Low-carb healthy fat living. Intermittent fasting. What’s your why?

Welcome to the LCHF and Intermittent Fasting discussion - a place where you can meet other people who are living a low carb healthy fat life and others who want to learn about low carb healthy fat (LCHF) living and intermittent fasting. You can ask questions, offer tips, give and get support, and celebrate milestones.

Exploring the world of low-carb, healthy fat eating and intermittent fasting, I quickly realized that there are many reasons why people adopt this lifestyle.

What is your why?
Why did you choose LCHF? Intermittent fasting? Or both? What's your experience? What are you exploring?

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This is my first post I hope I’m doing it right! I had knee surgery Jan 22 and my activity was also limited the 2 months prior. In total I’ve gained 10 lbs from the whole injury- surgery. I’m 60 and with the limitations on movement I still have am struggling to lose weight using any method. I was doing low carb gluten and dairy free intermittent fasting and stayed same weight at least. I’m trying to keep the fasting but switch to keto and I was in ketosis 2 days then dropped out and despite following it strictly (yes eating enough fat and super low carbs right macro protein) I fell out of ketosis day 3 and haven’t gotten back. Very scary as without being it you’re eating way too much fat. I feel like my body has some metabolic issues and not sure how to correct them. Nutritionists just teach me to cover my plate with half veggies and a serving of meat looks like a hockey puck. My family can’t believe how my eating doesn’t reflect my weight. I really need to lose about 30 lbs for my whys- help my joints. ward off diabetes (a1c at the line) and feel better in my body- I feel very restricted in movement with the extra weight. Anyone else correct metabolic syndrome? I know one could argue what I’m doing now is perhaps exasperating it but the lack of movement issue feels like I need a chemically induced burn vs a eat well and move equation. Sigh.

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Welcome @jillco, It can definitely be a struggle getting rid of the extra weight. I'm 80 and struggled most of my life with weight. What has helped me more than trying to strictly follow the low carb healthy fat along with intermittent fasting was to focus more on the fasting and lowering the carbs and fat. I have found eating one or two meals a day along with fasting 18/6 or 16/8 I can maintain my weight. If the pounds start creeping up due to what I eat, I switch to a 20/4 fast and on occasion fast for 24 hours or a little longer. I also try to get in 30 to 45 minutes of some kind of exercise 5 or 6 times a week. I know they tell you not to weigh yourself everyday but I do it at the same time every morning so that I know where I'm at. I have a Blue Tooth scale and use Weight Gurus app and scale which makes it easy to track daily - https://weightgurus.com/.

What fasting plan are you using?


Welcome @jillco, It can definitely be a struggle getting rid of the extra weight. I'm 80 and struggled most of my life with weight. What has helped me more than trying to strictly follow the low carb healthy fat along with intermittent fasting was to focus more on the fasting and lowering the carbs and fat. I have found eating one or two meals a day along with fasting 18/6 or 16/8 I can maintain my weight. If the pounds start creeping up due to what I eat, I switch to a 20/4 fast and on occasion fast for 24 hours or a little longer. I also try to get in 30 to 45 minutes of some kind of exercise 5 or 6 times a week. I know they tell you not to weigh yourself everyday but I do it at the same time every morning so that I know where I'm at. I have a Blue Tooth scale and use Weight Gurus app and scale which makes it easy to track daily - https://weightgurus.com/.

What fasting plan are you using?

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Thanks for this. Im doing 16-8 right now. I started 7-3 eating then fast after 3 but shifted 11-7 so could eat dinner with my husband which is easier but I think that's when things took a turn. I picked dup some good tips from your share Im going to try. Thank you so much!


Welcome @jillco, It can definitely be a struggle getting rid of the extra weight. I'm 80 and struggled most of my life with weight. What has helped me more than trying to strictly follow the low carb healthy fat along with intermittent fasting was to focus more on the fasting and lowering the carbs and fat. I have found eating one or two meals a day along with fasting 18/6 or 16/8 I can maintain my weight. If the pounds start creeping up due to what I eat, I switch to a 20/4 fast and on occasion fast for 24 hours or a little longer. I also try to get in 30 to 45 minutes of some kind of exercise 5 or 6 times a week. I know they tell you not to weigh yourself everyday but I do it at the same time every morning so that I know where I'm at. I have a Blue Tooth scale and use Weight Gurus app and scale which makes it easy to track daily - https://weightgurus.com/.

