How to reduce my events while using my Cpap

Posted by alan bruce @alanbruce, Feb 25, 2019

I track my events, usage, seal and total score daily on Myair which is a Resmed product. I have used a Cpap machine for about 6 months and have had good success however my events seem stay below 5 for a few days and then jumps up to 8 or 9 for a day and then goes back to below 5.. It seems to be a regular pattern however I have not been able to determine why my events go up. Any suggestions are ideas on how to reduce my events would be great.

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I also use the app MyAir. The number of events I experience are also erratic yet the seal remains good. I sleep on my side yet the events have increased dramatically. All the applications are sent to auto yet the humidifier uses a great deal of water on occasions and overheats, Any ideas why this is happening?

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Welcome @theamericanbrit, I haven't used a humidifier chamber in a few years but when I had my Dreamstation CPAP with the humidifier I was able to change the heat settings for the humidifier which made a big difference in the amount of water it used. Are you able to reduce the heat setting on your CPAP humidifier?


Welcome @theamericanbrit, I haven't used a humidifier chamber in a few years but when I had my Dreamstation CPAP with the humidifier I was able to change the heat settings for the humidifier which made a big difference in the amount of water it used. Are you able to reduce the heat setting on your CPAP humidifier?

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Thank you for the welcome. I have changed the heat setting on my AirSense 11 CPAP machine but alas, I still get greater water usage and more events but always a good seal. I am at a loss why this is happening.


Thank you for the welcome. I have changed the heat setting on my AirSense 11 CPAP machine but alas, I still get greater water usage and more events but always a good seal. I am at a loss why this is happening.

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Have you tried using it without the humidifier - don't put any water in the tank and leave the heat setting off?


@scottrl The first few nights , i woke up feeling more energetic. The last few nights i don’t seem to have that burst of energy. I am going to continue to use the Cpap. Thanks for your encouragement.

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I have used a dream station for years. I have never woken up refreshed. I sleep on my side(s) so I find myself flipping the hose a lot. I couldn't use the headgear that attaches the hose on top of your head. For international travel I am looking into a dental appliance supposedly approved by Medicare. I just did the home study and am waiting on my appointment to discuss the possibility of a dental appliance. I also know we can look at that surgical implant Inspire but I haven't seen enough studies yet on surgical issues, side effects, or efficacy.


My sleep doctor switched me from a CPAP which I'd been using for 20 years, to a BiPap. It's set for different pressures for inspiration and expiration. I have to use 3 feather pillows when I lie on my right side (facing away from my wife who doesn't appreciate the air blowing on her) so my head and neck are in line, and it takes some pressure off my shoulder. If I lie on my back I feel like I can't get enough air and if I don't move to my side I will have a panic attack.

I was a mouth breather all my life until I had surgery for a deviated septum. But I still breathe through my mouth when I'm asleep, so I've always used a full face mask with my AirCurve 10.

I bought a wedge to try out, but gave up on it because I would slide down as I slept, but it's great for naps and reading. Even with the wedge I would find myself on my side.

Get some rest, everyone.



My sleep doctor switched me from a CPAP which I'd been using for 20 years, to a BiPap. It's set for different pressures for inspiration and expiration. I have to use 3 feather pillows when I lie on my right side (facing away from my wife who doesn't appreciate the air blowing on her) so my head and neck are in line, and it takes some pressure off my shoulder. If I lie on my back I feel like I can't get enough air and if I don't move to my side I will have a panic attack.

I was a mouth breather all my life until I had surgery for a deviated septum. But I still breathe through my mouth when I'm asleep, so I've always used a full face mask with my AirCurve 10.

I bought a wedge to try out, but gave up on it because I would slide down as I slept, but it's great for naps and reading. Even with the wedge I would find myself on my side.

Get some rest, everyone.


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Jim how well do you like the bipap ? I was waking up choking with my Cpap so I quit using it and I snore loud( I worked 4pm to 4 anm annd the family could hear me 40’ away and a closed bedroom door and I have the shuteye app that records a lot of snoring) and occasionally gasp. Neurologist tried getting me a Bipap but insurance said I didn’t have enough episodes during sleep study to provide one


Jim how well do you like the bipap ? I was waking up choking with my Cpap so I quit using it and I snore loud( I worked 4pm to 4 anm annd the family could hear me 40’ away and a closed bedroom door and I have the shuteye app that records a lot of snoring) and occasionally gasp. Neurologist tried getting me a Bipap but insurance said I didn’t have enough episodes during sleep study to provide one

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I don't understand why, if you were given a CPAP, the doctor wouldn't be willing to switch you to the BiPap. The pressure is set for me at 13 for inhale and 7.9 for exhale. I was getting higher numbers with the CPAP. I haven't been following the numbers on my BiPap, unfortunately. I tried loading My Air, but had problems, or I could look up the history. I have liked the variable pressure. What kind of mask did you use? There are several different kinds that might serve you better. I use a full face mask because I was a mouth breather all my life until I had surgery on my deviated septum. It was totally amazing! I could breathe through my nose for the first time without Afrin. Unfortunately, mouth breathing was such a habit that I still do it until it wakes me up with a really dry mouth.

