Residue after bowel movement

Posted by nazleer @nazleer, Apr 3 10:52am

Does anyone have residue left after a bowel movement of soft stool? I use up almost a quarter roll of toilet paper to clean. I also wear a thin sanitary napkin.

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They are called digestive enzymes.
I have from a couple of different companies. One is a pancreatic digestive enzyme and the others are just digestive enzymes.
Do a search online or better yet in a trusted supplement brand website.
Organixx is one of my trusted companies.

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Can you give me an example
Of a digestive enzyme?

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Go on Amazon and type it in . Look for natural products ( digestive enzymes) with little to no fillers . They have many brands on there . Or even your local Walmart or Drug store .


Psyllium husk in little water (less than what the instructions on the can say) can help bulk up the stool.


Psyllium husk in little water (less than what the instructions on the can say) can help bulk up the stool.

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@verol65 psyllium husk (brand name: Metamucil) must be taken in a full glass of water, followed by a second glass of water. Taking it with just a little water only can cause compaction of stool.


What is Psyllium Husk?

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@nazleer psyllium husk is the generic form (generally available in health food stores). The generic form does not have flavour, but brand name Metamucil (available in all drug stores) comes in unflavoured as well as two or more flavours, but it is more expensive. I prefer the unflavoured generic.


Why would I use one?

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@pb50 you would need it only if you tend to be gassy, especially after eating beans. Beano is the best anti flatulent you can get - my husband uses it (he still avoids all food with beans). Must be taken with every meal to prevent flatulence. It takes a few days to start taking effect,


@pb50 you would need it only if you tend to be gassy, especially after eating beans. Beano is the best anti flatulent you can get - my husband uses it (he still avoids all food with beans). Must be taken with every meal to prevent flatulence. It takes a few days to start taking effect,

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I wonder if it would work on Miralax gas. Actually, Miralax doesn’t cause me gas, but air…’s just loud air. Sounds like gas. Does anyone know what I mean? I don’t have it if I don’t use the Miralax. It’s bothersome, but I have to take the Miralax or I won’t go. This is doctor prescribed for me by my primary and 2 gastroenterologists.


I wonder if it would work on Miralax gas. Actually, Miralax doesn’t cause me gas, but air…’s just loud air. Sounds like gas. Does anyone know what I mean? I don’t have it if I don’t use the Miralax. It’s bothersome, but I have to take the Miralax or I won’t go. This is doctor prescribed for me by my primary and 2 gastroenterologists.

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@celia16 wouldn’t hurt to ask your doctors if you can try that.

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