Mucus in my throat and post-nasal drip after covid

Posted by goodrider2024 @goodrider2024, Jan 26 8:38am

Ever since I had covid in November of 2023 but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I no longer have the covid virus but I have this cough that has been going on since November 2023 till January 2024 this cough just won't stop but I have an appointment for the pulmonary and the ENT to find out what's going on I do have acid reflux so I don't know if that's the cause of me to still have this cough.😞😞 I'm on steroid inhalers (symbicort 160/4.5 and Doxycycline for 5 day I have tryed albuterol, allergy medication and that didn't work... Is there anyone going through this too??

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Yes!! I discovered I am now intolerant of grains. Had COVID in Nov and had the same problem. Discovered it was worse some days than others, then realized it was wheat products that made it worse. Then realized it's all grains that increase the post nasal drip and cough. Did not have this problem before COVID.

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krnelson807...I've had sinusitis for a few years but post-Covid (two bouts, 12/22 and 4/23), symptoms have been much worse, especially the PND, with a.m. gag-coughing an annoying development. I'll take a cue from you and try eliminating grains for a few weeks. Does that include rice? Quinoa, which isn't a grain? Don't you feel like your own general contractor? With all the online research we do, I think we sometimes know more than our doctors. Thanks, and good luck.


I have had the same problem and I am going for a ct scan and reversibility test. I'm coughing since march 2020 when I caught covid . I was very ill since then I have phlegm and constantly swallowing down to stop the cough! I'm at the end of my teacher with it. It's actually good to hear its not just me! I am worried now it could be copd. But I'm only 56 but I'm so fed up with it!

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Have you tried the nicotine patch protocol? That worked wonders.... Also, I "just" went to a pulmonologist and had the breathing tests done....of course, either severe asthma or COPD - I figured this would be the label BUT they put me on Trillagy, and within 3 weeks the drainage in my nose and throat is gone - sinus' no longer dripping. Breathing was really bad too - Poof - Gone! Maybe ask your GP to send you to a pulmonologist? It was worth a shot but I figured after 2.5 yrs of all this struggling I had nothing to lose.


Exactly like that. Since August 2022. Pulmonology ENT, GI, all dead ends so far. I’m headed to allergy/immunology later next month. Just when I think it’s getting better, bam, it’s like it mutates in order to override my treatment. It’s so frustrating. Now I use a combo of H2 blocker, antihistamines, mast cell stabilizer and exercise that seems to clear it out for awhile.

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