Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss: Meet others & Share

Posted by Amanda Burnett @amandaa, Jun 24, 2022

Welcome to the Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss group, a space for support, practical information, and answers to your questions from members like you about bariatric surgery, weight-related medical conditions, weight loss and healthy living. I am Amanda and I will be your moderator for this group. I have had the surgery myself and have a very real and close connection to the topic.

Pull up a chair and a healthy snack and let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What’s your story?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss Support Group.

Hello Everyone-

Just starting my weight loss journey and want to know what to expect. Not quite sure how long it takes to get things going.



Hi Everyone-

I am 40 years old and just started on this path. I live in Eau Claire, have 2 daughters, 3 dogs, and 2 cats. My life is hectic so I’m constantly running which brings in bad eating habits and since having my girls it has been harder to get the weight off. I’m hoping this group will help with support and suggestions.



Hello Everyone-

Just starting my weight loss journey and want to know what to expect. Not quite sure how long it takes to get things going.


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mvorpahl @mvorpahl

Welcome to our group. How long it takes from start till surgery will depend on the program / clinic you go to. The pre-surgery requirements may vary.
Usually you will get additional information at first appointment.

I see in other comment , your from Eau Claire , are you planing on MHS or Gunderson?



Hello Everyone-

Just starting my weight loss journey and want to know what to expect. Not quite sure how long it takes to get things going.


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I will be going through MHS for my journey.


I will be going through MHS for my journey.

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I just had my gastric bypass at Mayo in EC. It takes about 6 months to go through the needed dietician, psychological (including group meetings) and weight loss doctor meetings. It goes by quickly and you should feel quite prepared for your surgery. Good luck!


My 1st week was so hard. I was in so much pain, but I just started week 2 yesterday and I am now feeling a lot better. Far from 100%, but much better.


I went to a bariatric doctor and got on a high protein low carbs diet with insulin shots.. I lost 14 lbs. It stayed off I keep my diet good. Then all of a sudden it all came back. I thought wow. I got discouraged and stopped for awhile. If course I gained a little more, so I'm back on the diet and going to stay on it. No insulin, I feel better with the diet. Just praying it works. I've always been thin up till 2018 when I started getting sick with asthma and COPD, GERD. I have no idea why. My immune system maybe,?

Any feed bad I appreciate. Have a great day🍎🍒🥑🥦


HI all, my name is Joyce. I live in Barron. I am going through the steps for the Roux-en-Y surgery, and I am very excited about it. I would like to know if anyone has had to continue taking insulin if they have Diabetes after having the surgery? I have had instances where my sugars have dropped too low, and my meter wakes me up every time. I usually chew on Glucose Gummies or the Chewables. I have been reading that you can drink 4 oz of juice or even pop. I have been staying away from all pop and Caffeine. I have been buying the Caffeine-Free Teas. I have to get my freezers cleaned out so I have room for my smaller containers of food for later. That is really my only concern at this time is what to have for low blood sugars if that were to happen after surgery.


joysmiley64 | @joysmiley64

I was not diabetic before my surgery, so cannot answer that question. Every person is going to be different, and you will need to monitor and watch carefully.

On the low blood sugar question, at a Bariatric Postop Support Group session I attended last month, the care team discussed Reactive hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) after sugary.

Going to share what we talked about and info from American Diabetes Associations, but you should check with your provider to make sure this is the correct answer for you.

Sounds like what your doing is following the guidelines. The American Diabetes Association recommends the “15-15 rule” to treat an episode of mild to moderate hypoglycemia. Eat or drink 15 grams of fast-acting carbs to raise your blood sugar and after 15 minutes, check your blood sugar.

To know how many carbs you’re eating, read food nutrition labels. Some examples of foods that contain about 15 grams of fast-acting carbs include:
• 1 small piece of fruit, such as half a banana.
• 4 ounces (half-cup) of juice or regular soda (not diet).
• 1 tablespoon of sugar, honey or syrup.
• 1 tube of instant glucose gel (check the instructions).
• 3 to 4 glucose tablets (check the instructions).

Hope this helps.



Hello my Name Is Blake

Here is a little background about myself.

I grew up in small town Black River Falls WI where i attended and graduated High School, While growing up I was lucky enough to grow up on a farm where I helped on the family farm. While in school I was a very advocate Wrestler and was very active at that time and was happy with myself.

Once I graduated from high school I spent some time on the farm and ventured out and landed my self a position at the State Prison that is located in Black River Falls and became a Corrections Officer

in 2018. I Started at a local Prison as a Correction Officer and this is where I really started to put on the weight with the stress and sitting a lot. I let myself get carried away and was past a point in no return. I tried dieting and exercising and nothing was working. I was so disappointed in myself for letting it get that far.

In July of 2023 I left my position at the State Prison and accepted a position at Clark County Sheriff's Department where I became a Sworn Jail Deputy. After working at the Sheriff's Department for a short time I knew that i wanted to proceed and advance in becoming a Road Deputy but knew I had to make a change so i started talking with my doctor.

To Fulfill my dreams and goals of becoming a Road Deputy I will need to lose some weight, While talking to my Doctor she recommended the surgery to help with my goal and to better myself for the future. After thinking long and hard about it and doing extensive research and talking with my girlfriend about it I decided to move forward and start the process.

I am excited and nervous about it but its a much needed thing and cant wait to see the results when this life long change happens.

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