start to feel weak if you’re bleeding out. I would rather know the cause right away than wait and see. They can do a simple blood draw to check hemoglobin.


Call your GI doc and explain what symptoms you have.


I am having so much reflux. I had a fundoplication surgery about 5-6 years ago. Ive been checked out again andI have much acid in my system. They put me on Cholestyramine for Oral Suspension Power (4.grams, 3 times daily). Its not helping and I had one of my worst epociods last week, it was going into my lungs. I have it all timed out around my other medications. I'm still taking Rolaids during the night, when needed. Any suggestions? I have a great doctor that is so busy. It took her two weeks to answer a questionI sent in.


Wow, 2 weeks to answer a question is crazy! I don’t know if you could get an appointment at Mayo to see their experts seeing how you had surgery already. Sometimes surgery makes things worse. All you can do watch the diet, no carbonated drinks, don’t eat 3 hours before bed, sleep with the head of bed elevated. I hope that you get this figured out soon.


After reading some of the comments I think I have an important question.
5 days ago I had surgery for an upper esophagus endoscopy to “stretch “ my esophagus because it had narrowed especially the abdominal area.
Some samples of nodules or polyps were cut away for further examination.
I have had an upper abdomen slight pain that was probably caused by my recent upper esophagus although it was in the lower esophagus and duodenal area where food and liquids were being stopped from entering my stomach.
This resulted in food or liquids backing up. It hasn’t made it up into my lungs yet but I had the endoscopy to open up my esophagus so it could travel into my stomach.
It was piling up (aspiration) to the point where it could get into my lungs and cause pneumonia or worse.
I’ve been sickly feeling and not wanting to do anything due to my pesky upper abdomen nausea and I became fatigued and out of breath easily.
This morning, 6 days later, I had to move my bowels and for the first time in my 70 years my stools were black and tarry and having to wipe extensively to clean my butt.
I have been perusing google for possible reasons. Most medical sites like this one said that black tarry stools are usually ua sign of internal bleeding. Especially since I just got my endoscopy.

Should I wait another day to see if it was a one time thing? I’m on blood thinners for my mechanical aortic valve. It it possible that thin blood and cutting samples of nodules or polyps in my esophagus could be the cause? Along with stretching it?
My gut tells me to wait another day and see if it rectifies by itself or did my gastroenterologist cause it.
Most medical sites say I should go to the ER just to make sure I’m not bleeding that turns black the longer it travels. I also have an abdominal aortic torn aneurysm. I also am working with an issue that my right vocal cord is paralyzed. This causes difficulty breathing and swallowing as food travels through my only left cord that is fine. So it could be anyone of these things.
Should I wait a day like some medical sites recommend? Just to make sure it’s just a fluke?

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Black tarry stool is a sign of bleeding somewhere in your gastro-intestinal tract. If it were me I would go to Urgent Care or the Emergency Department. Being on an anti-coagulant you are more likely to bleed for a variety of reasons. I hope you are doing OK. Please don't wait to seek a definitive diagnosis..


Black tarry stool is a sign of bleeding somewhere in your gastro-intestinal tract. If it were me I would go to Urgent Care or the Emergency Department. Being on an anti-coagulant you are more likely to bleed for a variety of reasons. I hope you are doing OK. Please don't wait to seek a definitive diagnosis..

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I’m debating whether to go or not because folks are saying that I need coffee grounds look alike mixed in.
I didn’t research that said it had to have that.

Yes, some people’s internal bleeding like I probably have also have a coffee ground look to them.
Do you think you have to have grounds like symptoms?

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