Completed 5 years of anastrozole. Withdrawal symptoms? Side effects?

Posted by christinej @christinej, Jul 24, 2018

Monday, July 23rd, after consulting with Dr. Loprinzi, we decided to have me stop taking anastrozole. (Arimidex). It has been 5 years since I started the drug after breast cancer surgery and radiation. Has anyone stopped this drug and had any withdrawal symptoms? The nurse from Blue Group sent me an email today saying that there are no withdrawal symptoms after stopping this drug. Soooooooooooooo, is this all in my head? Definitely having some type of withdrawal.

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I went off my anastrozole about 3 weeks ago after 7 years, and started feeling horrible. Couldn't figure out why. My daughter just realized it started happening when I went off it. Makes sense now, started to get scared. The fatigue, horrible body aches, incontinence, weakness. I can hardly wait to feel better

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If this was me, I'd check in with my primary care doc as all of these symptoms sound like they might also be an unrelated infection--viral or bacterial. That is, if you have a flu-like illness or even an atypical UTI you'd have these symptoms. If you are not additionally ill, the doctor might have advice too if this is the anastrozole. Personally, I have come off my AI for brief "vacations" and never had symptoms. Wishing you the best!


If this was me, I'd check in with my primary care doc as all of these symptoms sound like they might also be an unrelated infection--viral or bacterial. That is, if you have a flu-like illness or even an atypical UTI you'd have these symptoms. If you are not additionally ill, the doctor might have advice too if this is the anastrozole. Personally, I have come off my AI for brief "vacations" and never had symptoms. Wishing you the best!

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I see my doctors, both my oncologist and gp regularly, so I'm very confident these are withdrawal symptoms. I don't know how long your"vacations" are, but I wish you the best, when you are taken off the anastrozole. It's not fun.


I went off my anastrozole about 3 weeks ago after 7 years, and started feeling horrible. Couldn't figure out why. My daughter just realized it started happening when I went off it. Makes sense now, started to get scared. The fatigue, horrible body aches, incontinence, weakness. I can hardly wait to feel better

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I had no withdrawal symptoms when I went off anastrazole after five years. Just no more severe diahrea. Little hair loss now. With the help,of WW was able to lose weight


Do any of you pink queens know if it is fine to take vital protein collagen peptides daily if your on Anastrozole? I’m estrogen positive. I’ve been taking collagen for years and it helps with hair and nail health. If the blocker is suppose to deplete estrogen totally from the body will this product increase estrogen? Thanks


I reached my 5 years last November and stopped taking the drug. My digestive issues stopped after 9 days. My insomnia is slowly resolving, but I have a bit to go. I switched from anastrozole to exemestane 4 years ago - so my joint pain was minimum already. So I'd have to say most if not all of my side effects from the drug have gone away. Best wishes to all of you.

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Kathy- wondering about your switch from anastrozole to Exemestane. I am 1 year in on anastrozole and while I *might( be sleeping a tad better my joints/tendons orthopedic issues are off the chart. Hobbling like an old lady when I get up from sitting/bed/static position and I seem to be falling apart. I am 56 and is (was) very active in gym, HIIT classes, long hiking etc and now just can't tolerate:-(

Did the switch help in that way?


Kathy- wondering about your switch from anastrozole to Exemestane. I am 1 year in on anastrozole and while I *might( be sleeping a tad better my joints/tendons orthopedic issues are off the chart. Hobbling like an old lady when I get up from sitting/bed/static position and I seem to be falling apart. I am 56 and is (was) very active in gym, HIIT classes, long hiking etc and now just can't tolerate:-(

Did the switch help in that way?

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I was on Anastrozole for a year before switching to Exemestane due to finger stiffness. The stiffness is getting a lot better but the joint pain doesn't go away. The achiness of the feet is coming back but not so bad. The joint pain does go away after a few minutes of stretching. I'm still doing my regular exercise (running, swimming etc.) I'm taking turmeric but it doesn't seem to help much. I guess we just have to learn to live with ache and pain until we can't tolerate any longer. I'm 62 and feel like 70! Wish you all the best. Hugs.


Kathy- wondering about your switch from anastrozole to Exemestane. I am 1 year in on anastrozole and while I *might( be sleeping a tad better my joints/tendons orthopedic issues are off the chart. Hobbling like an old lady when I get up from sitting/bed/static position and I seem to be falling apart. I am 56 and is (was) very active in gym, HIIT classes, long hiking etc and now just can't tolerate:-(

Did the switch help in that way?

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Yes - it took a few weeks, like maybe 12 weeks - but the horrible joint pain resolved. On exemestane it was at about a 7 all the time, mostly in my hands, shoulders and toes. My Oncologist made me go to an arthritis doctor to verify it was not that causing the pain. It was not arthritis. It calmed down to about a 1 or 0 after 3 months or so. I understand for some people it does not resolve, but I would then ask your doctor to try another drug. I think there are 5 drugs in total that are in the AI category. The younger people (premenopausal) usually get put on tamoxifen. Honestly I can say if the pain had not gotten considerably better - I'd have gone back & asked for something different. I was 62 when I started on the meds. I read that something like 40% of ladies with severe side effects quit taking the drug before the full 5 years. Good luck to you!


thank you! I will inquire with my MD. Appreciate the info.


My oncologist took me off anastrazole after 5 years. She did not say to taper off so I just quit. Have been feeling internal tremors, hot flashes, mood swings. Is this normal? I expected to feel better after quitting that miserable drug, not worse.


Kathy- wondering about your switch from anastrozole to Exemestane. I am 1 year in on anastrozole and while I *might( be sleeping a tad better my joints/tendons orthopedic issues are off the chart. Hobbling like an old lady when I get up from sitting/bed/static position and I seem to be falling apart. I am 56 and is (was) very active in gym, HIIT classes, long hiking etc and now just can't tolerate:-(

Did the switch help in that way?

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I was feeling similarly after a year on Anastrozole. My knees had me almost crippled. I switched to Letrozole and at the same time began taking collagen supplements. It was hard to tell which was responsible for my knees returning to normal until I accidentally bought a biotin supplement which did not include collagen. My knees began to ache, I realized my mistake and got back on the collagen and am almost to the end of my five years of AIs. I have some knee issues, but they are definitely arthritis related. I use collagen capsules for convenience but I've successfully used gummies and powder. I'm 69.

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