Has anyone had chronic itchiness of the scrotum that persists?

Posted by heisenberg34 @heisenberg34, Nov 16, 2023

I have had fairly severe itchiness of the scrotum for the past year or two. Tries OTC stuff, then went to dermatologist who prescribed tubes of topical cream (Ketoconazole). Washed, dried daily, applied med for over a month. No real help. Anyone out there experience a similar situation? Thanks

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I have non diabetic idiopathic neuropathy with some loss of sensation in the very top of my penis. The sensation loss only means that I don't feel when I urinate. The skin sensation is still intact, thankfully.



Some may not like this response, but it works. I had radiation, lots of surgeries, catheters for 3 years and a suprapubic catheter for 13 months. I would get a UTI every month. Bacterial and fungal. The yeast infection even carried over to my suprapubic catheter site. Go to target or walmart and get the wahl cheap hair trimmer. Trim the jungle about every other week. Make it a fairway not a putting green. Use the number 1 guard. Appling the fungal cream much easier. No hair dryer needed. Trim everywhere. May take time to get used to it, but it works. Itch gone and yeast infection cleared up. Urologist likes it because nothing in the way for an exam or cysto or anything else they want to do. Try it, you will like it.


Back in the 70’s when I work outside in the Phx heat I had a lot of itchy and rash on everything down there we used to use simple over the counter baking powder worked great


I found and use an anti fugal cream that has completely solved the “ball sac” itchiness. Used it twice a day for two weeks, now three times a week as maintenance. Absolutely no more itchiness!

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I have posted that I found an antifungal cream online that completely solved my "itchy scrotum" problem. It's called (or made by) Pharmbanner anti-itch cream. It is out of stock on Amazon, so I have been using another product called Tegrid. This is for maintenance. I'm not sure that it works quite as well as the first cream. However, I did finf Pharmbanner on EBAY. Just an FYI for those interested.


Thanks for the heads up with the burning. Amazon will be delivering it tomorrow.

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If it is not helpful for you, the original cream I used , Pharmbanner, is in stock on EBAY.

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