I suppose you've already tried things that are supposed to control snoring. Before I used the CPAP, I was a snorer.

I know that a lot of people have trouble getting used to a machine, but it's really worth the effort, even if you start out using it for a short time, then you might be able to increase the length of time gradually. If you still have the machine, I'd recommend trying different masks. Sleep centers will give you several to try.

Another thought is that perhaps the pressure needed to be adjusted.

I'm claustrophobic, so I didn't think I'd be able to tolerate a mask, especially a full face, but the first few weeks I slept 12 hours a day - I guess I was pretty sleep deprived. From the first night I could wear it without feeling claustrophobic. That was 25 years ago, and I rarely lie down, even for a nap, without the mask on.

I hope you find a good solution.



I don't understand why, if you were given a CPAP, the doctor wouldn't be willing to switch you to the BiPap. The pressure is set for me at 13 for inhale and 7.9 for exhale. I was getting higher numbers with the CPAP. I haven't been following the numbers on my BiPap, unfortunately. I tried loading My Air, but had problems, or I could look up the history. I have liked the variable pressure. What kind of mask did you use? There are several different kinds that might serve you better. I use a full face mask because I was a mouth breather all my life until I had surgery on my deviated septum. It was totally amazing! I could breathe through my nose for the first time without Afrin. Unfortunately, mouth breathing was such a habit that I still do it until it wakes me up with a really dry mouth.

I suppose you've already tried things that are supposed to control snoring. Before I used the CPAP, I was a snorer.

I know that a lot of people have trouble getting used to a machine, but it's really worth the effort, even if you start out using it for a short time, then you might be able to increase the length of time gradually. If you still have the machine, I'd recommend trying different masks. Sleep centers will give you several to try.

Another thought is that perhaps the pressure needed to be adjusted.

I'm claustrophobic, so I didn't think I'd be able to tolerate a mask, especially a full face, but the first few weeks I slept 12 hours a day - I guess I was pretty sleep deprived. From the first night I could wear it without feeling claustrophobic. That was 25 years ago, and I rarely lie down, even for a nap, without the mask on.

I hope you find a good solution.


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I had the cpap from a previous doctor that retired and the new doc kept adjusting it. I wear the mask that goes under the nose over the mouth. I also have sinus problems so I can’t tolerate a mask on my nose , they tried the balloon surgery with no success so I’m going back in 3 months to discuss septum surgery. Due to a bulging disc in my neck I was having trouble with the flap in my throat not working right, and with my sinuses draining down the back of my throat. The flap has improved so I might try getting the cpap out again.


I had the cpap from a previous doctor that retired and the new doc kept adjusting it. I wear the mask that goes under the nose over the mouth. I also have sinus problems so I can’t tolerate a mask on my nose , they tried the balloon surgery with no success so I’m going back in 3 months to discuss septum surgery. Due to a bulging disc in my neck I was having trouble with the flap in my throat not working right, and with my sinuses draining down the back of my throat. The flap has improved so I might try getting the cpap out again.

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I sympathize with sinus issues. I often have to be in an almost sitting position at night, on a pile of pillows. Sometimes I use saline nasal spray.

Good luck with your retry.



I had the cpap from a previous doctor that retired and the new doc kept adjusting it. I wear the mask that goes under the nose over the mouth. I also have sinus problems so I can’t tolerate a mask on my nose , they tried the balloon surgery with no success so I’m going back in 3 months to discuss septum surgery. Due to a bulging disc in my neck I was having trouble with the flap in my throat not working right, and with my sinuses draining down the back of my throat. The flap has improved so I might try getting the cpap out again.

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I had nasal surgery where they excised part of the turbinates to open things up. Had a long-term sinus infection which went undiagnosed for 9 months, then 5 months of antibiotics, then the surgery. Long before the surgery I switched to a full face mask because I couldn't breathe through the nasal mask.

Unfortunately, it's nearly 4 years later and I have chronic sinus drain down the throat and trouble breathing through the nose regardless - even with using fluticasone spray.

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