What fasting plan are you using?

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forgot to add been using the simple fasting app, the spren tracker, and keto diet app


forgot to add been using the simple fasting app, the spren tracker, and keto diet app

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I use the free Zero fasting app and do admit to changing fasts midstream sometimes to eat with family or friends. 🙃


My son introduced me to intermittent fasting. I have been on it now for 2 weeks and have never felt better. I have Celiac disease so am always careful that what I eat is gluten free so this way of eating was not very difficult. I eat within the 8 hr window of time and fast 16 hours. My carbs and sugar content is limited.
I am excited to hear how others are doing especially if they have been diagnosed with Celiac.


My son introduced me to intermittent fasting. I have been on it now for 2 weeks and have never felt better. I have Celiac disease so am always careful that what I eat is gluten free so this way of eating was not very difficult. I eat within the 8 hr window of time and fast 16 hours. My carbs and sugar content is limited.
I am excited to hear how others are doing especially if they have been diagnosed with Celiac.

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Welcome @beanstick, I'm glad to hear intermittent fasting is helping. There are quite a few discussions on Celiac that are diet related. Here's a link if you would like to read through to see if any might be helpful - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/search/?search=celiac+and+diet


I need to do this. I tried it a while back (skipping dinner, so more or less 3pm - 7am fast) and it worked.
I am more and more convinced the sugar is the cause of my foot neuropathy. A1C is normal but fasting glucose is not (103-111) and gaining 15 pounds definitely made my feet worse -- one data point. I have a good 30 pounds to lose, so really need to do this before it gets really bad. Has been almost 100% numbness but now is just starting to hurt.


I suppose I started intermittent fasting about two months ago when I had a pretty bad winter cold (not COVID or flu). I had no appetite so I forced myself to eat once a day, at dinner time. I have recovered from the severe cold and continue to eat once daily at dinner time. I have lost 30+ lbs without changing my diet or exercise level (which is minimal) and am under 200 lbs for the first time in at least 5 years. I can eat pretty much whatever I want and as much as I want at that time and have a 16.9oz bottle of 7up, too, and continue to lose weight and inches off my waist and arms and legs. I'm pleased with the results that are ongoing. We do eat a lot of white meat chicken and whole grain rice (not instant rice) with fresh or frozen veggies but also have steak and ground beef and pork chops from time to time as well and it doesn't seem to have any effect on my weight loss. Best of luck to all of you!


I suppose I started intermittent fasting about two months ago when I had a pretty bad winter cold (not COVID or flu). I had no appetite so I forced myself to eat once a day, at dinner time. I have recovered from the severe cold and continue to eat once daily at dinner time. I have lost 30+ lbs without changing my diet or exercise level (which is minimal) and am under 200 lbs for the first time in at least 5 years. I can eat pretty much whatever I want and as much as I want at that time and have a 16.9oz bottle of 7up, too, and continue to lose weight and inches off my waist and arms and legs. I'm pleased with the results that are ongoing. We do eat a lot of white meat chicken and whole grain rice (not instant rice) with fresh or frozen veggies but also have steak and ground beef and pork chops from time to time as well and it doesn't seem to have any effect on my weight loss. Best of luck to all of you!

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Hi, @debbie75.
So glad you found a regimen that works for you, and congratulations on the great results you've been able to achieve. Best wishes for continued success!


I follow a metabolic syndrome diet. It's It's similar to a Low carb high fat diet. I am doing this because my doctors and i believe cancer is a symptom metabolic disfunction. I also have an autoimmune disease so the diet was tailored for my needs.

I haven't used intermittent fasting or time restricted fasting. I have used Fast Mimicking for an extended fast of 5 days. I did it for 3 month in a role in 2023 for a research study. That's how I learned about the product and started reading up on fasting and fast mimicking. When I was told I needed chemotherapy I used the product around my chemotherapy cycles. I want to add this to my health strategies. The product indicates it's appropriate to repeat every few months for maintenance. I found studies to support me decision to use the product during chemotherapy, but I haven't found anything about fasting and cancer recurrence.

This is the question I asked a few days ago on the subject https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/i-like-to-hear-your-story-about-fasting-and-fasting-mimicking-ancancer/

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